Will you marry her?

Jace POV:

The car moved steadily through the rain-soaked streets, the rhythmic patter of droplets on the roof creating a backdrop to the heavy atmosphere inside. I sat in the backseat, my mind a turbulent storm of conflicting emotions. I just cannot believe what I heard inside a few minutes ago.

"Dad, I can't believe you're actually considering this," I blurted out, breaking the strained silence.

My father, stoic and unmoved, stared out of the window, raindrops racing each other down the glass. "Jace, it's the only way to make them pay for what they've done. Sacrifices need to be made, and you're old enough to understand that."

"But Dad, she's just a kid. I don't want to marry someone who's practically a stranger, especially under these circumstances," I argued, frustration evident in my voice.

He finally turned to look at me, his eyes piercing through the dimly lit car. "It's not about what you want. It's about consequences and responsibilities. You're part of this family, and sometimes we have to do things we don't want to for the greater good."

I leaned back in my seat, running my fingers through my damp hair. "But marrying her? How is that the solution? It's not fair to either of us. We're being forced into something neither of us signed up for."

The car slowed as we approached a red light, giving me a moment to catch my breath. The driver, seemingly oblivious to our conversation, maintained his focus on the road.

"Dad, think about it. She is too young for this. Perhaps half of my age and marriage is a serious commitment, not some pawn to be moved around in a twisted game of revenge."

My father sighed, a weariness settling in the lines of his face. " I understand your reservations, but we're left with no other choice. This is the path we must take to salvage what's left of our family's reputation. If we forgive them and drop the charges, we will lose our dominance. What will people say? We forgave the murderer of our son? I do not want this at any cost. We need to set an example for the world to know who we are."

The traffic light turned green, and the car resumed its journey. I stared out the window, there were so many thoughts that were going on in my head. How did we end up in this mess? I couldn't fathom the idea of being tied to someone for the rest of my life, especially someone who had nothing to do with the pain we were all going through.

"Dad, can't we find another way? Anything but this," I pleaded, desperation creeping into my tone.

He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a near whisper. "Jace, you have to understand the gravity of the situation. This is the only way to make them understand the magnitude of their actions. It's a matter of honor and retribution."

I clenched my fists, frustration and anger boiling within me. "But what about my life? What about her life? Are we just supposed to sacrifice ourselves for some twisted sense of honor?"

My father's gaze remained fixed on the road ahead before he turned to face me. "Why are you having such a soft spot for the murderers? Did you forget the blood covered body of your baby brother so soon?"

His eyes turned icy and deady. While his words jabbed me straight in the guts. "Dad, how can you say that?" My hands clenched tightly because of the refrain. Whenever I think about the pale and lifeless face of Asher, I just want to run away from everything. He did not deserve this. There was so much that he wanted to do. He had so many dreams and I wanted to see him achieve all of them but he left us so soon.

"I can never forget him." My words were dark and deadly. I know the person in front of me is my father and I should not lose my cool but this is too much for me.

Corner of his mouth lifted up, "Then do what I am saying. This is the only way to bring justice to your brother."

As the car pulled into the driveway of our mansion, I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom. The rain continued to fall, a relentless downpour matching the storm raging within me.

We stepped out of the car, and the driver discreetly made his way inside, leaving my father and me standing in the cold, wet driveway.

"Dad, please," I pleaded one last time, my voice cracking with emotion. "There has to be another way. I can't go through with this, and neither can she. It's not fair."

He placed a hand on my shoulder, his grip firm. "Jace, I know it's hard to accept, but this decision is final. We'll find a way to make it work. It's for the sake of our family."

I shook my head, a sense of helplessness washing over me. "I can't believe I'm being forced into a marriage I never wanted. I can't believe you're okay with this."

His expression remained unyielding. "It's not about being okay with it. It's about doing what needs to be done. We'll get through this as a family, no matter how difficult it may seem." He said and left me there.

I quietly watched his back and shook my head before making my way to my room.

