Chapter 14 : Tell me your imagination so that I can make it real

Y/n's pov:

I wake up without any alarm clock at my own I take my hand out of comforter to take my mobile when my hand fall on note, I take that note instead of mobile and sit properly to read it. I have no idea how much I've been reading it since night. The word my love written by Jimin means a word to me. I get out of my bed happily, today I was very happy because of holiday and this is first time in my life I don't want this holiday to end. I take a cold shower and do my morning routine happily. My mood is very happy since I waking up because waking up without alarm clock is bed felling forever but this is not what make me happy, I'm happy because of the thought of me with jimin. I went downstairs and open the door of my parents room finding them all sleep. I heeded towards kitchen after finding them asleep I don't know why but I feel like making breakfast for my parents and I do that. When I was busy in making breakfast I hear a bell ring on our door then the thought of me with junkook came to my mind because this is the time for karate training and I totally forgot that, by the way I'm angry with junkook for leaving me alone in house in my bad time but it's wasn't bad after Jimin came and thanks to junkook he wasn't there otherwise Jimin is going to be jealous again and not even a little thing from tonight was going to happen so I let the idea of being angry with junkook and go to open the door. I was welcomed by the person covering his face with bouquet of flowers and Good morning sweetie I become stunned by the raspy voice of jimin. I take bouquet from him and thanked him. He was going to hug me when he find out my hand was full of flour and he laughed then he carried me in his hand in bridal style and take me to kitchen while I was continuously arguing with him to put me down. He put me down after reaching kitchen and look everywhere, the expression of satisfaction was on his face after finding no one there and I told him Eoma Abba are in room sleeping. He come close to me and kiss me on my cheeks asking me why I'm awaking this early although it's weekend and I told him probably I sleep comfortably tonight that's why. He then help me in making breakfast while never missing any chance of coming close to me and kissing me on forehead, nose, lips and cheeks or it's easy to say all over the face. Sweetie I think you forgot about your training today? He asked and I put my hand on my forehead and stuck my tongue out saying oh I think so. He then told me to get fresh and then we are going to karate centre for my training together. I was going to say that wait for junkook but then him being jealousy came to my mind and I digest that sentence. I go upstairs change my dress perfect for training and then go to karate centre with him on my side and we two were walking while chatting on random topics till we reach our assigned destination. When we entered at karate centre Elana looked at us and then greet Jimin before me like how she know her bro you're my personal couch not his then greet me first I shake hand with him that she was offering Jimin to shake. At first she seems like sweet lady to me but not now after finding her good terms with Jimin. She asked us where junkook is while looking at jimin and I replied he is not going to come here today, let's move to our work Jimin have his own exercise plan, Jimin and Elana laughed while looking at eachother after I said that that sentence and this all is making me jealous now. I make Jimin turn his back from us forcefully and push him toward his place of practice. I then move with Elana to practice my own self defense technique. I ended up my practice quickly and and left to accompany jimin, when i reached there I saw him not wearing his hoodie while he was in undershirt, wearing gloves and looking hot. He saw me coming toward him and smile at me. I thought how's time changes, he was in that condition that day too but we were not on our good terms. The memories of that day lead to jimin's wandering eyes when I was all wet and I started blushing, he noticed that too and come close to me, he take his face close to mine and ask me what are you imagination? Tell me so that I make your imagination come true love and I blushed again at his that sentence. I shyly told him that I was not imagination anything he looks here and there and then kiss me quickly and tell me never shy when you want something from me I'm all yours and then tell me to sit there on chair and wait for him he'll be free soon. I obey him like a good girl and sit there while looking at him doing exercises. The relaxation and contraction of his muscles while doing fighting, his half seen abs from his white undershirt, sweat all around his face due to exercising and his soft pink lips that make me memories our kiss last night. I was so much engulfed in my thoughts that I don't know when he completed his exercise and come close to me while carrying a towel to dry himself and then tape gently on my head, I then came to my senses and find him close to me. He ask me if I'm good? And I hummed as a response. He tell me to grab something to eat because he is hungry and I reply saying yes! Let's go I'm hungry too, what you want to eat and he then come close to me and eyed onbmy lips while saying nothing I then slap gently on his lips and tell him to move or else Eomaeis going to beat me for coming late and especially I forgot my mobile at home she surely be in anger. We two stop at a cafe shop and offered our coffee he ordered hot chocolate for me and iced coffee for him, he still remember that I like hot chocolate, I found myself looking at him since we entered in coffee shop and he now can't stop himself from asking. He told me miss y/n I assure you'll get enough time to stare at me anytime but please break this silence now and talk to me instead of staring. I then move my head at another side and I become all red due to blushing. He placed his hand under my chin and made me face him and tell me even staring is better than ignoring and thanks to God our order arrived and we busy ourselves in drinking our own drink. After drinking our drinks we left the coffee shop and heeded towards my home, I bide him bye telling him see you tonight, after reaching our house and I entered in my house knowing that many questions are waiting for me. When I entered our house I saw Eoma and Abba eating breakfast this late. I greet them and Eoma ask ne why I'm late today and where is my mobile? Why I weren't picking there call? I told them that I forgot my mobile at home and was busy in training,by the way why you are late today and they two look at eachother Abba than ask me about junkook that why I didn't offer him to come in order to change topic because they are also late today. I told them that I forgot but was astounded by Eoma's questions about Jimin that why I didn't offer him to come? Ji! Jimin! he was in hurry I reply while I was still in thought that how comes she know that I was with Jimin? Is there any camera outside at our door? Or she is spying on me? I quickly move upstairs when Eoma thanked me for making breakfast and tell me that I cook better today but how comes I'm that good in cooking and I just smile at her as a response. I entered in my room and dial junkook's number because his absence today is making me anxious about him but he didn't respond and then I sit on my study table to study my course books.