WebNovelNun Wife27.03%


Needless to say the next morning.....



Came Isobel's instant reply. She was so engrossed in tugging on the zip to the long sleeved summer dress laid out by the stylist when a distinct rehearsed voice filtered in.

Omann stood erect on the outskirts of Isobel's walk-in closet.

Professional as ever, she was dressed in a formal black outfit. Hair pulled back into a tight bun, her thin lips in an upturned smile and hands held behind her back, she held her head up in a respectable manner.

"Sorry for walking in unannounced but I'd been on the other side of the door knocking for the past two minutes".

Omann bows in a semi curtsy.

Isobel nodded in understanding, relieving Omann from her stiff form.

"It's alright. What is it you need?"

Omann shook her head and gestured to me. "No, not me but you madam. Your presence is needed at the dining room".

"Me? What! Why? Is there a problem?"

Isobel was confused. Omann knew she eats in her bedroom now unless there was an issue she had no business in the big boring dinner room.

"No mam all's well. Just you're requested to join for morning breakfast". Omann supplies, putting Isobel's mind at ease.

"By whom?"

"Master Cza mam"

Came the brisk but finessed reply.

Isobel was surprised, truth be told she wasn't expecting that at all.

Isobel remembers how Isabel made it very well enacted in her brain how her husband hates being crowded. He loves his space and she was very vivid about that.

So why the invite… does it have anything to do with her avoiding him? Or was it connected to that night's incident?

"Oh!" Was Isobel's smart response. "Uhm may I know why?"

"I'm afraid I do not know why mam".

"What if I refuse to come?"

"Then I will have to relay to you the final message". She clears her throat and summarizes. "If she refuses to come tell her I'm more than open to the idea of dining together in her bedroom or will barging in and dragging her down suffice?"

Isobel blushed embarrassed.

"What does he think of himself? He can't drag me out!"

"I think you know better how temperamental he is, mam". Omann says with a neutral expression.

Isobel knew Omann was right. After all, she got to experience it first hand that night. She could definitely envision the man showing up and dragging her out if he wants to.

It puts goosebumps on her skin. She finally decides not to be stubborn about it …

"Okay Omann. Lead the way".

On getting there, Omann offers Isobel a smile which she reciprocates and then Omann curtsied and turns to leave. In a rush, Isobel quickly held her back and asked.

"Where do you think you're going? Won't you also be there?" Isobel didn't want to be alone with the man he makes her nervous and unconsciously break rules pertaining to her faith.

"What do you mean? Master wants you, not me. This is a great opportunity being the first time ever since you both married he's asking for you to join him, so take advantage of it ". Omann winks and leaves.