The second I stepped in my room, I stripped out of my clothes and headed towards the shower.

The warm water that fell on my body, attempted to wash away the heaviness that clung to my soul. I couldn't shake the image of my father's determined face, pushing me into a marriage that felt like a cruel joke. I just do not know what is right and what isn't. Whether I should go against my father or be an obedient only son that they are now left with.

I turned off the shower and looked at my reflection in the mirror and suddenly her face popped in my head. Her features were soft, like the petals of a delicate flower yet to bloom fully. Her eyes, wide and filled with innocence and curiosity while the color of her eyes was really unique... somewhere between hazel and green. Her lips were plump and pink and I wanted to know how it would feel to kiss them. Her skin was deprived of any flawm, her hair long and beautiful while she was on a tall side. All in all, she was everything that a man looks for in a woman. I have been with plenty of girls... beautiful, young and rich but none of them could hold the light in front of her.

She looked untainted and there was this sudden urge to corrupt her.

My thoughts were moving rampant and when I saw my own reflection in the mirror... my eyes widened.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath. I can't believe that I was having such thoughts about the sister of my brother's murderer. I exhaled loudly and looked down just to find a hard boner.

"Fuck.. fuck... fuck." This is not the time to be having a fucking boner. I turned the shower on again but this time kept the temperature cold and stayed under it for a long time. The cold water pulled me back to reality and I hated myself. I hate myself just too much. I am not some freaking teenager but I am a grown up, 35 years old mature man but I was having such thoughts about a kid.

This is extremely humiliating and this is giving me another reason to oppose this marriage. If I marry her, it will be just because she will be here as a slave. There is no way she will have the status of the wife of Jace Knight. We can't be normal and if just a mere eye contact with her is giving a man with a crazy restraint like me a boner... then this means that Sereia Lee is deadly.

After I was done with the shower, I dried myself and dressed up in comfortable clothes. This time I did not dare to look at my reflection. I can't even look into my own eyes.

I sighed and walked out of my room just to hear the loud voice of my Mom coming from downstairs. I rushed to see what was happening and then I was met with the sight of my crying mother while my Dad was quietly sitting on the couch.

"How can you do this, Cooper? You want me to marry my son to the daughter of someone who will continue to remind me of Asher?" Mom's words cut through the room, laden with grief and disbelief.

Dad looked up, his gaze heavy with the burden of a decision he seemed reluctant to make. "Amara, we don't have a choice. It's the only way to salvage what's left of our family."

I stepped forward, Mom turned to me, tears streaming down her face. "Jace, your father... he wants you to marry the daughter of the family whose son took Asher away from us. Can't you see? It's like they're rubbing salt into our wounds!"

I looked at Dad, as I sighed, "Mom, why don't you relax and we can talk about it." I suggested.

Mom looked at me and then her eyes widened, "You know...?"

"Yes, I do but trust me I do not want to marry her." I assured her and suddenly a wave of relief flashed across her face.

"See, he does not want to marry her." Mom said to Dad.

He glanced at me before looking at Mom again, "He will and you know why because he is my son and he is going to respect my decision."

"Why do you want to do it anyways?" Mom spoke first. It was like I did not exist. This is my life and they are deciding about it but I do not have a say in it. Ironic isn't it?

"Don't you want them to suffer? Doesn't your heart ache to think about the cold night on which they took Asher from us?" His eyes turned red, while I shut mine, "When their daughter will live in front of us and she will go through the pain that we are feeling, wouldn't it be more satisfying then letting their son rot in jail? They will never be able to see her exactly like we can't see Asher."Dad explained and Mom remained silent this time. She was tempted. While I... I was freaking out. I was scared. I have never seen this side of my parents. They have always been extremely kind, sweet and gentle. They in fact never raised their voices at us. Then how come they are talking about ruining someone's innocent life like it does not matter at all?

Yes, I know Asher died because of her brother and he will never return to us but she did not do anything wrong. For fuck's sake-

"Jace, will you do it?" Mom asked me this time.