Chapter 8 : We all get hurt sometime

At university I met Reya I found her sad, I feel like she is trying to ignore me but she can't, she want to talk to me. At first I also ignore this though but then I found myself asking her why she is sad, she try to change the topic but when I looked her her in her eyes I feel like she want to tell me that's why I ask again that if there's something she want to tell me then she finally open her mouth and asked me a question. Y/n what will you do if you find out that the person whom you've crush on have crush on you too. I excitedly said it's a blessing but I was cut by her next sentence. But he don't even talk to you and ignore you, you're the one who always look for him but he just ignore you whenever you are infront of him, he told others that he love you but don't even gave a shit oh! sorry sorry i don't mean to use curse word it was all slip of tongue she was ashamed because she used cursive word but forgot how much I used hehehe. No, no need of sorry I can feel you, listen Reya the fact that you know he love you is enough to know, sometimes we don't know why we ignore our loved one's, we are bound by our ego or sometimes situations is to hard to tell, just gave him time and wait because wait is better than betrayal. I told him in such a way that I found her all silent and looking at me in my eyes and was actually enjoying my words. Mind telling me something more about him? I ask in a funny way and she paused for a second like I asked something misterious then she told me he is someone I don't know and I don't want to know because he is friend of Jimin and I just start other conversation in order to avoid anything related to Jimin. She seems hurt but I don't know what the actual situation is so that I could help her, she don't want to tell me that why I try my best to make her realize that it's not what she thinks but it's up to her because she is the one who want him to tell her that he love her, I don't know him so let's go these thoughts. I went home and was still in a thought about Reya. What's her actual problem is? Why is everyone trying to hide there problems from me? Don't they think now I'm already over from Jimin infront of them? I try my best to show now I'm all right but they still pity me why? I called junkook on my way and was talking about some random topics while walking, still he don't waste any chance of teasing me with jimin and I like it. I like him teasing me by the name of person I like. He called him mister jealous or mister glance just like he gave me the name miss glancy. He told me that we mister glance and miss galncy both are too rude for this world and I said just meet me next time I'll tell you who is rude but I actually surprised by his reply okay let's meet at your home tonight. At first I was shocked and try to change his mind but then I remember Abba's word, he want to invite him to dinner too so it's best. I answered him okay let's meet tonight Eomma and Abba will be happy to see you and cut the call but then my eyes meet with person infront of me and it was Jimin who seems like he was listening my all conversation but let it go because he don't seem jealous this time maybe he understood the fact that me and junkook are actually friends. He was with his father's side cousin and was standing there infront of our gate. Hey y/n how are you? long time no seen?his cousin questioned and I answered him by saying oh hi kia I'm fine how are you? by the way i haven't seen you too for a long? how's life? and I totally ignore Jimin's exsistance there I just talk to kia all confidential showing that I've no problem with jimin's presence here. Kia told me that I've changed a lot and I replied yes I've but you seem changed too, you are a grown man now. I told him to come inside house but was cut by jimin's word telling that they are just here to invite us on kia's marriage ceremony, I congratulated kia and gave him good wishes. When they were going I was there standing on gate while looking at them going, I found myself calling jimin's name and all I know is Jimin stopped at his place looking back at me I walk towards him and told him I was sorry for my behaviour that day I actually don't mean to hurt him it was too quick that I don't understand what was happening around. He told me it's okay it was actually his fault but I told him he did nothing wrong and I'm sorry for my behaviour. While I was talking he was looking at me with his smiling eyes and I stopped in my midway talking because of his thank you from all of no where. I found myself blushing so I quickly bid them bye and move fast inside gate. I close the door and stand there while leaning back on the door I was smiling at his thank you and can't stop myself from smiling when suddenly Eoma asked me the reason of that smile I become stunned st the fact that Abba and Eomma were there smiling at me while waiting for my reply I greet them and told them it was nothing but my own thoughts that I was smiling for. They asked about the thoughts but I canged the topic by telling them that junkook will be there at dinner and Abba replied good, so it was junkook who made you smile like that? No it's isn't what you think I told them. When I was going upstairs Eomma asked me what was I talking to Jimin outside the gate like how's she know? How she always find out everything outside the gate? Why she has always an eyes on me. Oh there! he was there with his cousin kia and invited us on kia's marriage ceremony. Eoma asked me why I don't offer them to come in and I replied saying they were in hurry then I move upstairs while still shocked by Eoma's eagled eyes and Jimin's thank you.At evening I went downstairs and help Eoma in preparing dinner for us and junkook. Although I'm bad at cooking but I help Eoma in everything she is doing so that I can add my name in the ones who cook too. I were busy in arranging plates on dinning table when I hear door bell Eoma told me to open the door and I quickly move toward the main door knowing it is junkook I hide behind the door after opening it and then junkook entered looking inside for the one who actually open the door then I suddenly try to punch him just to check how much attentive he is and he stopped my punch right before his face, turned my elbow behind my back and caught my neck in his strong arm. Oh! miss glancy is trying to show her strength to me that she actually learnt in one day, I'm sorry to tell but it's pretty weak you've to practice hard. he said while laughing sarcastically. Oh shut up and first free me than I'll tell you who is weak actually, I told him in a serious way. He free me from his strong grip and I touch my neck with my hands to relax my neck muscles while giving him serious eye contact and he just laughed at my this type of stare. Come on otherwise we won't wait for you on dinner miss arrogant, he told me while moving toward lounge leaving ne behind at door still scratching my neck because his grip was too strong to even move. When I entered lounge I saw junkook in my mother embrace and she was giving kisses on his forehead like she is my mother bro why are you behaving like her son. Get off from my Eoma you little piece of shhh hehehe I said nothing I told my mother who was staring at my sentence and was shocked that I was going to use curse word knowing nothing that I used them a lot. Then Abba came and hug him while I was there standing, looking at my parents giving their love to strangers not to their own child like why. Then Abba open his one arm telling me to come and join them in hug I quickly jumped on them in hug and then Eomma also join us in hug, I looked at junkook who was enjoying this family hug and I thought this is what family hug look like, a perfect family that contains a little jealousy and a lot of love. Junkook is like son to my parents and a annoying and loving brother to me. We look like perfect family. Then we four move toward dinning table after a long hug to eat dinner while me and junkook were still trying our best to get attentions more than one another from my parents. They support junkook in some cases and some in me but we were trying to get all attentions by ourselves arguing like little kids who are jealous when parents support one on other. He is younger so he get more love that's why I'm jealous here but I love him too like my parents love him ir actually more than them or I actually love him like he is my little annoying brother.