


Nothing's better than a sip of hot black coffee in a coffee shop in a cold morning just meters away from people who wanted me dead or alive.

If only their scanners could hit me from this distance. Too bad, I invented DNA scanning. I know the range of that ball-shaped scanner. I can't hold any electronic devices but luckily despite the modernization of the world, newspapers were still alive. Don't worry, I wear gloves and bring my own tumbler. My biometric data won't be compromised. They seized all my properties worldwide and even removed all the patents from my work. They really hated me that much. Well, Elon's still silent up to that moment. I can't jump to conclusions of who "they" really are. But I'm Joe Madrid, so I'm about to find out.

Ariel, a new female employee of the cafe, finally gave me the signal. Our target was approaching.

It was November 7, 2031. Our third day of surveillance. One of the guards was fond of the coffee they served at that coffee shop. He was the only one who seems to act so carefree while the others are on their toes all the time. It's safe to say he was at command of that post. He's got a pretty good taste for coffees but that taste would be an opening for me.

He got into the shop and immediately ordered a caffè americano. He seated at the same seat he used to sit everyday. He momentarily checked his phone and always returns it to his left pocket. That was my time to shine.

A fifty year old man walked towards him as he peacefully enjoyed the company of his freshly diluted expresso. Just as the old man passed him, the old man knelt to the ground and held his clenched fist against his chest until the old man fell to the ground gasping for air.

The head guard immediately noticed and figured out it was a heart attack. He immediately turned the old man to him and listened to his heartbeat. It was weak. He needed to do chest compressions. People in the shop stood around him while he did the compressions.

"Stay away! This man needs air." He shouted.

He pumped the man's chest for more than a minute and finally...

He could hear the old man's heartbeat again.

"Thank you" A very faint voice came out of the old man.

The people in the coffeeshop cheered as the head guard saved the old man's life that day.

"Thank you, Good Sire. I'll take him to the nearest hospital." The new employee volunteered.

She accompanied the old man to the taxi cab and off they went.

The head guard returned to his seat and noticed that he had received a new coffee as a complimentary drink for his heroic deed.

A few meters away...

"Mission Accomplished! Cass, pull up to our hostel. I need to get to work" Joe recovered.

"Oh my God, Joe! You're insane. You could've died." Ariel shouted almost directly to my left ear as she was constantly monitoring my pulse rate.

"Get used to it." Cass interrupted.

"Don't worry, this pill that Ed usually gives me really calms me. Sometimes I take more of it that it really slows down my heartbeat but it's under controlled" I said as I sat down properly in that self driving cab.

"That's not the plan! The plan was for you to ACT like you're having a heart attack not actually having it, Joe" Ariel raised her voice.

"I know but I realized this is ground Zero of their operations. Out of all agents around the world, they are the ones sent here. They won't be that easy to fool. So I improvised. Chill, I'm alive." I said.

"And what's this pill anyway? This isn't named or even the packaging's not labelled. Why do you even take it??" I almost forgot, Ariel's a doctor.

"It's specially made just for me. It's from Ed. It works anyway so I don't question him. I trust Ed with my life eversince." I replied.

"Hey Cass, you may now reset her appearance back." We changed Ariel's appearance to match that of one of the coffee shop's new employees. It was easy hacking into their network. The admin password was literally 'password'. That's how I got the details.

Finally, we're back to our headquarters, the goofy hostel.

Since I have direct access to Cassandra's server, I can pull out any programs that I'll be needing anywhere instantly without any internet.

"Ariel, do you have the cup?"

"Yes" She gave me the cup used by the head guard.

The cup contained the biometric data and the DNA of the head guard. I needed to extract it to mirror my DNA in their server. In order for me to do that, I needed to gain access to their network. I created a trojan virus that works wirelessly. I assumed he's connected to the cafe's wireless network since he's a usual customer. I was right. But it needed at least a minute to infiltrate the head guard's phone and in a very close distance too. That's where the 'fake heart attack' comes in. My act exceeded the time required. So, it's only a matter of time before he goes back to his post and his phone be reconnected to their network. After almost an hour of waiting...

"I'm in."

[𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍...]