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Chapter 52: The Punishment

Author: This is an English novel, i hope you have a good day reading this.


Wang Lei POV:

*outside of the array*

 The head master of the misty refiner school is been ambushed by the enemy, he calls the shadow guards, but they're still out numbered, he said to the shadow guard, "Notify the Lunar rage sect quick!" 

 The shadow guard able to get the message, and vanish in thin air, the assassins said to the headmaster, " old man, inside of the array, the people their is already died, i think you should let us kill you to meet them in hell" Then the headmaster retaliate and shows the peak elder cultivation, he said to them, "Within my last breath, i swore that i'll drag you all to hell,"

*Mean while at wang lei*

 Wang lei is still on the pool of blood and stack corpses, he sees that the assassins inside is looking for the bone, and the they're also checking all of the storage ring of the corpse, wang lei change his class to, shadow controller, he cast the magic, "Shadow time bind," And it will be suitable bind because it's cloudy and it has a time bind, basically it will be much time to reach all of the assassins inside of the array.

*within a few minutes*

 The time bind is been scattered to all assassins, while wang lei wanted to set foot and bind them, there's a sudden explosion outside that almost damaged the array, the assassins immediately get to the destination of explosion, 

 Wang lei cast, "Shadow eyes" and he sees that the assassins outside is injured, and he sees the mantle of the head master of the refinery school, wang lei just leave a sigh and change his class to soul collector and collect the soul out of the array, right now the soul that he gathered is 825 including the soul of the head master,

 Then he changed his class to shadow controller again, and waited for the right time that the assassins lift up the arrays or get inside, within a few minutes the array has been lifted and the assassins is been gathered, he sees a bunch of 35 assassins.

 That has the cultivation of an elder, and the leader said, "Find the bone immediately, before the message that been delivered to the other school will come here, then wang lei immediately begin to cast, "Shadow bind" All of them can't move, and even their qi is been restrained, they can't talk either, wang lei says through telepathy to them,' You mess the wrong school, and massacred everyone here," Wang lei release the passive skill of the shadow controller, it was called shadow avatar,


Shadow avatar is an intimidation technique but it was able to see in naked eye, the shadow avatar can seals every mana/qi to the said vicinity, the area can also changed by the user of the shadow avatar, 

Announcement ends

 The assassins noticed the black figure is on the pile of corpse, the assassins wanted to break the bind by using their qi, but they can't break it because it was restrained by the shadow avatar, wang lei get up from the pile of corpse and said, "You dare to kill someone with my presence, then are you prepared to be killed by the people that resides in hell," 

 Wang lei just stands up and the shadow avatar get so large that it can immediately sees that tall of the stadium walls, then wang lei walks through the leader and said ,"For a dog like you to bite, why not i'll behead you right here, right now," 

 The leader is pissing his pants because of fear that wang lei emits, so he begin to kill them one by one, but he combine his class into shadow controller and soul collector to, Soul Shadow manipulator, and change his class into that.

 The fear get risen and the death intimidation suddenly increased, he begin to kill them one by one, by killing them using their own shadow, the shadow is peeling their skins until they blead to death, the other assassins sees that they disturb the sleeping demon, a devil, no a sleeping demon king.

 Five of the assassins is been peeled to death, while the other 5 vomit their insides, using their shadow to get inside of their body and vomit their insides, the other 25 assassins is trembling in fear, they can only to cry and drool, because they can't do anything,

 Then the other 5 assassins is been butchered to death, starting on their feet up to their head, then wang lei feed the other 5 assassins the meat of their comrade, wang lei says to the other 5,"what will you going to feel if there's some bugs or parasitic insects that eating you inside out," 

 The other 5 is crying and their face is begging for mercy, wang lei look some item to his inventory and found out the multiplying worm, wang lei took out the worm to his inventory, wang lei cast some magic to the worm, "Soul order" the order is very precise, and that's only to kill this 5 and the worm will immediately die, the worm is been placed to their wounds and suddenly the worm get multiplied and eating them inside out.

 the other 5 assassins is crying for their mistakes, and wang lei just smile at them and said, "How about i'll kill you in most horrible way," Wang lei look at his inventory and found the false apple, this apple will crippled the victim but he will going to be an immortal

 Wang lei feed them the false apple, and their wounds suddenly heals, but all of them can't still move, wang lei change his class to Keeper, and cast a portal, this portal leads to the personal domain that wang lei has, and that's is the hungry world.

