Black Lightning's shocking statement generated intense and diverse reactions across the world.

**Families and Ordinary Citizens:**

- There was a mix of fear and anger among families and ordinary citizens. Many expressed concern about the uncertain future under Black Lightning's oppressive regime, while others joined a resistance movement, determined to fight against this tyranny.

**Celebrities and Celebrities:**

- Many celebrities and celebrities spoke out on social media, vehemently condemning Black Lightning's tyranny. Some used their influence to mobilize support for the resistance and call for international intervention.

**World Leaders:**

- The declaration divided world leaders. Some remained silent, worried about immediate retaliation from Black Lightning. Others publicly condemned the dictator's cruelty and authoritarianism, seeking support for joint action against this global threat.

There was a widespread sense of urgency to find a solution to deal with the threat posed by Black Lightning, as the world faced a dangerous crossroads between giving in to fear or uniting in a collective fight for freedom and justice. Various reactions illustrate the global tension in the face of Black Lightning's act. Families and ordinary citizens, already entrenched in their everyday lives and personal concerns, are now faced with the challenge of responding to fear with resistance, an act that requires collective courage and overcoming the instinct for self-preservation.

For their part, celebrities and celebrities have a unique platform to influence public opinion. The condemnation of Black Lightning by these amplified voices can be a catalyst for social action and mobilization. With their visibility, they have the potential to inspire and coordinate charitable efforts, awareness campaigns and political pressure.

World leaders, immersed in international politics and diplomacy, find themselves faced with a complicated dilemma. With power politics at play, the decision to act against Black Lightning involves a delicate calculation of risk versus reward. The need to protect one's own citizens and national interests can clash with the moral imperatives to intervene against tyranny.

Given these different reactions, the gravity of the issue and the influence of Relâmpago Negro can be seen, challenging the international community. The broadcast was not just a warning, but a turning point that could unite the world under the banner of freedom or fracture it further under the shadow of fear.