Chapter 3.2

-Raynold's PoV-

"Did you see it!? Did you see it, Raynold!? Katherine just defeated the enemy player! We are close to winning!" Lenna celebrated as she watched the match.

"Uh huh..." I replied dumbfounded.

"I didn't think Katherine would be able to beat June though."

"Beat June? She didn't just 'beat him' she demolished him! She mentally and mechanically outplayed him! She fucking destroyed him!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Sheesh calm down you're exaggerating."

"I don't think you know how good of a play that is. The dodge for example was done with no wasted movement and chained perfectly to a counterattack. A counter that was aimed at the head resulting in the highest damage she possibly could. She also baited him to play offensively and forgo defense by the nature of being a healer. Most supports are naturally weak at melee since they're always at the backline and have low HP in exchange for MP. She took advantage of that common notion to punish his aggressive plays. The way she dodges too. Most players when they dodge either leap away to distance themselves from the attack or dodge with exaggerated movements to reassure their dodge, which in turn, makes it hard to do a counterattack. But she dodges at the last second, with as minimal movements as possible, baiting June into believing his attacks would hit so that he becomes complacent and unprepared for her counterattacks. You've got to have numerous battle experiences to move like that. She either has insanely godly reflexes or she predicted all his moves or maybe even both! She moves as good as some amateur pro players I watch, or even better!" I ranted.

"Okay, okay stop I get it! Sheesh, You're such a nerd sometimes." Lenna admonished.

Hmphh! Casuals. They cannot appreciate a great play even when it is right in front of them. All that matters for them is the kills or the insanely flashy but unpractical moves like Meteor Strike or Thunderstorm. It is slightly disappointing that there's no one else with me here to appreciate that kind of outplay.

"But do you think they can win against that Chu guy?" Lenna asked

"Judging from how good they both are, I don't think they would lose to a single non-pro player 2v1."

"That's good to know!" Lenna said with a broad smile

"You seem happy." I inquired.

"Of course, if they win you know what that means, right?"

I smiled back as I thought about what would come next.

"Liz will treat us at the cafe!" She added


-Chu's PoV-

"Hmph, you talk big but you don't have the skills to back it up." I taunted.


HP: 84%

"It''s not over yet so don't get too cocky!"


Hp: 8%

He's already low, one more hit would probably kill him. What a disappointment, I was hoping for more of a challenge. I'm not satisfied with an opponent as weak as this.

"It seems your teammates are not as weak as you thought since they managed to wipe out all of mine. They might back you up if you survive a bit longer."

The notifications of my teammate's death happened about a while ago. The enemies are probably heading this way to help this guy. I'm sure that ranker girl will put up more of a challenge than this fool. The only reason I accepted June's offer is to have a bout with that famous ranker I keep hearing about who is said to be a regular here.

"I don't need their help! I'm going to kill you right before they arrive!" he exclaimed.

What a stubborn guy, he could've just retreated for now to regroup with his other teammates and push their advantage in numbers but his stubborn pride won't let him. I have to give him respect for that though he is an honorable opponent.

"Last Stand!" he let out a battle cry.

His sword was then covered in a blood-red aura that let off a dreadful atmosphere.

"...." I silently watched him.

I was wondering what his Claymore weapon skill was. So it was a buff-type weapon huh? The last stand basically increases your damage as your health goes lower. Having only 8% of his HP remaining will dramatically increase his attacks to double or even triple his firepower. So, this is where his confidence comes from. Coupled with the innate damage potential of his claymore plus his weapon skill, one direct hit from him might instantly kill me. This is getting interesting.

He rushed at me; his buff only lasted for 30 seconds so he was on a timer. I can just kite him and stall for 30 seconds if I want a surefire way to win but I also don't have that much time, his backup might arrive any second. And besides, where is the fun in that?

As he was in melee distance, he did an overhead swing. His weapon is too large and his windup is too exaggeratedly long that it was pretty easy to dodge. Sadly, his battle spell only increases his power, not his speed. I took a step back and dodged his swing completely.




Hp: 79%

Shit! His swing was so strong due to his buff that it sent shockwaves around the impact of his strike. That was unexpected. Had he planned that attack from the start?

"Got you now!" He declared.

As my balance was off from the shockwave, he didn't miss the opportunity and did a side swing in an attempt to bisect me in half.


My weapon suddenly glowed white on the edges.


I positioned my twin butterfly sword to block his swing and used my weapon skill 'Reversal'. A normal parry would've surely sent me flying and probably fatally wound me but using my skill reversal sends the power of the attack right back at the enemy. It can only be activated if you can do a perfect parry. It takes a lot of skill to use but it is a skill of my red weapon that helped me climb the ranking leaderboard at 1v1. Sucks I have to use it though since its cooldown is pretty long. I was saving it for the later fight.

