Chapter 409: Both Parents are Present

At this moment, the night guards in the mansion also hurried over, standing guard around the upper courtyard.

Song Qian immediately addressed these night guards, "You can step back."

The unidentified female demon lord who fell into the courtyard was still in a state of unconsciousness, evidently posing no threat to Song Qian.

Moreover, given the strength of her cultivation, on par with Song Qian, and Song Qian's invincible Eternal Flame Dragon Fruit spiritual roots, even if the other party were awake, she wouldn't be a match.

As Song Qian approached the fallen female demon lord, she remained cautious, enveloping herself with spiritual energy.

When she got closer, Song Qian gently flipped the demon lord over with a wave of her hand, revealing her face.

At this moment, due to Song Yuan's unconsciousness, the veil crafted from spiritual energy on her face began to gradually dissipate, allowing Song Qian to clearly see the face of the female demon lord.

Song Qian was taken aback for a moment. The female demon lord not only had an exquisite appearance but also bore a striking resemblance to her mother!

Song Qian's pupils involuntarily dilated.

In her youth, upon learning that her mother was the Immortal Bone Fairy Su Qingyu, Song Qian secretly collected many portraits of Su Qingyu. Even after learning of her mother's death, she never mentioned the term "mother" in front of Song Ye. However, she had always reserved a special place in her heart, a role that only her mother could occupy.

Yet, her mother was an immortal from the immortal sect, while the green-robed woman before her was a practitioner of demonic cultivation. They seemed to be different individuals.

However, for some reason, Song Qian felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity with the female demon lord, as if there was some bloodline connection between them.

Song Qian wondered,

Could it be that her mother never died, but secretly assumed a new identity and joined the demonic path?

In that case, could the woman before her be her mother?

Song Qian's heart trembled slightly.

But her reason told her that it was not suitable to jump to such conclusions now. First, she needed to hide this female demon lord, as there might be pursuers behind her. Otherwise, she wouldn't have fallen from the sky so suddenly.

Therefore, Song Qian immediately bent down and lifted her up.

Huh? Why is she so heavy?!

Song Qian did not expect the female demon lord's body to be so slender, much heavier than she had imagined. If it were an ordinary adult man, they might not be able to lift her.

Of course, Song Qian didn't know that Song Yuan's weight appeared heavier because her divine consciousness was the Eternal Flame, making her spiritual weight greater than an ordinary person's.

In Song Qian's chamber, there was a spacious secret room where she often practiced. Now, she carried Song Yuan into the secret room and gently placed her on a jade bed.

Of course, Song Qian had heard stories like "The Farmer and the Snake." Many immortal cultivators no longer adhered to the righteous ways of the sects. Moreover, many demonic cultivators prioritized strength and survival of the fittest. In this environment, it was better to be cautious and set up a defensive barrier to protect herself from any sudden attacks when the female demon lord woke up.

The secret technique of the Flame Emperor Heart Sutra allowed Song Qian to set up a defensive barrier around the entire secret room. As long as she was within this array, it would defend against any sudden attacks.

The Flame Emperor Heart Sutra was a secret technique given to her by Lao Lang, who followed her master's last words and passed it on to her.

Now, Lao Lang remained in the alchemy room, guarding the place where his master dissipated.

Song Qian sat by the edge of the jade bed and probed Song Yuan's pulse. She found that Song Yuan's body was unharmed, but the divine elements inside her seemed to be in a chaotic state.

This was a situation Song Qian had never encountered before. Perhaps it was because the divine elements of this female demon lord were in disarray, leading to her unconsciousness.

Song Qian couldn't help but imagine a situation in her mind.

Perhaps her mother didn't die at the hands of Qin Xuexi, the female demon, all those years ago. Instead, her mother's memories were taken away by the female demon, turning her into a puppet and transforming from an immortal sect fairy to the current demonic female lord.

This seemed to explain why the divine elements of the woman before her were chaotic—she had once been disturbed by the female demon, causing her to lose her original memories.

However, Song Qian quickly felt that her idea was a bit far-fetched.

She had just recognized her father not long ago, and now, her mother suddenly descended from the sky? Both parents present all of a sudden?!

Song Qian immediately recited a calming mantra in her mind, stopping the boundless imagination and speculation.


Meanwhile, inside the Kirin Vessel Sealing Secret Realm.

Today marked the fifth day since Song Ye was sealed.

Song Ye's body had recovered another Profound Yuan Fruit, but it was still not enough to break the seal of this secret realm.

He could still open the game's chat channel within the sealed space.

To pass the boring days of being sealed, Song Ye often opened the chat channel, observing players chatting and flourishing.

"I don't eat beef": "Hey guys, today I discovered something strange. The second floor of the Prosperous Tower used to be off-limits for us players, as many of you might know. Some players tried to force their way to the second floor to complete a quest and nearly got beaten up by the Prosperous Tower's guards. But today, I triggered that hidden quest. You have to go to the second floor of the Prosperous Tower and talk to 'Hua Hanyan,' the female NC, to complete the quest. So, I plucked up my courage and rushed to the second floor, unfortunately bumping into one of the guards. I thought I was done for, but strangely, the guard looked at me with a hint of fear and didn't chase me."

"I bet your face doesn't have onions": "Could it be that the Prosperous Tower changed its rules, and now players are allowed on the second floor?"

"I don't eat beef": "I don't know. You can go and try."

"Soft Bunny": "Are you trying to trick us into going there and getting beaten up?"

"I don't eat beef": "That's all I have to say. Believe it or not."

The guards of the Prosperous Tower were actually servants of the Shangguan family.

The news of the strange person who killed a vice pavilion master and thirteen immortal disciples of the Tianwu Pavilion had spread throughout the entire Shangguan family. Therefore, when the servants of the Shangguan family saw an outsider resembling Song Ye, they couldn't help but feel fear.

They thought that there were many ruthless individuals like Song Ye among the outsiders. Naturally, they didn't dare to pursue and beat up any unfamiliar outsiders casually.

Therefore, the reason players could now go to the second floor of the Prosperous Tower was all thanks to Song Ye.