

The humming of the elevator fueled my empty mind. I didn't know what to think or maybe I didn't want to think yet. The latter may seem to be more true though. Regardless, I believed I couldn't change the past. A thing power, intelligence, and money couldn't accomplish either.

"Ground floor"

The AI's voice disrupted my deep thoughts. And to my surprise, another one too.

"Are you done for the day?"

Ariel waited in front of the elevator.

Puzzled, I asked.

"What's this?"

"What this?"

She replied and smiled pretending nothing's weird was going on.

I walked pass her. A few steps later...

"I've figured out how the people don't recognize you and why you can't pay credits" she kinda yelled.

"Your smart. I know you could." I kinda yelled too but I didn't face her and just continued walking.

I walked passed the entrance.

She followed me.

I walked along a busy street.

She's still followed me.

"Cass, lose her."

We're on a staircase leading to a coffee shop below. A few people walked up and down the stairs under the clear blue sky. I thought it was enough to lose her. Just as Cassandra changed my appearance in her eyes, she grabbed my hands. In the middle of the stairs and we paused.

She didn't even flinch seeing my appearance changed in a blink of her eyes.

She held my hand.

A hand of a fifty year old man with a cane.

"I'm sorry"

Those two freaking words came out of her mouth and stopped my feet from taking another step. I didn't know how to respond. I wasn't ready to deal with this. I've got too much on my plate; Elon, guilt, and the constant expectations to deliver the best to the world. It was like I was ready to disappear and never return ever again. Even the most accomplished person gets tired of being this avatar too.

"It haunted me." She said.

"No, it still do."

She continued.

Ten years ago, these words were all I ever wanted to hear from her but at that time I'm not even sure how I should feel about it. I believed I got past all that shit but there I was; frozen.

"Hey, it was ages ago."

"Yeah. It's supposed to be ages ago."

We succumbed in to silence.

I never heard silence as loud as that.

[𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍...]