
Jace POV:

My office is dark, from furniture to the floor and to be honest, it represents the darkness inside me. However, the large windows are what prevents me from suffocation. I did not ask for this life but I have no choice but to do it. This is the hard work of my family and I cannot let it go to waste just because I do not want an office job.

As I tried to bury myself in work, the knock on the door interrupted me and soon the clicking of heels of my secretary interrupted me. "Mr. Knight, someone is here to see you."

"I am busy," I responded, irritation lacing my words. The last thing I wanted was a distraction.

"But that man is not listening to me. If you will not see him, he is going to wait outside the company the entire day," she persisted.

"Who the hell is he?" I asked and she was intimidated to hear this tone of my voice.

"He did not tell me his name. I asked but he---"

I ran my fingers through my hair, as I was frustrated . "Send him in."

I leaned back in the seat while my eyes were glued to the door while I waited for this unwelcome guest to walk in.

Soon, the door opened and I saw the man whom I do not want to see. At least not now. My hands clenched into fists while the veins in my head started to throb.

"Why are you here? I have nothing to say to you," I spoke with harshness.

Edward Lee took a deep breath, weariness evident in his eyes. "Mr. Knight, I understand your anger, but I had to come. I need to talk to you."

"I do not want to." I said sternly. First, Asher died because of his family and now because of his daughter my life is about to be ruined. How can I forgive this man?

"Mr. Knight, please give me a chance to explain myself," he pleaded, tears welling up in his eyes.

I stared at him, a mix of anger and curiosity bubbling within me. "Explain? What could you possibly say that would make any of this right?"

He took a shaky breath, as if gathering his thoughts. "I know it seems unforgivable, but I never wanted your brother to die, and I never wanted any of this to happen."

I scoffed, "Yet, here we are. My brother is dead, and you're telling me you didn't want any of this?"

He looked at me with desperation in his eyes. "Sereia, she's innocent in all of this. She doesn't deserve this punishment."

I leaned back, crossing my arms. "Innocent? How can anyone in your family claim innocence after what happened?"

He winced, the weight of guilt heavy on his shoulders. "I won't defend what my son did, but I'm asking you to spare Sereia from the consequences. It is not fair for her to suffer for my mistakes."

I know what he is saying, it is not wrong. It is not her fault that Asher died but it is not my fault as well. So, why am I the only one who is suffering? She should do the same with me. I clenched my teeth hard as I looked at him. His hands clasped together while he looked extremely desperate. I felt bad for him. Since I had been a doctor for a decade, I have this soft corner for people but when it comes to him and his family, my hands are tied.

"Even if I believe you, what can be done now? I have promised my parents to marry your daughter and my family expects me to go through with it," I said, frustration lacing my words.

His gaze pleaded for understanding. "Please, convince your father to reconsider. There has to be another way to settle this without ruining an innocent life."

I scoffed again, a bitter laugh escaping my lips. "Convince my father? Do you have any idea what kind of man he is? Once he makes a decision, there's no changing his mind."

"Please, Mr. Knight, find a way to spare Sereia from this ordeal. She is just a young girl caught up in the consequences of our actions," he implored.

Sereia? I heard her name and damn it... this is the most beautiful name that I have ever heard. Now, the urge to have her in my life got stronger. I looked at him with pity and rubbed my temples.

"Leave," I finally said, my voice cold.

"Mr. Knight-"

"If you do not want anything worse for your daughter, then leave quietly and do not come to see us again. This is not going to change anything." I glared at him as I spoke, "Prepare for the marriage. We will come to take her in two days."

Dang it!

I do not why I said it but what was done, it was done. 

Meanwhile, Edward Lee looked at me like I shattered his last hope. Moisture buildup in his eyes while his lips quivered. I have never seen a man as helpless as him in my life. But now this is becoming my wish as well and I cannot say no to my parents.

"Mr. Knight-" He whispered.

But I glared at him. I was at the verge of losing my patience. I lost my brother and I know marrying his daughter isn't going to bring him back but this is the least I can do to ease the pain of my parents.

He sighed and nodded his head, like he reached an agreement with himself, "I understand and I will do what you are saying but I hope you will treat her better. This isn't her fault--"

"Okay, I have enough of this bullshit." I slammed my hands on the table as I growled. This whole thing is getting on my nerves. Deep down there was something in me that compelled me to marry that little girl but now, I hate her. It would have been better if this was her fault. I would have tortured her to the point where she wouldn't recognize herself but now, my hands are tied. I can't be bad to her, because this isn't her fault and I can't be good to her because my parents would not want me to do that.

What in the world am I exactly supposed to do?

Edward Lee did not say anything in the defense of his children and he left my office with the defeated self.

I cursed under my breath and gritted my teeth before hiding my face behind my palms.

That evening when I returned home, the first thing that I did was to find my parents. They were engrossed in a conversation but looked up as I entered.

Mom must have seen something on my face, because her expressions changed as she asked, "What's the matter? You don't look well to me," concern etched on her face.

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the conversation ahead. "There is something that I want to talk to you about." I looked at them while I already had their attention. They were holding their breaths.

"Is everything alright?" This time Dad asked.

"Yes, it is. It's just that I've been thinking, and I want the marriage to happen sooner. In two days."

My parents exchanged surprised glances, clearly taken aback by the sudden change in my stance. My father who is always composed and calm gathered himself immediately and spoke first, "Why the rush, Jace? You know that this is a sensitive matter. I need to look at the things legally as well, and we can't afford to be hasty."

I hesitated, choosing my words carefully. "I just want to get it over with. The sooner, the better. Delaying it won't change anything, and you know that I will be leaving for France. I won't be back for at least two months." There is an upcoming business event there that was supposed to be attended by Asher but now I have to do it in his stead.

My mother's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Is there something you're not telling us, Jace?"

I shook my head, maintaining a façade of composure. "No, Mom, it's just... I want this chapter closed. I want us to move forward."

My father scrutinized me, his piercing gaze searching for I don't know what that is, "We are taken aback because this it's unlike you."

I shifted uncomfortably, avoiding direct eye contact. "Dad, I just want to focus on our family. Let's not dwell on the details. I've made up my mind."

My father leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Very well, if this is your decision, we'll make the necessary arrangements. I will talk to the lawyer and will have the necessary papers ready."

I nodded, masking the internal turmoil that threatened to consume me. "Thank you."

I whispered to them. Although they listened to my suggestion and agreed with me, I could feel their searching gazes on me and there was no way I could sit with them any longer. I got up and went to my room. I need time... I need a lot of time to prepare myself for whatever the hell is coming.