"Gah!" he cried.

He flew a few feet away from me as he was damaged greatly by the force of the impact of his own swing.


Hp: 0%

"Damn!" he exclaimed.

"Don't feel too bad. It was a good last attempt."

As I was complimenting his last-ditch effort, he turned to blue motes of bright light and completely vanished from the playing field.

I've wasted enough time. I have to get the orb before his teammates arrive. I reminded myself.

I rushed to the barrier and channeled to remove the barrier of the orb while paying attention to my surroundings for any surprise attacks. About halfway through channeling, I heard a voice.

"Thorn burst!"

A girl with a staff, presumably their healer tried to impede my movements with a spell. Are they here already?

I canceled my channeling to dodge the skill. Shit, how unlucky. I would've finished breaking the barrier if I only had a couple of seconds more of uncontested channeling.

Just then I felt a foreboding feeling. I ducked instinctively.


"Tsk!" she exclaimed.

Another girl with the same face as the healer appeared holding a rapier in her hand. She is probably the ranker based on the bits of info I heard about her. So, the first attack was just a distraction for the real carry to finish me off when I least expected it, they have a good synergy. Her suddenly appearing instantly at my blind spot means she has a displacement skill. A blink or shadow step is more likely. That's a surprise though, I thought my teammates would've at least eliminated 1 of the 2 considering they have the numbers advantage. Either these 2 are good or my teammates are just that useless.

I leaped a few times back to get some distance as I pondered my choices. Hiding in the forest while firing some arrows at them to chip their HP is not possible since they have a healer and I will definitely run out of arrows before their healer runs out of mana.

Melee it is then. I rushed to the healer.

"Katherine be careful, he's going after you!"

How astute. She immediately put herself in front of me and her healer in an attempt to block my charge.

She thrust her rapier at me, but I dodged it at the last second and I followed it up with a quick dual stab.

She dodged the 1st stab and parried the other with her rapier but I was expecting it.

I delivered a straight kick. She managed to guard it with her free hand, but my blow overpowered her. She had a very nimble body type but is also a lightweight so my kick sent her flying.



Hp: 94%

Having achieved my purpose of separating the two, I instantly rushed at the unguarded healer in an attempt to eliminate her.

I can't waste this opportunity. I had to eliminate her quickly so I could have a bout with the ranker. I did the fastest combo of slashes I possibly could close to depleting my stamina.

"Hyahh!" I exclaimed.

I did a quick 12-strike combo with my butterfly swords.

But what is this feeling... It feels like I'm trying to cut the air. Just as I thought that my slash was about to hit, she dodged it flawlessly. I have never fought anyone like this girl before.

None of my hits connected.

No, my last hit did connect but it only managed to scrape her chest making her distance herself a bit.


Hp: 92%

"Tsk! Useless bag of meat," she murmured.

In my shock, I failed to realize that her teammate was already right behind me. With a sudden quick stab, she hit me in the back.




Hp: 42%

She prioritized my body instead of my head to make sure I didn't dodge this time, how laudable. My HP is going down and I don't even have a healer to mend me back to full health. And to top it off, they're both extremely skilled players. This is bad. I need to do something.

Just as I was recovering from the damage the rapier user dealt, the healer suddenly rushed at me. That was a bad move by her but I won't let this opportunity pass by. Now is my chance, my weapon skill just barely went on cooldown. If can create an opportunity to eliminate her with a well-timed skill, it will become a 1v1 match wherein I have a higher chance of winning.

She wound up her weapon preparing for an overhead swing. Perfect, I positioned my twin butterfly sword in the trajectory of her swing and activated my skill making my twin weapon's edges glow white.

Just as her staff was about to hit my weapon, she suddenly stopped it mid-swing and transitioned her attack into a sidekick. A feint!

It caught me off guard and hit me in the sides. Did she know of my weapon skill? Did she predict I would use it at this exact moment or is it just a fluke?

Whatever the reason is, my posture got destroyed by that kick making me flinch.

"Now!" She yelled.

Just then the rapier user appeared right beside me. Shit! Her 'Shadow Step' skill just went on cooldown, and the healer knows it too so she created an opening for her.

The stab went through the back of my neck and I felt a very slight pain in that area.



Hp: 0%

"It was a Good Game," the ranker said in courtesy.

It was all I heard from my opponent before my vision went entirely black and annoying red letters showed at the center of it all reminding me of my own death.