First day as a bride

Sereia POV:

How I was brought to the knight empire, I have no idea. The only thing that I knew was the tense environment in the car. Jace drove silently all the way, while his father was busy looking at some documents. They treated me like an invisible being but I guess it is better for me.

When the car halted outside the grand mansion, I finally looked out of the car. The place looked so exquisite that although I was scared out of my wits at the moment, I could not stop myself from appreciating the beauty of it. Huge trees were pruned professionally, even at a single glimpse, the grass looked expansive. While the huge exterior of the mansion was lavished with the marble. I am sure my jaws were about to be dropped to the floor at the mouth watering sight of the house... let me correct myself, this is NOT a house, but some castle straight out of the fairy tale. 

The knock on the door of the car made me jolt from the day dreaming. It was Jace's Dad. The lines of disgust were clearly visible in his forehead while he looked at me and with the curl of his finger, he urged me to walk out of the car. 

However, this time when I felt his murderous gaze on myself, I could not help but swallow hard to moisturize my throat. 

With the wobbly legs, I forced myself to get out of the compact space and as soon as I stood on my feet, I turned around to look at the Jace who was sitting on the driving seat but his attention was on the phone.

In the next second, the question from his Dad was exactly what I wanted to ask him but I did not have the courage to do that. In fact, there hasn't been a single exchange of words between us but I am his wife... ironically. 

"Aren't you coming inside?" His Dad asked.

His attention finally diverted from the phone to his father, while his eyes were so hollow that it scared me, "No, I have to take care of a few urgent things at work." He answered and then his eyes fell on me, just for a split second but he harshly tore his gaze away from my face, like he loathed it. 

A lump formed in my throat at such a rough gesture from him and without wasting another second, he drove away, leaving me in this gold like castle alone. Deep down, I was being delusional that his presence might be a comfort for me here but I guess I was wrong. He is also a Knight and he is no different from others.

"Will you continue to stand here like a dumb statue or come inside?" The sheer coldness laced words of Mr. Knight threw me back to the ground and without saying another word, I followed him inside.

As soon as I stepped inside, I didn't even have the time to take in my surroundings, when I heard a sharp resonating sound in the living room while the burning sting on my cheek made my lips quiver. However, no sound came out of my mouth. It was like I had lost my sense of speaking. 

"Cynthia-" Mr. Knight spoke but she stopped him immediately. 

"You will have no say in how I am going to treat her." She said to him, "I hate her." Her voice was shaky due to the wrath.

I bit my bottom lip so hard that I tasted the metallic taste of blood in my mouth but I did not lift up my head to even look at her. 

I was scared. I was really scared. What did I do that was so wrong that I have to bear such a punishment?

"Okay, do whatever you want." Mr. Knight said and left us alone.

"Jasmine-" the lady roared and this time, it made me flinch. 

Exactly within 3 seconds, a middle aged woman came rushing towards us and for the first time, from the corner of my eye, I carefully glanced at Cynthia, who I have no doubt is the mother of Jace.

She looked so elegant and beautiful that I was bewitched. From no angle she looked like the mother of a 35 years old son. 

"Start." She uttered one word. 

Start? Start what? 

I looked at them in confusion while Cynthia took a seat leisurely on the couch and Jasmine, she caught me off guard by punching me straight into the gut. The blow was so brutal and it hit me exactly on the organ, that it was impossible for me to stand there straight. I went on my knees immediately. Jasmine grabbed me from my hair roughly and started to beat me into the pulp. Her blows were so lethal that I could not stop myself from sobbing this time. 

Every single vein in my body felt like bursting. While Cynthia enjoyed my pain and helplessness as she had her tea.

Within 5 minutes, I was about to lose my senses. My eyelids became heavy, something was trickling from my forehead which I presume is blood while my body instinctively curled up into a fetal position to ease the pain. 

"Stop it." The lady of the house spoke. With the blurry vision I glanced at her. She put the expensive china cup on the table and looked at me with loath, "I do not want to kill you yet." She said to me, "In fact, I am going to give you so much pain that you will start to feel like death is an easier way out." She was saying and I was having a hard time comprehending her words. However, whatever she was saying, it was not good news to me.

"From dawn, I want you here, in the house cleaning and doing every single chore. You are a slave here and you better get that in your head as soon as possible." She added, "Now, Jasmine get her out of here. I do not want to breathe that same air as her now." She said.

What the hell is happening? I could only think that in my head and in the next moment, I was being dragged out of the grand mansion towards.... I don't know what. 

Soon, an old annexe at the back side of the mansion came into view and Jasmine pushed me in there. She also looked at me with disgust, "Remember, in the mansion, from dawn." She said while pointing her index finger at me. 

While I barely managed to stand there. After throwing me inside the cold and dark annex, she left. I let out a sigh of relief but the tears started to stream down my face. I looked around and there was nothing in the room. Not even a carpet on the floor while the place was filled with dust and spider webs. Who am I supposed to live here? While the strong gust of wind from the broken window made me shiver and I plopped down in the corner.

I hugged myself to ease the pain in my stomach and to get some warmth but it was of no avail. I was cold, hungry and in pain and I guess this is my life from now onward. 

"Mom, Dad... why did you do this to me?" I could not help but complain in solitude. "Was I so worthless? Was my presence for you so disgusting that you preferred to slave me away and save Ryan instead?" The questions that I have been wanting to ask them, they started to pour out.

"I am not going to forgive you. I am not going to forgive any of you." I whimpered.

I don't know how long I sat there and cried. The tears seemed endless tonight but one thing is for sure, I am going to cry for the last time. I am not going to pity myself. I have not caved in to my fate yet, but do I have another option?

I could not sleep a wink the entire night. The only thing on my body was this thin dress. At least the last courtesy that my Mom would have shown towards me was making me wear warm clothes but no... she did not.

"I am sure she did not know I would end up like this." The little filial daughter inside me tried to defend them. I know they did not do it intentionally. They just did not have another choice left and it was my bad luck that I ended up as an escape goat. So, who should I curse? Myself? My fate? Or my parents?

Whatever it is, I am in hell. A cold hell, which I am sure is more brutal than the hell fire. That's why my entire body is in excruciating pain. A pain that I have never felt before and even if I will die here tonight... This is not going to affect anyone.