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The Ordeal(2)

Julius went back to her sensitive earlobe and suckled on it, he slowly went down and lifted the hem of her shirt to reach inside and feel the delicate surface of smooth, flawless skin.

This move brought her back to reality, she gasped delicately and grabbed his wrist, "Julius don't do this I beg you. Please believe me- - -"

Julius didn't bother to answer her anymore and lifted her up to sit on the head of the couch while forcing himself in between, preventing her from closing her legs together.

"I want you".

His seeking hands grabbed her hand forcing it onto his cock. He forced her to feel how hard he was, how much his dick was burning to get inside her.

"This wants way up in your pussy".

The look in his eyes screamed of a mad beast that was on the verge of release. He was going to do it. He was going to take her until she screamed herself hoarse.