Chapter 18 : Biker girlie

Y/n pov:

I stop bike infront of university gate inorder to show my students card. I show my student card but guard order me to take off helmet because he don't believe that the y/n who seems too much nerdy and was always with her father how comes he ride a heavy bike. I take off my helmet and guard looked at me with shock. My some of fellow that was also there find me on bike and approach me that we haven't imagined you with bike you're looking cool and I thanked them. When I enter in classroom everyone was staring at me because the news of me riding a heavy bike was on headlines today. Many of my fellows ask me about how I know riding and why I haven't take my bike to university still and some of boys told me that that bike is there dream bike and I'm now exhausted of answering them. Many of my classmates that have interest in bikes accompany me in free time to talk about bike and they find it interesting that I know a lot about bikes. Our second period was free so some of boys offer me to participate on race that they were doing just for fun, I first hesitate to agree with them but then I accepted their offer and we heeded toward back of university for race. 3 ,2 and 1 race starts and I found it interesting that all of us are pretty good at riding bikes but not much than me, i was the one who was at first to cross winning line and all girls and boys there appreciate me. When we return back class some of my fellows tell me that my cousin Reya is searching for me and she is with two handsome man and from handsome I understand who they are probably jimin and junkook but why they all are searching for me. I go to the waiting room and find junkook Jimin and Reya waiting there for me. I come toward them and jimin tell ne that they have already taken my leave and I've to go with them. I asked what had happened and Jimin came to make me relaxed after seeing that I'm shocked because of their sudden entry. At university gate junkook told me to return his bike but I strongly disagree and ask him wanna take a ride with me again? and he told me he's not going to take ride with me again in his life and we all laugh at his answer. I then offer Reya and she told me that she don't want to die because she have still much to do and then my eyes fell on Jimin and he accepted my offer without even me saying a word. Junkook drive car while Reya was with him and I nd Jimin take ride of bike, he sat beside me. I told jimin to hold me tight and he tightly hug my waist from back while putting his head on my shoulders. Miss y/n mostly boys told girls to hold them tight but everything is opposite here, but I like it because it's too cool that my girlfriend is good at riding, but you've to learn cooking too because you're not going to starve you handsome husband in future he told me this in my ear and I start bike inorder to prevent further talks about my future with him because these talk make me blush. I asked Jimin where we've to go and he tell me to take bike toward airport and junkook follow us too with Reya on car. I ask Jimin why we are going to airport but he tell me that I'll find it myself when we reached there.

At airport I find Eoma Abba and aunt there with many bags look like someone is going then I remember that Abba told me about their business trip but I've no idea that it is that much early. I stop bike infront of them and take helmet, Abba seems proud of me but Eoma still are not in the favour of me riding I bike. Jimin get out of bike and I followed him. Aunt ask about Reya and Jimin told that she'll be there with junkook in car and there they are, coming towards us after parking car. I asked Abba us it important to go because I don't want them to go and he tell me that I'm not alone junkook will stay with me and Reya is going to company me while Jimin is also there. Aunt ask me to come with them in their house but I argue saying I feel comfortable only in staying home. Abba and Eoma gave me big hug and tell me to take care of me, and then Abba hug her sister , Reya, Jimin and junkook after me Eoma followed Abba in this action. After hugging all they come toward me again and hug me tightly telling me that they'll miss me and I told them I'll miss them more than they'll. They two kiss me on my forehead and hug me tightly for minutes that feels like lifetime. Abba then went to junkook and hold his hand telling him to take care of me and him too because he is the one who is like brother to me even he is younger than me. I feel jealousy in Jimin eyes when Abba was talking to junkook and then they came toward Jimin and hug him tightly telling him that he is his favourite son and aunt smile at yhem hugging. Aunt hold Abba in hug and tell his brother to be safe and secure and return home safely and be careful of surrounding and Abba nodded because he's always like an obedient brother, uncle wasn't there so Abba tell her to greet him from Abba. They two take a flight infront of us and after they leave aunt hug me and tell me to be brave she's with me no matter what. She take her own car and leave us to enjoy and tell us to return early and look at me telling to be careful while riding a bike. After she left jimin junkook and Reya hug me and tell me don't be sad because we're going to enjoy and they are there with me and I feel happy after finding there are many other people who loves me like my parents do. I start bike and Jimin join me while Reya is with junkook in car too. Junkook is now Jimin and Reya's favourite too although Jimin seems jealous of junkook sometimes. Who is the one junkook love and Reya's crush because they two seems suspicious like they are dating secretly but I remember junkook love someone else and Reya also have crush on the friend of Jimin abd he love her too but why they two are close enough maybe they are like brother and sister and I'm the one who is overthinking here. I asked Jimin have he any idea about Reya's crush? and he hesitated saying no I don't. When I was riding bikes jimin take his lips close to my ears and seductively ask me Wana know my crush and i hit him with my elbow because he is distracting me by his seductiveness. We stop by a restaurant and wait for junkook and Reya because I left them far behind due to me racing with some random person in road because his actions seems like he is challenging me to have race and I started race without any conversation with him. Jimin also tell to qin because he understands that I'm racing with him and I'm faster than him but from restaurant he move toward his destination and I stopped there. The random person I'm racing with looks back at ne when he feel like I've stopped my bike nd then move on after getting death stare from jimin, Jimin told me to not gave a fuck to random road guys and I said okay mister jealous while carsing his nose and he melt at mine that okay. I feel like it's too much easy to make Jimin fell in love because he always losses just by my one glance and ny every action made him fall for ne more. Junkook and Reya also reached there and Jimin tell junkook to be fast mister losser and junkook just faking a stare toward him. We then enter restaurant laughing because of dramatic action of junkook and Jimin. I and Reya sit on chair while junkook and jimin went to place order. When I find them going I asked Reya how's his suggestion about junkook and she tells while blushing that he is a good guy and I feel like something is wrong with Reya. I ask Reya about his love life how it's going and she tell me it's amazing with sparkle in her eyes like bro how? I asked the name of Jimin friend whom she have crush on and she change topic by saying Jimin oppa looking at him who is coming towards us with junkook on his side and he ask what? Reya told jimin that she is going on a trip with her friends and Jimin caress his nose wmdo what you want my little princess and ahe smiles at his answer. I looked at those lovely brother and sister smiling and adoring them while still thinking why Reya always change the topic when it's come to the name of his crush maybe she want to hide it from others just like us and I totally respect her that decision. After eating what we all want to I decided to go junkook's house in order to pick his luggage because he is going to stay with us in my house but he told me to return his bike and went with Jimin he'll be there after doing some important work. I told him that I'm in love with his bike and I'm not going to return his bike but Jimin told me to return and I handed him his key and sit in car in mood because I actually want to ride bike. Jimin and Reya came and we three heeded towards our house.