Chapter 23: Painting

Author: This is an English novel, I hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang lei POV:

*At the auction*

 The receptionist use her ki, the masses is confused even the receptionist, Wang lei said to the announcer," now then try to open the lid" the announcer open the lid, and suddenly the smell of the perfume became more concentrated to the receptionist it's mostly like a snake embrace,.

 Wang lei said to the masses to promote his perfume he stands up and said, "This perfume is made from a black rose, that only found in the nether island, I think you know of it" the alchemist is discussing to each other and suddenly lu meng the best alchemist from lu sect said, "The nether island that you talking about is the south pole? The lands of death?"

 wang lei said replied, "Oh! I thought I needed to explain it" all of the alchemist suddenly wanted to buy the perfume to study it, but many of the women is interested to use it and someone from the pristine hawks Hen Mu ask Wang lei, "Then what's the effect of that perfume?" Wang lei sit down and said, "What do you think the effect of the black rose? In fresh state?" lu meng from lu sect replied,"Illusion" Wang lei said, "Then what's the effect of the black rose when there some natural ki being engulf to it?" hen mu and lu meng suddenly realized it, and that's the one that using the perfume can cast the illusion using her ki.

 Many of the women is saying some dirty thoughts of seducing some husbands, or boyfriends, Wang lei look at the announcer and said,"So how much the price?" the announcer thinks and said to the masses, "This perfume can be deadly in term of assassination attempts or seducing attempts, but due to the rarity of the product, I declare as the announcer and appraiser the starting price for this item is 150 gold tales" the women in the vicinity getting a riot because of the affordable pricing, the bidding getting intense including the battle of hen mu and lu meng.

*10 minutes later*

 The announcer said, "The bidding for the perfume is been sold to the pristine hawks hen mu, that bought with a 800 gold tales" Wang lei just laugh it out because of the greedy of the women to become more pretty, the announcer make some sort of event because the last item is a real master piece that came from the 9th realm, the ethereal domain. 

 The announcer said to Wang lei, "My humble guest, is it okay to know your name and sect?" Wang lei is not coward or stupid so he just said to the announcer, "If you know the head master Xiao ling, my house Is near to their school" the patriarchs even the other cultivators, alchemist and guards. Said in synchronized, "He's an expert"

 Xiao ling reputation and the school is one of the rankings that battling to the core city, and he just bluntly say the head master name, the guess is doubting that if they offended him the whole school will their enemy, so many snakes is smiling to get the favor of Wang lei, he tilted his head and said, "It will be better if you continue" 

 Then the announcer said to the masses, "This is the last item, a painting that belong to 9th realm!" the receptionist bring the item with a towel to cover the painting, all of the guest is looking forward to the painting, the announcer pull the towel covering it, and said to the masses, "Behold the two rings island"

 The masses is astonished to see the painting of the island, because of the majestic views, everyone wanted to posses the painting is increasing, the announcer said, "This painting is been drawn by our dear guest, and this painting is based on the 9th realm, the ethereal domain" 

 The guest is shocked to hear that from the announcer, they questioning the identity of Wang lei why did he possess such treasure and power, they guessing the cultivation of wang lei base of the injured escort that came from the lu sect, judging by the cultivation of the escort is at least an elder, but he just bend the bone of the escort with just a mere clenching his fist, basically he's above the elder, then they just casually saying some word including a king and emperor cultivation.

 He just yawns and said to the masses while sitting, "Alright, can someone elaborate to me what's the monsters that living in the ethereal domain?" all of them can't say anything because the ethereal domain is been long gone, but some elder from the prestigious family replied, "The monsters that residing to the ethereal domain has the capability to kill a 20 elders within a minute"

 Wang lei looks up and found some sort a rich grandpa, Wang lei said, "Oh! There's actually described the power level of the monster residing the ethereal domain, grandpa your correct" some of the escort of the grandpa feel insulted because of attitude that he make, but the old man stops the escort including his grandson, the masses is questioning the identity of the grandpa even the lu sect is questioning their authority, then suddenly the escort said, "We came from the Lunar Rage School"

 All of the masses suddenly shuts up because of the school name, Wang lei heard someone nearby, "Lunar rage sect? the prestigious sect from the capital? That been rivaling the Thunder phoenix school? They're the second prestigious school that rival enough to the other prestigious school"

 Wang lei said, "Oh! You're quite a famous grandpa, but suck to be ill am I right?" the old man suddenly appear to the front of Wang lei and said to him, "What did you mean young one?" Wang lei just said to him bluntly, "It will be better if you cure the frozen veins in your body am I right? I think I know someone that can heal you grandpa"

 The old man point him some sort of sword ki and he said, "It will be better if you don't point me some low level sword ki grandpa, or else I'll not tell you the one that can heal your veins"

 Wang lei smiles and look at the old man with a full of confidence, the old man seize his sword ki and just leave a sigh, "Did you think that I wanted this disease?" Wang lei just say to the grandpa, "Well i don't know but get out of my sight old man"

 The old man take an insult but Wang lei release some concentrated intimidation, that he even sees a files of body, below his feet. The grandpa get out of his sight and head to the backseat, Wang lei said to the announcer, "So what's the price of that painting?"

 Because of the rarity of the painting, the announcer is hesitating the real price of it, but he sees the old man that has a lot of money and can afford the painting, the announcer said, "The painting price is 5000 gold tales"

 All of the masses including the old man that came from the lunar rage school, is shocked to hear the price, because of the uncertainty, Wang lei said, "It will" his speech is been cut when some fool from the Hong family came in, and said, "That's bullshit!"

 All of the masses looking at him, and he come up front, "Did you really think that you can fool the 3rd son of the hong family" he pointing at the announcer in terms of threat, because of his ignorance, he sees wang lei and point at him, "Ah! Are you the snake that wanted to steal my fiancé?" 

 wang lei just smiling and said to him,"Hm... do I know you? I don't know that bug can talk" all of the masses is laughing, because of this laughter the 3rd son come to wang lei and clench his collar, "Are you messing with me commoner? did you wanted to die so badly?"

 wang lei said to him, "Can you get away from me, you smell like a rotten corpse" the 3rd son of the hong family said, "Why you!" and activated some fist ki and wanted to punch wang lei to the face, wang lei change his class to overlord,


The overlord class is a full of intimidation techniques, and skills, including the passive called the overpowering it will only activated if there some skill has been used, this skill can overpower in a matter of radius, the first skill is mental breakdown, the second skill is Hell illusion, the third skill is death illusion, fourth is word command

*announce end*

 Wang lei activated the word command, "Kneel" the overpowering activated that all of them can't breathe and the word kneel is been commanded to the masses including the grandpa, the 3rd son of the hong family said, "Y-you what did you do?"

 Wang lei touch his head and use "mental breakdown", the screaming of the 3rd son is echoing and the masses is using their cultivation to withstand the sudden breathing problems, then wang lei sits like a king and said, "Death illusion" 

 The radius of been casted is the whole vicinity, the masses hears the foot steps of death while dragging some dead body, they can't breathe and can't speak, wang lei said, "Oh you have an array if you been killed, they will be notified"

 Wang lei cancel the death illusion, and stands up, he telekinetically struggle the 3rd son and cast the word command, "You will explode in 10 minutes" the beating of his heart suddenly getting fading and his insides is on chaos, he change his class to warlock, and use the corpse bomb location, he throw the 3rd son through the roof and sit down to his sit again, the masses Is catching his breath and they only say one thing, "Don't mess with him" while wang lei is on good mood that the bug is been terminated.