 Wang lei cast the portal, and lift the 5 assassins, they sees the monsters in the below ground, wang lei said to them, "Suffer in whole eternity, then he toss them to the portal, he cancel the bind because they're already been crippled, those assassins, already squealing and while they're body is being devoured constantly, then wang lei close the portal and change his class in previous, 

 the 10 remaining assassins, is still left, wang lei look at the 5 assassins, and it was 5 female assassins, wang lei said, "What will be the most satisfying way for you to die, ah that's it," wang lei also feed them the false apple, and he Change his class to keeper again and cast the portal that leads to the 24th realm, the realm of locust, the place where bugs at, wang lei cast some magic and that's pheromones for the bugs will be attract to it.

 Wang lei lift them and said, "Good luck to be a baby maker of bugs, the 5 female assassins is crying at shocked, and wang lei toss them to the portal, and cancel the shadow bind because they're already been crippled, the five females is asking for help, and they're already being swarm by the hundreds of bugs to become a baby maker.

 Then wang lei closed the portal and the remaining 5 left, wang lei stares at them and said, "You all loyal to your master am i right dogs?" wang lei change his class to fire magician, and cast the ticking bomb explosion, to 5 of them, 

they're already feels something isn't right to their body, wang lei said to them, "Be proud because your whole assassins sect will be entirely removed, and you will return in your master and in a sense of becoming a fire works,"

 The leader immediately knew what will happen and wang lei said, "To late i'll already saw the destination of your assassins sect," Then wang lei toss them to the destination of their sect, while holding a bomb that can obliterate their entire sect, in a single seconds, and it was five of them, so basically compare to a carpet of bomb.

 Wang lei immediately sucks all of the body inside of his storage ring, it was a number of 840 corpses, with a cultivation so basically this will be a good material for puppet making, and this puppet can be called as a tier 2 puppet only, well we using their body instead a material of my inventory so it's only a tier 2. 

 Wang lei sense the upcoming cultivators to his location, he change his class to copycat, and copy the cultivation of those assassins, and removed his qi that been cast when he was punishing those assassins, wang lei gathered all of the loots on the corpse storage rings, and he looted the whole school and razed it to the ground, wang lei teleports to the jiang school before the help arrived.

*The help arrived*

 They see that their already to late, and they sense the qi that been used by the head master and the qi of the assassins, but it was been cut outside of the school, the lunar rage sect patriarch said, "To think that they raze it to the ground, that damn assassins sect!"


 Wang lei arrived at Gou ogel office and he sees that she's a hard worker, and don't even noticed him, when wang lei speaks she immediately noticed him and she found out that wang lei is full of blood, Gou ogel immediately release some killing intent but wang lei just shoved his hands to stop and said, "The misty refinery school is no more, i also burn all of the documents that related to me, so there will be no more investigation, and i also cast some magic to the bastard that left the stadium so i think they're already dead because i cast them a disease that can kill them and also evaporate them without trace," Gou ogel said, "To think that you accomplished this kind of ordeals," 

 Wang lei just said to gou ogel, "Because the entire mission is to kill the Gods am i right?" Then wang lei release the two li escort, and they sees that wang lei is full of bruises and blood, they're concern about it and wang lei just said to them, "The matter that happen to that school will be a secret unto your grave got it"

 The two of them vows the martial art vow, a vow that will not leaked the entire matter of what happen, and this vow to the heavens, if they're just state it, they will get the heaven retribution. 

 Wang lei just said to gou ogel, "I'll be leaving now, this school and head to the capital, the tournament that will be on the capital don't forget it," then wang lei head on a the cave where he met the Xiao family, he closed it and he begin to make the puppetry. 


His storage ring is kindly unique because it can store a living being, but it has been divided to non living to living beings.

*Announce ends*

*meanwhile at the assassins sect*

 The five human bomb is been lunched at where the head of the assassins sect, the arrays that on the assassins sect prevent any outsider but it was excluded to the assassins disciple, when they're arrived at the sect head where about, 

 Then it was immediately triggered the bomb, and all of 5 of them explode and the whole entire sect on the inside that immediately destroys the array, the only thing that can be seen is a whole crater where the assassins sect found of. wang lei immediately noticed the rapid numbers of souls that he collect has been risen, into 2040. wang lei just making the puppet body and just leave it a sigh because he has more work to do.