Chapter 397: The Strongest Under the Emperor (1/2)

Chapter 397: The Strongest Under the Emperor (1/2)

"The Qiongli Immortal Venerable," Fang Yuyan saw a fantasy scene suddenly unfolding in her courtyard and watched with interest.

"Oh, an illusion?"

Next to her, Li Changyi's expression became solemn. "This is the Clear Vision illusion. It connects with the current location of my disciple Zhan Qingwei. Only at the moment of Zhan Qingwei's death does this illusion automatically activate."

"So, what will be shown here is the place where Zhan Qingwei died. In it, I may be able to see the murderer who killed him." 𝓜.𝓥𝕆𝔻𝓉𝓌.𝓛🅰

"You mean Zhan Qingwei is already dead?" Fang Yuyan asked.

Li Changyi did not answer, but his silence conveyed the answer to Fang Yuyan.

Zhan Qingwei was perhaps Li Changyi's favorite disciple. If Li Changyi knew who killed Zhan Qingwei, he would undoubtedly seek revenge.

The illusion displayed was a magnificent courtyard, resonating with the reality of Fang Yuyan's courtyard. The featured mansion was the Shangguan Mansion, and the figures of Song Qian, Shangguan Jingming, Shangguan Xing, and others appeared in this illusion.

Later, Li Changyi saw in the illusion that above the mansion, his disciple Zhan Qingwei was being gripped by the throat by a young man in white attire. Through visual observation, Li Changyi could see that Zhan Qingwei had become a lifeless corpse at this point. Clearly, the young man choking him was the killer.

At the same time, the scene inside the Shangguan Mansion, where Li Changyi was currently located, was also displayed. It showed the courtyard of the Qiongli Immortal Mansion, where under a tree with golden leaves, a square table was set. Sitting around the table were four individuals, two men and two women.

Shangguan Jingming immediately recognized three of them, saying, "It's Qiongli Emperor Venerable, Yiwu Immortal Venerable, and Gaorong Immortal Venerable."

Gaorong Immortal Venerable was none other than Fang Wenrong, the current head of Tianwu Pavilion and a disciple of Li Changyi.

The fourth person at the table was Guxue, the closed-door disciple of Qiongli Emperor Venerable Fang Yuyan, whom Shangguan Jingming and the others did not recognize.

In fact, no one in the Shangguan Mansion had seen the true appearance of Fang Yuyan and Li Changyi face-to-face. They had only seen their portraits in the "Biography of Immortal Venerables."

Fang Yuyan had not left Qiongli Mountain for nearly three thousand years. Among the living, very few had seen her true appearance.

Immediately, the people in the Shangguan Mansion respectfully bowed in the direction of the illusion, where Fang Yuyan and the others were.

"Respects to Qiongli Emperor Venerable, Yiwu Immortal Venerable, and Gaorong Immortal Venerable!"

Their words seemed to be conveyed through the two connected illusions.

Meanwhile, in the Qiongli Immortal Mansion, Fang Yuyan, Li Changyi, and Fang Wenrong were focused on Song Ye.

At this moment, Zhan Qingwei's body gradually turned into dust in Song Ye's hands, dispersing in the wind.

Song Ye then turned to look at the illusion, where Fang Yuyan, Li Changyi, and others were. Their eyes met.

Fang Yuyan, still holding a wine jug in one hand and supporting her cheek with the other, asked, "Who is this young man?"

"He's an outsider," Fang Wenrong said suddenly. He recognized Song Ye as an outsider through a small flying spirit around Song Ye.

"Master." Fang Wenrong looked at Li Changyi and continued, "I just received a secret message from Tianwu Pavilion. It says that Zhan Qingwei's disciple Zhu Tenglong was killed by an outsider. That's why Zhan Qingwei left Tianwu Mountain to seek justice."

"Now it seems that Zhan Qingwei's disciple has also died at the hands of this outsider. Master, please avenge your disciple."

"Outsider? A visitor from outside the realms?" Fang Yuyan squinted her eyes. "He could actually kill Zhan Qingwei so easily. It seems this outsider has quite some strength. Interesting. Li Changyi, can you spare his life for a few days? Let me study him."

"No," Li Changyi said coldly. 

"He must die today?" Fang Yuyan asked.

"Today, he must die!" Li Changyi stood up.

It had been a long time since Fang Yuyan had seen Li Changyi with such a serious expression. Witnessing the tragic death of his disciple had evidently stirred his anger.

She didn't say anything more.

At this moment, both illusions began to dissipate, and Zhan Qingwei's last illusion technique left in the world vanished.

"Thunderstorm Sword!"

Li Changyi pondered for a moment, then summoned his lifebound spirit sword.

"Go ahead." Li Changyi whispered to the Thunderstorm Sword, "I'll follow shortly."

As if understanding, the Thunderstorm Sword trembled slightly, and golden lightning surged within it. The thunderous sound tore through the heavens and the earth.

Fang Yuyan covered her ears as

 if she didn't like the piercing sound.

The Thunderstorm Sword, carrying the thunder, soared into the sky and disappeared into the clouds in the blink of an eye.

"Be careful." Fang Yuyan suddenly whispered to Li Changyi, "Don't sacrifice yourself due to underestimating your opponent. Remember, our game is not over yet."

"Once he's dead, I'll be back."

Li Changyi said, and his figure also rose into the sky, quickly disappearing into the clouds with the Thunderstorm Sword.

Fang Wenrong suddenly stood up and bowed to Fang Yuyan, "Qiongli Emperor Venerable, I will take my leave."

Then, he displayed his magical power and flew towards the capital city of Yang Nation.


At this time, in the capital city of Yang Nation, in the Shangguan Mansion,

Song Ye remained suspended in mid-air.

At this moment, when the Shangguan family members looked at Song Ye again, a chill ran down their spines.

Even "Haoclear Immortal Venerable" Zhan Qingwei had died so easily at the hands of this outsider. They had no idea how powerful this outsider truly was.

The current mood of Shangguan Xing was particularly uncomfortable. He originally thought that Song Qian kept this outsider around merely because she liked his attractive appearance. He believed that, eventually, she would grow tired of him.

However, he didn't expect this outsider to not only be handsome but also exceptionally powerful. In comparison, Shangguan Xing felt inferior.

'Fortunately, this outsider is already a dead man,' Shangguan Xing thought. 'Li Changyi, Yiwu Immortal Venerable, is sure to kill him, avenging his disciple!'

Shangguan Xing believed that "Yiwu Immortal Venerable" Li Changyi would undoubtedly be able to kill Song Ye. After all, Li Changyi was hailed as the strongest under the Emperor!