Chapter 376: Royal Marriage

Chapter 376: Royal Marriage

Inside the Yan Kingdom Imperial Palace.

Following a eunuch, Song Qian entered the Imperial Palace's rear courtyard, a place forbidden for outsiders. The eunuch led Song Qian to a palace gate named "Chengchun Hall" and stopped.

By now, Song Qian could faintly hear the lascivious laughter and teasing tones coming from inside the hall.

Song Qian had heard rumors about the extremely decadent lifestyle of the Yan Kingdom Empress, Wei Xinlan. She could imagine that the scene inside the hall must be quite unpleasant.

The eunuch loudly shouted from outside the hall door, "Your Majesty, the head of the Longyang Song family has arrived."

A somewhat hoarse female voice echoed from inside the hall, "Let her in."

The eunuch turned to Song Qian and said, "Lady Song, please enter the hall."

At this moment, the two eunuchs guarding the door slowly pushed open the door to the main hall.

Inside the hall, men and women in thin gauze clothing were immersed in the wine pools on both sides of the hall, intertwined with each other, indulging in pleasure.

Since Song Qian had not experienced intimate relations, she feared that this enchanting scene would disturb her peace of mind. Therefore, she silently recited a calming technique in her heart.

In the center of the hall, a woman in a black dress with disheveled long black hair sat on the ground. Her eyes seemed intoxicated, and three men and three women attended to her.

Song Qian had never seen the Empress of Yan Kingdom before, as the Empress rarely appeared in public and paid little attention to state affairs. Many court officials had never seen the true face of the Empress.

However, Song Qian could easily recognize this woman in the black dress as the Empress Wei Xinlan, because she was the only one in the hall with the cultivation level of an Immortal Venerable.

Even standing at the door, Song Qian could feel the faint Immortal Venerable pressure emanating from Wei Xinlan. It seemed that Wei Xinlan's cultivation had reached the realm of the second stage of Immortal Venerable, the Holy Element Realm.

Song Qian, standing at the door, respectfully bowed to Wei Xinlan, "Head of the Longyang Song family, Song Qian, greets the Empress of Yan."

"So, you are Song Qian. Indeed, your beauty rivals that of celestial beings," Wei Xinlan said with a mysterious smile. "No wonder Marquis Wuan was captivated after just one meeting. Don't linger at the door; come inside."

As soon as Wei Xinlan spoke, the entire hall fell silent.


Song Qian had just stepped over the threshold when Wei Xinlan's voice rang out again, "Wait, to enter this hall, you must take off your shoes."

Song Qian furrowed her brows. She preferred to walk barefoot, but the sight of this hall disgusted her. She resisted the idea, but seeing no other choice, she bent her feet and rubbed them together. She then took off her shoes, revealing feet that matched the color of her green dress.

"Beautiful!" Wei Xinlan's gaze fell on Song Qian's feet. She admired, "Such a stunning pair of feet, rarely seen in the world. Marquis Wuan indeed has good taste."

Wei Xinlan couldn't help but feel that, in front of Song Qian, both men and women in the hall were mediocre in appearance.

Looking at Song Qian, Wei Xinlan couldn't help but reveal a greedy expression, as if she wanted to devour her immediately.

Since Wei Xinlan mentioned Marquis Wuan for the second time in front of her, Song Qian asked, "Your Majesty, Marquis Wuan and I are strangers. Is there any misunderstanding between us?"

Wei Xinlan showed a meaningful smile, "You are strangers for now, but soon you will become close. Bring it in," she said to someone.

A maid in the hall came over, carrying a book towards Song Qian. "Lady Song, this is a gift from Her Majesty."

Song Qian took a glance and saw that the book was titled "Snow Return Cultivation Technique."

Her heart accelerated. The Snow Return Cultivation Technique was a well-known dual cultivation technique used only by Daoist couples.

Why would the Empress suddenly give her this technique? What was the intention behind it?

"Your Majesty, I have not yet found a Daoist partner, and this technique is of no use to me. However, I still appreciate Your Majesty's kindness," Song Qian hurriedly said.

"Take it and learn it well. Soon, you will be able to use it," Wei Xinlan smiled. "By the way, you may not have seen the edict in Marquis Wuan's hand, so you don't know what I have rewarded you with. I was just too eager to see your true face, so I summoned you to the palace early."

Hearing this, Song Qian felt confused. She asked, "Before entering the palace, I did not see any edict. Your Majesty, please clarify."

"Last night, Marquis Wuan came to the palace and pleaded for a royal marriage. He said he wanted to take you as a concubine, and I agreed. This morning, the Ministry of Etiquette should have already drafted the royal marriage edict and delivered it to Marquis Wuan. You will be able to see the edict today," Wei Xinlan explained.


 hearing this, Song Qian was shocked. She quickly said, "Your Majesty, please revoke the order. I have found a suitable husband, and we will have a wedding soon. I cannot accept Your Majesty's royal marriage."

"But you have not consummated the marriage yet. The royal decree has been issued, and there is no turning back. You must accept it. Otherwise, I will order the imprisonment of all the servants and slaves of the Longyang Song family, and all your properties will be confiscated!" Wei Xinlan threatened.

Song Qian, infuriated and frightened, pleaded, "Your Majesty, I find it difficult to accept this royal marriage. I beg you to revoke the order."

However, she suddenly felt an overwhelming pressure descending upon her. Wei Xinlan angrily said, "Your father once refused my grace, and now you dare to refuse my royal marriage decree. Does the Song family consider my decrees a joke?"

As Wei Xinlan became angry, Song Qian felt the pressure on her intensify. Breathing became difficult, and her rationality told her that, at this moment, she could only pretend to agree to the royal marriage and find a solution after leaving the palace.