
At the Light's End

Her eyes sparkled like stars in the dark nightsky above us as they stared into mine. For a second, I got confused. "Do I really not want this? Do I really have to do this to her? Am I not happy feeling the touch of her hand? Her warmth on my back as she hugs me from behind, don't I not like that?" Thoughts that lingered in my mind as the grass beside my face were blown by the cold night breeze.

It has been four months since she lost in that competition in Davao. She lost but it's as if she won. WCE funded her mother's hospital bills. Her product was on the it's way to be the new product that WCE will be releasing. Her name had began to ring in people's ears. It wasn't the way we expected things to go but on the contrary, I think what happened was better.

"See that star over there" Leonna pointed to the Polaris.

"I was lost. But like that star, you've guided me like how that star guided the travellers of the past"

She got up and sat on the grass and held my hand.

"Thank you. All these wouldn't be possible without you."

I smiled at her as if I was saying that it was all her and not me. But before I was able to say a word, her lips stopped me from doing so. My mind emptied. I thought maybe it's for the best.

• • • • • • • • • •


"Joe, we have a problem" Ed came to me as soon as I arrived at the basement.

"It appears that the congregation of Mars have allegations against us."

"What the f***? This is Elon, again. On what freaking grounds are they talking about?"

"They said the Earth is still unstable and you haven't fix the problem. Moreover, the people on Earth must flee to Mars. Mars citizens have relatives left here on Earth and accused you of endangering their lives. That's the leverage Elon used" Ed added.

"That assh*le will stop at nothing. He just wants my head. What's the government's stand on these?"

"You're about to find out. Leaders of every nation are waiting for you in the conference room."

"Oh, great. I planned to have my cup of coffee here in peace and THIS is what greets me. Isn't it just a wonderful morning ey?"

Ed smirked.

"Just don't forget to take the pill. You'll be alright. Call me if you need me." He added.

When ML1 saved the world back then, it didn't make all of the people on Earth happy. One of the few was the great scientist, Elon Must. He spearheaded missions to Mars and made a colony livable by human beings in that planet. Well, in plain sight you wouldn't see anything wrong with his cause in providing a second home for our race, but if you dig deeper, that's where his dirt surprises you. He took advantage of the Earth's unstability back then and made huge profits in his "Mars Migration" project. Well, people are scared of dying especially the rich ones. They jumped at Elon's offer right away after it was known that the planet was about to be burned to a  crisp. Rich people bought their places on Mars instantly. It was highly overpriced but the demand was high so it still got staggering revenues anyway. But poor people who couldn't afford his migration offer had just accepted their fate in the near future.  What I did for the world had put a target at my back and Elon's craving to hit that target since day one. Since the Earth had stabilized, his revenues plummeted from 500% to only 20% overnight. Then they started to reduce the cost of the migration and the cost of living in Mars but it never rose back up again. I basically f*cked his project up and now he's back at it, again.

"What?? You're believing this son of a---" I slammed the conference table with my fist. I'm already in the meeting with presidents, royalties, and prime ministers all over the world. Their right infront of me via hologram technology.

"His findings have been verified and the Ozone layers are depleting once again" said the US president.

"In fact, they weren't totally healed and now it's as if it's adapting to your nanobots" He added.

They showed me the data and the time lapse of what appeared to be a decaying Ozone layer. Some incidents of severe weather disturbances around the globe.

"Can you fix this?" The US president asked.

"I will fix this"

Comments surged as I declared that I can fix whatever it is. It's as if I never saved a life back then. They sounded like they were almost certain that I would mess up.

"... because if you can't, we're afraid that we will have to discontinue our partnership and focus on what's best for humanity. Drastic measures shall be done, Mr. Madrid." He added.

All of them, were in the same page. They were ready to back Elon up. But something isn't adding up, I felt it.

"If you can stop this, there will be more people standing behind you than of him. That I can guarantee." The prime minister of Japan uttered.

"... for what it's worth, I think breathing fresh air here is better than breathing an artificial one there." He added.

"Thank you"

Something isn't right.

