
That fanatic slowly crept behind me, their shadow dropping on me within the dim room. My hands never stopped moving, although I was sure I was almost done for. 

"Goddess, if you stay with me, at least you'll be okay. No need to be violent, that's just not right…"

"Not right my ass! Just let me out of here already, do you know how many like you are out there?"

Do you know how many of them I killed because they tried to hurt me? The only difference was that because you are too strong, or I would've wiped your existence from this world! 

My aggression only grew more as I couldn't release myself. The fanatic looked at me with eyes full of sadness, they then started crying. 

"Hick… You, why are you treating me like this?"

Ugh, yeah. Crazy behavior, should've been expected. I looked around me, earlier something sharp cut into my skin. Maybe there were some glass shreds around here. 

"Maybe because you've kidnapped me, duh?"