First clue.

"I'll send you the statistics." Olivia was swinging in her office chair as she spoke to someone over the telephone.

A knock on the door interrupted her call.

"I will call you later." She concluded.

"Come in." Oliva boldly walked into her office. He walked across the office before taking a seat.

"Aren't you going to say something?" She thought to herself. 

"Do you want something?" She asked him.

"Where were you last night?" He stood up and bent over, supporting himself on Olivia's desk. He was now staring at her directly in the eye.

"What do you mean where was I?" Olivia shifted her gaze abruptly and sought for something in her drawer; to avoid the uncomfortable situation.

"We had a dinner date."

Olivia smirked and banged the drawer.

"Two whole hours. Two hours. I waited for you, Olivia."

"Are you really that desperate?" She spoke under her breath as she walked over to the coffee maker.

"Care for some coffee?" She asked him. "It is hot." She tried to void the conversation.

"Tell me something, Olivia," He began in a low tone with his head bowed down. "Are you seeing somebody else?"

"I was busy. I completely forgot about the dinner thing." She said irritated.

"You haven't answered my question."

"Mr. Wyatt! Mr. Wyatt!" Conrad the CEO was ranting his name as he walked hurriedly towards Oliva's office.

"We'll talk about this later," Oliva told Olivia as he composed himself and walked to his office.

"Big shameless fool!" She whispered.

"With the horns of a thousand devils, what the hell is this." Conrad threw the neatly arranged files he was holding on the table before him. They now lay scattered.

WILHELMINAR AGENCY LEADS IN THIS YEARS SALES. This news made the headlines in the papers.

"Um... boss..." Oliva began as he took the paper in his hand. "I'm afraid I haven't got the faintest idea of what you are talking about."

"The hell you do." Conrad was panting heavily, fury written all over his visage. "What do you mean you haven't got the faintest idea? Aren't you the only information analyst we have?"

 "Yeah... I mean yes.. I am. But what does it have to do with this?" He looked even more perplexed.

"Someone... someone shared data of our company's previous year's analytics and progress to Wilhelminar Agency." He snatched the article Oliva was holding and tore it to pieces. He then threw them on the floor.

"How dare you, Mr. Wyatt?" Isn't the salary we pay you good enough? You even got an average pay rise of over 4%. Isn't that substantial? Yet, you afford to do this?" Conrad furiously held Oliva by the collar of his shirt and leaned him against the wall.

"I swear by my life; it isn't me sir!" Oliva was trembling. Sweat was dripping from his temple, down his face. His heartbeat rate was increasing by the second.

"That girl Hannah, the CIO at Wilhelminar,... Isn't she your girlfriend?" Conrad narrowed his eyes and clenched his fist.

"She was cashiered for consorting with their rivals."

"Hey sir, a report came in from the security office." Conrad's secretary froze upon reaching Oliva's office's doorstep.

"We're not done!" Conrad threatened Oliva. 

Oliva breathed a sigh of relief when Conrad was out of sight. He straightened his collar and clicked.

"Threatening me because of your position? You're no good old man!" Oliva cursed under his breath and bent down to pick up the pieces of paper that were scattered all over the floor.

"Doesn't he know the purpose of a shredder?" He laughed to himself.

Olivia walked into Oliva's office and was surprised to find him picking pieces of paper from the floor. "Mr. Huddlings was here. What went wrong?" She picked up a paper from the table and quickly scanned through the article on it.

"Wilhelminar Agencies has got its sales rising abnormally fast. Mmh! This is quite impressive." Olivia smiled.

"Conrad suspects I shared data of our company's previous year's analytics and progress with them!" He clicked again.

"Why you? I mean... anyone could have done that. Don't you think?

"I don't know. He says it's because I'm the IT analyst here so... you get what I mean." He got up and disposed of the papers in the dustbin behind the office door.

"It's lunchtime already... Can we have lunch together at the hotel across the street?" He asked enthusiastically as though he'd planned for it long ago.

"Thought someone has a girlfriend." Olivia rolled her eyes to meet Oliva's eyes.

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"My dignity doesn't allow me to stoop as low as to such a level!" She asserted.

"Okay. Here's the thing. I'm over with her. Her being cashiered is already bad. I'll have a bad reputation by associating with her. Don't you think?" Oliva was now close to Olivia who stepped aside to maintain a sensible distance.

"I see. Unfortunately, I have something I need to work on before 2:00pm. Now if you don't mind, let me leave you now." 

"Can we at least have dinner together to cover up for yesterday?" Oliva asked her.

"I'll be busy tonight." She voiced as she walked stately to her office leaving behind a dejected looking Oliva in his office.