I could tell by just observing the room.

After the meeting, the president of the Philippines stayed.

"Mr. Madrid, do you know my son and daughters look up to you? My 11-year old son used to say that he wants to be the next Joe Madrid. Can you believe that? He doesn't even want to be president like his father." He chuckled.

"You have brought quite an impact to the next generation, to the world, to us Filipinos. And it has also saved our country from a loss. We weren't there when you saved the world the first time but now, I pledge to give you all the resources you need to fight this thing off. I know you already smelled that something is going on in the international community. They may not have faith in you, kababayan. But you have the faith of 37 million Filipinos. Beat that Elon."

"This means a lot, Mr. President. I won't let you down."

Too many problems.

Too many expectations.

It made me forgot what day that was.

• • • • • • • • • •


It was a normal sunny day at WCE.

People running around doing their jobs.

The sound of metals clanging. Machines whirring.

Workers chattering.

I walked everywhere but I can't find Ed. I needed to talk to him. He's not picking up my calls. I was getting a little anxious I decided to ask someone who might have seen him enter the building. So, I went to the entrance.

"Hey, Good day to you. Did you happen to see Mr. Zellwinger came in today?" I asked one of the guards on duty.

"Are you referring to the father? Or the son?"

Oh, right. They're both Mr. Zellwingers. Silly me.

"Oh, the son. I'm referring to Sir Ed."

"No. I've been here since 6am" he confirmed.

"Thanks a lot."

Suddenly, I felt someone had grappled me from behind. Shocked as I was I quickly unravelled those arms around me and quickly turned around.

Someone kissed me.

"What the--"

"Happy Birthday, Joe!"

It was Leonna,

And Ed,

And Mr. Zellwinger,

And the rest of my team...

I was caught up so much about Leonna's feelings for me that I forgot my own birthday. And there she was, reminding me of it.

"We were on the way to your office to surprise you but since you're here, Happy Birthday son"

Mr. Zellwinger uttered.

"Yeah, you're always one step ahead aye?" Ed added and blindfolded me.

I believe we entered Mr. Zellwinger's huge limo since I couldn't see anything at the moment but I smelled the expensive car perfume he usually loved. Well, I couldn't say Ed and I loved it too but you know, we supported him.

Greetings filled the air around me. A mixture of awkwardness, panic, and delight overwhelmed me as they brought me to the venue of my own birthday party. Minutes after we soon arrived,

"Woah? Like is this for me??"

I can't believe my eyes. It was like everyone in the company was there. I could hardly see the other end of the venue. I was freaking huge.  Food drinks flooded every corner. The motif was dark but elegant colors. It was a black masquerade party. Ed really knew my taste pretty well. Everyone had their masks on except me.

And that left me as the center of attraction.

The crowd applauded as Mr. Zellwinger blew my cover by finally introducing me as his adopted son to everyone in the company. Everyone who knew me can't believe their eyes. They thought I was that workmate that just seems to be good at work but wait there was more to that kind of thing. Then they took me backstage and dressed me up for the night. I insisted on wearing black but the organizers had a different idea. They gave me a matte red suit with black ties and black pointy shoes.

As soon as I got off the dressing area, I heard live music that echoed from the event area. Outside was Leonna waiting.

"Hey, handsome" she winked at me.

She looked gorgeous wearing her black cocktail dress embroidered with shinny black roses. She took my hand and pulled me to the party.

The crowd sang along with each song the bands played. It was a concert except it was my birthday. Leonna was right beside me holding my hand as she was yelling the lyrics of Thunder by Boys Like Girls themselves. She held my hand and gave me a lovely smile. Not far away was Ed, smiling at me as he raised his drink to me. Beside him was Mr. Zellwinger also smiling at me while talking to some acquaintances. It has been forever since I have felt this carefree feeling where everything had fallen to its place somehow. Where I no longer need to give out every ounce of effort just to make things as great as they are right now.

For a while, I thought.

"I guess this is where I am supposed to be"

"I no longer need answers to those questions"


[𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍]