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However the notion of betraying herself, religion and Isabel didn't sit well with her and she vowed to send him off on their next meet. God knows what his next request would be, she needed to be cautious…

And so three weeks went by and Julius spent a week sleeping on the same bed with Isobel just like that holding hands. At the start of the fourth week she noticed Julius absence and felt relieved. Things went back to usual, just as it should be but her joy was short lived on the third day. That evening, as she closed her eyes ready to sleep a knock came from the door.

She opened the door and was surprised when Julius strut into her room and laid down on the bed with only a pyjamas pants on, topless.

She didn't think to point these out however, Isobel noticed something strange. To be precise, Julius's attachment towards her, or rather his wife wasn't normal. Again it made her question, was Isabel's judgement wrong about her husband?

"Jul- Julius….!"

"Don't be surprised. I just want to sleep".

"Sleep?! In this state....!" Was he high?

Isobel walked towards the bed a bit with her eyes covered. "What do you think you're doing?"

She wanted to yell for him to get lost or maybe push him out but he's half naked and laying comfortably on her bed. Things where getting complicated.

"Trying to sleep." Came his non committal answer.

"No! I… you know what I mean."

"Hmm no I don't."

Isobel felt like poking him in the eye. She became flustered from his taunts. She had lots to say and yet couldn't find her voice. Isobel then opt to convey her thoughts through actions.

Isobel bent down, and lifted the quilt. She was adamant to drive him away. "Go sleep on your own bed."

Julius rolled over and said, "This is my home and everything here belongs to me. So this is also my room. My wife sleeps here, it's our bed not yours alone.

"Eh…" Isobel failed to make sense of his words. Julius to her was speaking nonsense at the moment. "But…." He sleeps in the master bedroom alone, that was his vicinity. And to say for the fact it was repeatedly stressed to the point Omann reminds her of it every night to stay away after she was done eating. Now was he trying to be brazen?

"But… there shouldn't be a but. You know Isabel I thought hard about this and I have to say I agree with you. There are obligations and rights to be upheld once married. I haven't fulfilled my due obligations and must exercise my responsibility as your husband to make you happy."

Isobel was rendered speechless. She couldn't believe it was Julius saying all these.

Was he being serious?

She refused to ask what Isabel possibly said to him that he's in agreement with but the fact that she never knew when Julius became so shameless was surprising. They were indeed married, but she wasn't his real wife.