
November 18, 2028

The stage was a dazzling spectacle, bathed in the soft glow of colored lights and a radiant LED display that seemed to pulse in time with the audience's heartbeat. Enormous screens displayed the game's action for all to see.

A panel of casters provided live commentary, their voices filled with excitement and expertise, narrating the unfolding drama in the game. The crowd hung on their every word, erupting into cheers or groans in response to the game's twists and turns.

The sponsors' banners adorned the arena, their logos glowing brightly. Vendors in the concourse area sold merchandise, and the scent of freshly popped popcorn and sizzling hot dogs wafted through the air. Gamers of all ages, clad in jerseys and gaming gear, mingled with one another, discussing strategies, sharing stories, and celebrating their shared passion.

"It's over, folks! Yuusha has done the impossible! Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat! A 1v3!"

"And with that, we have our very first champion of the Andartha's Cup, team Paragons!"

Like a tidal wave of enthusiasm, the crowd's collective roar surged through the air and reverberated throughout the whole venue. The floor vibrates, resonating with the thunderous applause of thousands of fervent fans.

"And now for the interview on our newly crowned champions!"

After a couple of minutes of waiting for the winner's interview, the crowd could sense that there was a problem, a technical difficulty, or perhaps another. No one could tell at that moment.

"Oh, sorry guys, we just got word from the staff, and it seems like their ace just logged out after the last game. What do you make of it, partner? She might have something important to go to, or maybe she just wants to dodge the interview. With how good her dodges are, chances are we won't get one today," the caster jested to contain the festive atmosphere.

Jeers of disappointment came from the crowd due to the announcement, but it didn't take long for the casters to keep it under control with their masterful redirection.

"Hahaha, know what you mean, Doc. For now, we will have to do with the rest of the Paragons' team. Yuusha might have some personal matters to attend to, so she left after the match. There was never any rule that you could avoid the interview and crowning of the champion ceremony."

"So, you mean she just joined a tournament, won the entire thing, defeated the top players of CoA, and went on her way like it was an easy task?!"

"I don't want to take credit from her teammates since it's impossible to win the Andartha's Cup alone, but she does make it look easy the way she plays today. Though I hope they change the rules to make the tournament mandatory for players to attend LAN next time instead of online, considering our huge fanbase. Don't you agree, crowd!?" the caster hyped.

"Yeeaaaahhh!" The crowd roared in response.

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September 1, 2031

Ring* Ring* Ring*

I woke up at the sound of my phone alarm ringing. I reach out to the small table beside my bed where I usually put it. It's still too early. I have 2 hours before my class. I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep.

*Minutes later

My phone rang again, waking me up from my peaceful nap, albeit with a different tune.

"What is it this time," I pondered irritably.

Bleary-eyed, I glanced at my phone. I reflexively straightened my back when I saw my mom calling, likely to check if I was already preparing for school. The thought of getting scolded by her woke me up like a bucket of cold water.

I immediately answered the call.

"Honey, have you already prepared for school? It's your first day at the university, and I'm going to be mad if you're late again," she inquired.

"I-I'm almost done getting ready."

Shit, my dry and croaking voice probably gave away that I had just woken up.

"Katherine Katyusha, I swear if you don't get out of your bed this instant..." she said in a cold and intimidating voice.

How was she even so sure that I was still in bed? Her tone of voice sent chills down my spine. I instantly hopped out of my bed.

"I'm already awake! L-let's not be too hasty Mom," I said placatingly.

She sighed.

"Honestly, you should grow out of your habit of staying up late at night. It's your first day in college, and you would've been late if I hadn't woken you up again. I worry about you living alone in that apartment."

"I'm fine now, Mom I'm old enough to handle myself. I'm gonna get ready for school now. Bye! Love ya!" I said hurriedly.

I hung up immediately so that she would not transition her call to an hour-long scolding, which would definitely make me late for my first class.

After my morning stretches, I quickly showered to get my blood running.

After drying with a towel, I positioned myself in front of the mirror to get changed into my attire.

In front of me is the usual 5'⁹ tall black-haired girl I see every morning. Ocean blue pearls encased in sharp eyes, white skin due to lack of sunlight, marble-like nose, and mature looks with a fit body shape and moderate breasts.

After dressing up in my casual wear and brushing my shoulder-length black hair to look more presentable, I went to the mini kitchen in my apartment and prepared breakfast. Bacon and eggs were the obvious choice, easy to make and satisfying to eat.

I placed the meal I cooked in front of the dining table and called out in a moderately audible voice.

"T.V. on"

The television that was prompted by my voice command turned on. Technology nowadays is more convenient than ever, I thought to myself as I watched. The channel seems to be focused on news and current events, and since I currently don't have anything I want to watch, I ate while listening to the newscaster's voice.

"In other news, the prize pool for the popular VR MMORPG Champions of Andartha's yearly tournament, also known as Andartha's Cup, was revealed. It has yet again surpassed the record for the highest prize pool in a single tournament in the history of e-sports. The current prize pool is a whopping 48 million dollars for the whole tournament!" the newscaster exclaimed.

"They outdid their selves again, huh," I murmured to myself.

Nowadays, the rising popularity of e-sports made it comparable to typical conventional sports. It is not that unusual to see it being headlined in the news, especially those tournaments with a massive prize pool. Compared to being debated as a 'real' sport back then, it is a significant improvement for gamers and gaming fans alike.

"But it has nothing to do with me... not anymore."

After finishing my breakfast, I put the plates and utensils in the sink for me to wash later. I brushed my teeth and did my final preparations before going out the door and pressing the button on the elevator in the hallway. I reside on the 8th floor of the building, so walking down would be pretty tiring.

After waiting for a while, the elevator opened, revealing four people riding it. It is a little bit cramped, but what can you do? It is a busy morning, after all, so the majority of people go to work or school this time of the day.

"Excuse me," I said politely as I entered the elevator.

As the elevator door shut, I waited for it to arrive on the ground floor while trying my best not to yawn.

After arriving at my destination, I walked briskly to the exit of the high-rise apartment complex, passing by the guard, who in turn voiced a quick morning greeting to me. I responded in kind, then sauntered into the underground station just around the corner of the street.

My parents decided to pick the apartment complex because it was well-guarded and close to the train station on a crime-free street. They're quite overprotective, I know, but every parent who cares for their child's wellbeing could be said to be the same.

There are plenty of commuters in the station due to the rush hour, but thankfully, it is offset by the fact that there are more than ten payment terminals. I flashed my phone, and it scanned, instantly prompting a confirmation to deduct money from my account.

I don't carry any wallets since it has become obsolete nowadays due to the ease of payments using mobile wallets. It's also harder to steal your money as it needs confirmation from you when transferring money to another account.... unless, of course, they cut off your finger to use it for the fingerprint lock and brutally torture you to use your voice to bypass security.

As I pass the terminal onto the railway, I hear the bullet train fast approaching. I rode the semi-crowded train while pondering what the first day of my college life had in store for me.