Chapter 21.2

"Ray, what the hell is that staff?" I asked Raynolds who is the most knowledgeable person I know in-game.

"That's... that staff is called 'Crimson Blood' a unique weapon," Raynolds blurted gravely.

That is shocking, a newbie like her already acquired a unique weapon? Those kinds of weapons are extremely hard to get, either from accomplishing hidden requirements in a quest, fortuitous crafting, or other impossibly hard means of playing the game. The most distinct features of unique weapons are being untradable and undroppable upon death. It will always bind to whatever account that manages to obtain them.

"I heard rumors from the deep forum of the CoA community threads but I haven't seen it myself. They say it is a unique staff you can get from a certain storyline quest in the demon continent only available by doing the quest below a certain level threshold," he continued. "It is extremely hard to acquire since it requires not taking any damage throughout the whole quest line for the NPC to give it to you as a bonus reward item. If you happen to make a mistake by taking damage even once during the quest, you will have to create another account for you to have a chance at getting the staff, or so I heard.

"Whoah, then acquiring that staff is already a testament to her skills, right?" FairyDust chimed in.

"I agree, although few take the quest seriously except for unique weapon collectors because that staff has one of the most double-edged weapon skills in the game and almost nobody can use it that effectively," he continued to explain.

"Why is that? What does it do?" I asked curiously.

"You can sacrifice your hp for a damage boost," he replied helpfully.

"Sacrifice?" FairyDust hinted to him to elaborate.

"Yeah, for example, if you sacrifice 10 percent of your hp to the skill, you will acquire a 10 percent damage boost, the amount of hp you sacrificed will be proportionate to the amount of damage boost you will receive."

"That is pretty good right?" I wondered.

"Not quite, it isn't called a 'curse' for nothing. The hp you sacrificed cannot be healed nor recovered by any means for the duration of the curse. It has bad synergy for support mages like Miss Katherine who are squishy enough as it is, making them even easier to kill. It's not that good unless you are a DPS mage who wants to go full glass cannon mode which is also extremely risky because even a stray arrow could kill you if you're not careful enough with the health you sacrifice. I don't advise her using it for a duel where there is no one you can rely on to tank hits for you." He rambled on.

That is very bad. I hope she knows what she's doing.

I glanced at Liz and she remained uncharacteristically silent while looking at Novo. She is more than likely anxious about the fight that is about to transpire resulting in her current somber mood.

"Ready to get publicly humiliated and brought to light for the fraudulent cocksucker you are girl?" Jarde obnoxiously exclaimed just as the timer for the battle counted down.

My blood boils at his unjust claims but Novo seems to ignore him completely.

Duel starting in 


Just before the timer started its countdown, Novo was already channeling a spell. Preemptive channeling is a textbook way for a mage to fight a duel since they can instantly cast any spell they want for a single time after the battle starts, provided that they finish the channeling before the battle starts of course. Some players complain that it is unhonorable and all that nonsense but I think it is perfectly fine given the drastic disadvantage spellcasters intrinsically have in a 1v1 duel.

The spell she was preemptively casting was a greater haste spell. It boosts your speed by 1.25x. It is faster than the usual haste spell that only boosts the speed by 1.15x. The downside is that it only lasts for forty seconds and has a very high mana cost, making it severely less efficient than just a normal haste spell.


Duel Start!


Hp: 100%


Hp: 100%

"Greater Haste," Novo cast her pre-emptive spell, creating a white light that enveloped her body.

After about a second, she used another skill.

"Blood Curse," she murmured.

A dreadful crimson aura engulfed her whole body completely as her hp drastically fell.


Hp: 5%




"What are you doing newbie!"

The four of us exclaimed just as the other guild members became rowdier.

Is she out of her mind!? Why did she sacrifice 95% of her hp?! One wrong move or even a lucky graze from her opponent will kill her instantly at this rate.

"Hahaha, I don't know what you did but that's the right decision, save yourself the humiliation and just go kill yourself right now!" Jarde taunted.

