Chapter 402: The Hidden Clan

Chapter 402: The Hidden Clan (1/2)

Song Qian's eyes glanced towards the small room, where the little girl lay curled up in bed, covered with a thick blanket.

The girl had been bedridden since falling seriously ill six months ago, and what surprised Song Qian was that the girl hadn't grown at all in the past five years. She still resembled a seven-year-old, with no changes in appearance.

"I'll come again at midnight tonight," Song Qian said to the old wolf.

Although she had doubts, she was not willing to give up any opportunity that could make her stronger.


That night, at midnight, the sky was dark, and the wind was high. Song Qian arrived as promised.

The old wolf had set up a fire next to the alchemy furnace, and several pills were being roasted, emitting a faint fragrance of medicine.

The warm firelight illuminated the entire pill room, even the adjacent small room.

Song Qian saw that the little girl was still lying in bed, covered by the blanket.

It seemed like the girl knew Song Qian had arrived; she instructed the old man, "Old Wolf, go ahead and tell her."

"Yes, Mistress," the old wolf replied in a low voice.

Then, he turned to Song Qian and said, "Family Master, do you know why your spiritual roots are so fond of fire?"

"Do you know the reason?" Song Qian asked in return.

In fact, she had been curious about why her spiritual roots were different from ordinary people, but since her spiritual roots developed later, she didn't dwell on the matter too much.

"Because your spiritual roots are actually nurtured by the Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit," the old wolf said. "Not innate spiritual roots."

"The Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit?" Song Qian showed surprise. "Are my spiritual roots the same as Xiao Lexian's, nurtured by the Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit?"

Song Qian had heard of Xiao Lexian, the top expert in the sect, being called the "Flame Emperor Immortal" because his spiritual roots were nurtured by the Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit.

"But I never ate any Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit, old wolf. You must be mistaken," Song Qian said.

"You did eat it," the old wolf affirmed. "It's just that when you consumed it, you probably didn't know it was the Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit."

"The Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit looks like an ordinary red candy, slightly sour, hard to bite through. Once it enters your mouth, it will automatically roll down your throat and enter your body. Recall, have you ever eaten such fruit?"

Prompted by the old wolf, she immediately remembered a night when she was ten years old. Her father had given her a fruit, insisting that she eat it.

She had never thought that a seemingly ordinary red candy would be the legendary Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit.

Thinking of this, her heart inexplicably ached.

"I did eat such a fruit. My father gave it to me," Song Qian said with a touch of sadness on her face.

"That's right," the old wolf confirmed.

"Why do you know so much about the Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit?" Song Qian asked curiously. "Could it be that you belong to the Hidden Clan?"

As far as Song Qian knew, only members of the Hidden Clan were familiar with the Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit.

"I'm not," the old wolf said. "But my Mistress is."

At this moment, there was movement in the adjacent small room.

The little girl lifted the blanket and got out of bed.

Song Qian saw that the girl's face was pale, and a faint cold aura surrounded her.

Barefoot, the girl walked out of the room and stood in front of Song Qian. "Song Family Master, I apologize. Due to certain reasons, I have to conceal my identity. Old Wolf is right; I am a member of the Hidden Clan."

The girl was petite, reaching only to the waist of the tall old wolf when standing straight.

"Old Wolf," the girl looked up at the old man with white hair, showing a doting expression, "let Song Family Master see your true appearance."

"Yes, Mistress," the old wolf said. With that, his massive figure suddenly transformed into a white wolf. Then, like a domesticated dog, he lay down next to the girl, who gently stroked his fur.

Song Qian was astonished to see that she had never sensed that the old wolf was a transformed demonic beast. Even now, she couldn't detect any traces of demonic energy on him.

It was only now that Song Qian understood why the girl called him "Old Wolf." He was indeed a wolf.

The girl seemed to perceive Song Qian's confusion and explained, "Song Family Master, Old Wolf is not a demonic beast but a werewolf. The term 'werewolf' refers to the wolf form of human beings. So, Old Wolf is essentially a human being, just with the form of a wolf."

"During the day, you had Old Wolf tell me that you have a way to help me advance to the Indestructible Realm in the shortest time. What method is that?" Song Qian asked.

After all, that was the main reason why Song Qian had come here tonight.

"It's simple. If the Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit in your body can transform into the Eternal Flame Dragon Fruit, your cultivation will surely increase dramatically," the girl said.

"My Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit can transform into the Eternal Flame Dragon Fruit? How do I do that?" Song Qian asked.

"In fact, there is no such thing as the 'Eternal Flame Dragon Fruit' in the world. The so-called Eternal Flame Dragon Fruit is just the Flame Emperor Dragon Fruit infused with the soul pill of our Hidden Clan," the girl explained.

"In other words, as long as you swallow a Hidden Clan Soul Pill, the Flame Emperor Spiritual Roots in your body will gradually transform into Eternal Flame Spiritual Roots."

Hearing this, Song Qian thought that the girl must have Hidden Clan Soul Pills on her. Still, she asked, "Where can I get such a Hidden Clan Soul Pill?"

"Five years ago, I was injured by the Snow Jiao Dragon and poisoned by its venom. This poison is extremely deadly to our Hidden Clan," the girl said. "I've endured the torment of the Snow Jiao poison all these years because I didn't want to leave Old Wolf alone."

The old wolf suddenly howled, and Song Qian noticed tears streaming from his eyes.

"But I know I can't hold on for more than a few days now," the girl continued. "Song Family Master, five years ago, you saved my life, and I never had the chance to repay your kindness."

"Tonight, I will give you this Soul Pill as a repayment for saving me."

As she spoke, a radiant light bloomed from her chest, and a red pill flew out from her body.

The old wolf emitted an even louder roar, echoing through the entire night, and crystal-clear tears fell from his white fur.