Either your daughter or son?

Sereia POV:

I peeked from behind the wall and saw the living room below. There was a man with salt and pepper hair, and he looked very serious and a bit scary. But there was another person with him, facing away from me. I couldn't see his face, but he seemed really good-looking. His hair was pitch black, and he had broad shoulders while even through the shirt I could tell that he was hiding extremely taunt and angry muscles. 

I knew it wasn't the time to be thinking about how handsome he was. When I looked at my dad, all I felt was anger towards these two men.

"My son didn't do it, I swear. It wasn't him driving the car that night, his friend was but he dumped it on him and fled the scene..." Before my dad could say more, the older man interrupted him.

"You're not telling the truth. Your son was there at the accident. All the evidence is stating proving him as a murder too. He took my son's life... and if you think I'll forgive you, you're mistaken," he said loudly.

My mom was in a corner, crying. My dad's face turned pale, since he was not listening to them at all. In the next moment, he knelt down in front of the older man. He looked so helpless and sad.

I wanted to run down and help, but fear held me back. I didn't know what to do. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, and my heart ached for my dad. This was a nightmare, and I wished it would all just go away.

The room felt heavy with sadness. I could hear the rain outside, and it seemed to match the heaviness in my heart. I wished there was something I could say or do to make it all better, but I felt so small and powerless.

Dad's voice trembled as he spoke, "I'll do anything for you. Please, forgive my son. He's still so young, with dreams and hopes..."

The older man's voice was filled with pain, "My son was young too, only 28. He had dreams too, but because of what happened, he's not with us anymore. I can't find it in my heart to forgive you."

Tears streamed down Dad's face, "I'm so sorry. Please, have mercy on us. I'll do whatever it takes, even if I have to sell everything I have. I'll give you the money, I promise."

Even from where I stood, I could see a change in the old man's eyes. Something stirred within him, "Money isn't what I seek. I have more than you and your family could imagine."

He isn't wrong. They are Knights and they are a well-known family in this country. Everything circles around them. They are loaded.

Dad pleaded, desperation in his voice, "Please, there has to be a way. Save my son, please. I'm begging you." Mom's sobs grew louder, her pain echoing through the room.

The atmosphere in the room was heavy with sorrow and fear. It was a moment filled with raw emotion, and I felt a lump in my throat, wishing I could do something to make it all better.

The older man looked at Dad, his face softening just a bit. "I understand your pain, but nothing can bring my son back," he said, his voice weary.

Dad nodded, tears still falling. "I know, I know. But please, if there's any way I can make amends..."

"And how are you going to make amends?" The old man asked.

"I will do anything you want me to do. I can even sell myself if this is your wish." Dad suddenly said, causing my heart to twist in my chest. Trust me, I wish no parent would be as helpless as my parents are at the moment. 

The young man next to him ran his fingers through his hair. He appeared to be extremely frustrated and at that time, I caught a glimpse of his face, his jawline was more perfect than any models, even I don't think anyone can get such a fine jaw line even after having a procedure done, while his eyelashes were thick and long. They were more than enough to put any girl to shame.

However, what I heard next, it drew my attention back to the whole situation that was currently going on.

"I heard you have a daughter... young and beautiful. Why don't you give her to us instead?" I gasped while my parents went pale. It was like someone announced to them a death penalty. 

"Dad..." His son was against this idea as well. But the old man gestured to him to stay quiet.

"I do not need your old self nor your money. But you can give us your daughter to save your son." He added. My eyes widened.

"I.. I can't...." My dad gathered his courage to say something but he spoke first.

"Don't worry, we are not buying her. My son here, Jace, will marry her. She will be the daughter in law of the Knight family but under one condition, you will never be allowed to see her again or talk to her. As a member of the Knight family, she will live with us and it will be totally onto us on how to treat her. Someone has to pay the price for what your son has done. Your daughter or your son... I am giving you the options, choose well." He said what he needed to say.

"Dad, what are you saying? I do not want to marry anyone-" Jace, spoke this time.

"Do not forget your brother and the pain of your mother and mine." The words that came next from the mouth of his Dad, they shut him up.

 He exhaled loudly while I... I stood there like an ice statue.

My parents were confused, shocked, nervous? I do not know what they are feeling as I am suddenly drowned in my own emotions. What is going on with my life? How did it come to this point?

"Mr. Knight please do not-" Dad was saying something but the old man stood up first and from the gesture of his hand, he stopped Dad from speaking further, "I have given you the options. The life of your son or your daughter.... the decision is yours to make."

"But she is really young. We cannot do this to her." Dad protested.

"I do not care." He said what he wanted to say and turned around to leave, leaving all of us stunned. 

His son also got up and followed his Dad quietly. However, when he was leaving, his feet halted for a second and his eyes travelled to the first floor of the house and then his eyes met mine.