Novo ignored Jarde's ramblings as she put the sinister staff on her backstrap and walked unhurriedly towards him akin to someone casually walking in a park. Her uncanny stroll while being engulfed in a crimson aura was so ominous that it made me quiver. It appears that Jarde had become wary of the unusual situation too and lapsed into silence. Novo seems unguarded and full of openings to the untrained eye but someone as experienced in PVP as I can slightly notice the full caution in every step she makes while retaining her absolute focus on the entire battlefield. Her casual way of walking might even be a psychological trick to make her opponents let down their guard and inadvertently net her an extra advantage.

Jarde did a prompting attack by throwing his small wakizashi toward her head. Even if he has a trashy personality, he does have some skill befitting a member of a high-level guild.

The throw was fast and precise, directly aimed at Novo's head. As I thought that it would be the end for her, she dodged it perfectly by tilting her head ever so slightly. It almost made my heart leap out of my chest on how close it was to almost hitting her before she made a move. What is wrong with you newbie!? Don't scare us like that!

"Tsk!" Jarde was now taking her seriously as his casual demeanor suddenly changed into a serious one.

Jarde places his hand into his katana, readying a sheathed slash while waiting for Novo to walk into his striking zone, this is getting dangerous, if I had to reluctantly name a strong point of Jarde, I would pick his insanely fast opening iai strike that even I failed to block or dodge when we fought.

"Be careful newbie!" I shouted.

She did not hear my warning probably due to her intense focus on the match. Even if she did, she completely ignored it as she continued to walk towards a fully prepared Jarde.

When she reached Jarde's striking distance, a quick horizontal crescent slash met her upper torso.

It was supposed to cut her in half but it passed through her like she was transparent.

No that's not it, she suddenly ducked while simultaneously closing the distance the moment it almost hit, exhibiting extreme flexibility and the ability to read her opponent's moves. It was done insanely fast and it made me think that the slash went right through her.

They met eye to eye, both their faces a couple of inches short of brushing with how close they were to each other before she did two quick stabs with her daggers aimed at his head while he was fully open after he had just swung his sword.



Hp: 0%

"Wha-, "Jarde was in complete utter shock and disbelief that he couldn't even form coherent words.

And so is the entire hall.

"Honor your promise," she said coldly as Jarde turned into motes of light, disappearing completely from the battlefield.

"T-that's impossible, she killed him in just two hits? Even if she has a 95% damage boost due to her weapon skill, that's still not doable with her level unless she did a full Dex build, right?" FairyDust exclaimed.

"No... She did four stabs perfectly aimed at his head, not just two," Liz said solemnly.

That revelation shocked me. How did she move so absurdly fast in a short span? But then I instantly remembered something. She was self-hasted the whole time but it just slipped our minds. No that's not quite right. It is more like she made us forget. We fell to the illusion of her pace when she slowed down her movements to perfectly match that of a player without any haste buff. The crimson aura also helped to conceal the white light color of a haste buff for her benefit. She then purposely held back her movements to change the rhythm of her attacks and dodges to make it harder for her opponent to get a read on her true speed. Almost everyone's eyes were tricked by the sudden burst of acceleration of her last attack when she went for the kill, except for a few with very keen eyes like Liz.

Haste is one of the most difficult buffs to master as it can make the timing and tempo of a player's attacks out of whack if used by the inexperienced. It also changes your perception of time, making it seldom used by players not used to have a drastic change in their movement timings. But the way she moves, it's as if she poured blood, sweat, and tears into training while under the influence of movement speed-altering buffs. Newbie my ass, that is the last thing anyone will think of her when they see how flawless her motions were. Who the heck is she? Where did Liz even manage to recruit a monster like her?

After killing her foe, she silently walked out of the training hall as if she had just finished throwing out the trash on a normal busy day.

The entire hall became deathly silent.

"Ray," I muttered in a voice only he could hear.

"Y-yeah," he replied, still taken aback by what had just transpired.

"Remind me to never speak ill of Liz in front of her."