Chapter 20.2

We both toured the whole place while I guided her. From the guild training hall where members can duke it out in a friendly PVP match all the way to the guild alchemy room where we craft consumables like explosives and other dastardly concoctions which she eyed warily. I'm sure that what happened during our last bout is still fresh on her mind wherein I had to resort to... unusual tactics. I blame it all on that Chu guy though.

In the middle of the tour, we bumped into another player I hardly get along with. A man who looked to be in his late 20s if he used the face scanner as his avatar. He's has long cut hair and wears a samurai-style armor of red with his katana sheathed in his left side hip and 2 small wakizashi on his other side that he sometimes uses as a backup weapon or for long-ranged throwing if necessary.

I identified him.


Hp: 100%

Mp: 100%

Lvl: 95

Guild: Concord of Heroes

Duel wr: 78%

Wins: 632

Matches: 810

Team Rank matches wr: 61%

Wins: 528

Matches: 866

1v1 Rank matches wr: 59%

Wins: 551

Matches: 934 id#:***********

Introduction: Add me, and I can boost your level for a price!

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? If it isn't the guild leader's lapdog?" he taunted.

Spoken like a common thug, the only thing missing are two lackeys by his side and it would've been perfect. I'm sure he must've heard about the rumors regarding the level of the new officer and came to check for himself and this was not a coincidental meeting since he is still infuriated about what happened recently.

"Want me to beat you up again in a 1v1 duel?" I responded irritably.

He already challenged me once for the officer position and I defeated him soundly. He's someone who is unskilled and doesn't train in the slightest to improve all the while blaming it all on something superficial like a rigged system or a biased guild leader simply because he's still not an officer.

"Hmph, even if I took that match seriously and beat your sorry ass, I'm sure you guys still wouldn't've made me an officer," he dismissed.

I don't blame him for wanting to be an officer this badly. Officers have the right to participate in guild wars that happen every month and in return, get more resources than just regular members. Many take the game very seriously. For one thing, it is the most popular VR game right now, another is you can actually exchange resources in the game for real-life money due to the never-ending buyers of materials in trading sites and such to increase their stats. Some even boost characters as a side job and are paid for their time due to the difficulty in leveling up in this game. No wonder why he is adamant about becoming an officer and getting preciously, limited guild war materials that can be exchanged for monetary purposes. Though that does not excuse his poor attitude.

"You know that's not true, we had a bet, and I would have gladly stepped down if you somehow managed to beat me," I countered.

"And you expect me to believe you? What's your proof? That girl over there who became an officer at level 65? How pathetic. Hey girl, tell me the truth, how many dicks did you suck to get promoted to an officer right off the bat?"

"Jarde!" I shouted.

Just as I was about to punch this dickhead, penalty be dammed, a hand stopped my movements.

"It's fine, let's just ignore him," Novo declared nonchalantly as she walked past him.

I followed suit, not without giving my most menacing glare to this dickhead as I walk past him.

"That's right, run along kids 'cause you both know I'm right. Nepotism runs in our guild. I guess this is what happens when a useless girl becomes the guild leader," he spat venomously.

My blood boiled at his insult to Liz. Just as I was thinking about how should I deal with this guy, a murderous voice cut me off.

"How about a bet then," Novo spoke.

It stopped me from doing what I was supposed to do. She appears to be extremely pissed, which is unusual for someone like her who doesn't fall to provocations easily. The only time I saw her even come close to being this angry was the time we first met when I mistakenly questioned Liz's dedication to the tournament. This is bad.

"A bet?"

"Yes, if you win against me in a duel, I'll step down from being an officer and convince Lizbeth to give you my title."

"Hoh, really?"

"But if I win, you'll have to quit the guild."

"Hahaha, what a funny gal, you think a low leveled twat like you has a chance against me?" He guffawed.

"Wha-what are you saying!? You're a spellcaster, not a melee fighter, this is absurd!" I exclaimed.

"Stay out of this Renz," she warned.

Shit, the situation is getting worse. Anger is clouding her judgment. A 1v1 is completely different from a 2v2 match for a spellcaster-type player. For one, she won't be able to cast any skills due to having no backup to stall or make space for her to channel her spells. Basically, she is going to have to fight without any spell usage making her entire character build rendered useless. There is no way she can possibly win this.

I know she is good at survival and dodging attacks but it will only take two to three lucky hits to end her while she would have to hit the enemy numerous times for her to win. She might get an unexpected critical shot like what she had done to me using her hidden dagger but after the element of surprise wears off, she would become a sitting duck. I have to somehow stop this match from happening.