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"So that's how I pretty much ended up here." Joe said.

"I know." The old Joe said.

"WHAT?? You knew?? All these time talking to you and you knew??" Joe looked pissed after he narrated his life to the Old Joe he met when he entered the unknown space.

"Yeah. You wouldn't stop talking. Besides, I've been alone in here for eons. It feels good hearing someone talking, ya know?" The old Joe said.

"Ugh. How? How did you know? And-and what is this place?? I need to get to the past. I need to fix everything! And how the hell are you--- me??" Joe said.

"Relax. I have all the answers to your questions. So here it goes... "

"How did I know? I am the current guardian of the 4th dimension. In every eon, a version of us, replaces the guardian here. It's some kind of a duty for us. Guardians have the power to simultaneously know everything that's happening in dimensions lower than the 4th. I can oversee all lifeforms and events happening there. Every decision a person makes no matter how small it is creates a whole new timeline. Whether you turn off your alarm in the morning or you wake up, whether the infant you decides to play with a ball or a doll, whether you decide to go to college or prefer to work early. All those create new timelines. New realities. And it is the same for every species living in all of the universes inside the 3rd dimension. In return of that massive power, a guardian loses his memory of his past life and acquires the knowledge of the previous guardians. Only a version of us can become a guardian and I'll tell you why later." The old Joe explained.

Joe was puzzled yet he remained calm as he continued to listen.

"This is how Dimensions work. Think of it this way, there's a person watching a television. The show is a two-dimensional cartoon drawing a line on a piece of paper. The person watching the TV is a part of the third dimension which has length, width, and volume. Then the cartoon character is a part of the second dimension which has--"

"Length and width, and the line it's drawing is part of the 1st dimension which only has length. Right?" Joe said as he interrupted.

"Right. As expected, you're really a version of us. Anyway, I, being the fourth dimension guardian can see it all in a third-person perspective. And for your second question, this is the fourth dimension. In this realm, time is irrelevant. I don't get old, weak, get hungry, or get sick. We live almost an eternal life until we get replaced in an instant. We have complete control over the 3rd dimension. Just like how the person watching the TV can turn it off or change the channels, like how the cartoon character could decide whether or not to draw a straight or a curve line. But there's a BUT, as a guardian, I need to be careful in tampering the timelines. Guardians like me could only see the past to the present. We cannot see the future. We can only exist physically in the mortal world for only a few minutes and that's all because we aren't supposed to be there in the first place and a change like that may cause a collapse of a timeline---"

"So, let me get this straight. Are you God? Like a version of us gets to be God??" Joe interrupted.

"Me? GOD? HAHAHA. The Creator is on the fifth and final dimension. He knows all things. So no, I'm not God. lemme finish." The old Joe laughed.

"And for your final question, how am I you. Are you familiar with Adam and Eve?" The old Joe asked.

"Of course. The story about God creating Adam, the first human he created. He created him in his likeness. Then Adam asked for a partner and that's when God created Eve." Joe replied.

"Then Eve committed a sin by eating an Apple, a serpent tempted her to eat. Hence the Original sin." Joe added.

"Correct. But, it's all just a symbolism. That's where we separate from the dogma." The old Joe said.

An eyebrow of Joe raised. Curious he continued to listen.

"A long time ago, there was only one timeline. The original timeline. Only four dimensions existed too namely the first, second, third, and fifth. Yes, this dimension didn't exist yet. Everything was perfect. The world ran in accordance to creator's will. There was only love, peace, and harmony. No sin. No greed. No sufferings. Everything just falls into place perfectly every single day. Life on Earth and all universes were prosperous, advanced, and abundant for all. Until one day, a person named Dr. Joseph Miller, the first version of us, met a commoner named Aimee Beal, the first version of your Ariel. They had a great life together. Five years after they met, Aimee died in a car accident. It was the very first death caused by an accident ever recorded in that timeline. It shocked everyone in that perfect world. It was like a bug or a glitch in that perfect system. Joseph then knew suffering. Being very smart he tirelessly looked for ways to bring Aimee back. Until one day, he discovered a stone that had an enormous power output."

"Th-the same stone?" Joe guessed.

"Yes. He was able to harness the stone's power like you did and opened this 4th dimension. He then made the worst decision that brought Chaos to life. He manipulated the perfect timeline to create a perfect timeline for him and Aimee. He then lived in that timeline with her. As time goes by, the timeline grew exponentially. And we can't track him since then. Thus, created an imperfect and chaotic world to all life forms. This angered the Creator. He decided to stop intervening with the lives of his creations and assigned the job of fixing the timelines to the imperfect versions of Joseph. It's like saying "𝘍𝘪𝘹 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘮. 𝘐'𝘮 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦." kind of thing. In random order, a guardian is chosen from these imperfect versions of him every eon. And that's me in this eon." The old Joe added.

"So that makes me the next guardian?" Joe curiously replied.

"Wrong. Guardians arrive in the 4th dimension after they die in the 3rd dimension. You on the other hand is still alive in the 3rd dimension." The old Joe replied.

"You're more than a guardian. We've been waiting for you for eons. There is a 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘺 that one version of us is going to arrive and will have the ability to UNDO all the mistakes done by the first version of us. That's you. Finding you is our greatest purpose." The old Joe explained.

"Me?? But how?? I'm not a guardian. I don't even have powers like you." Joe asked.

"We don't know. That's your purpose. You hold a power more than that of any or all guardians combined. You can manipulate time and maybe even see the future. Only you could figure it out like how Joseph figured everything out in the past." The old Joe said.

"What happens next? Any clues? Are you even sure that it's me?" This confused Joe.

"The prophecy was limited. The how's weren't given. You should have the ability to do it but it's only up to you to find out how to awaken that. After all, it's only you and Joseph that made it here alive. This realm is independent from time. Take all the time you need." The old Joe made everything worse.

"I miss Cassandra." Joe said as he would turn to her everytime he bumps into a wall.

"Oh the stone, do you remember the time you got it in the ruins?" The old Joe said.

"Wait." Joe stopped for a second and starred into the old Joe's eyes.

"No way. It was you!?" Joe just realized it.

"Yes. I also pulled you from your dreams into here for a while in the past to give you the formula." The old Joe said.

"Really? But why me of all versions of us??" Joe asked.

"I manipulated the timeline quite a number of times already but the other versions of us failed to harness the stone's true power. But I saw something in you when you decided to continue life after losing almost everything. So I placed a bet in you eversince." The old Joe revealed.

"Damn." Overwhelmed, Joe couldn't believe everything that's happening.

"Honestly, I don't know where to start. This is bigger. Waaayy bigger than I thought." He added. Unlike the Guardians, Joe entered the 4th dimension without any inherited knowledge on how to use his abilities.

"You kept on saying that you need to go back to the past to fix everything. How do you plan on doing that?" The old Joe asked.

"I was hoping to travel to where greed originated. As per my observation, my timeline is infested with greed and selfishness. I don't know when or where to find that exactly. I was hoping to find that answer here." Joe said.

"Fixing the imperfect world huh? Damn. You already know what to do even before getting here. You really never fail to amaze me, kid." The old Joe said.

"I have questions if you don't mind." Joe said.


"So basically, I'm here to fix the timelines. To revert it back to a single timeline so life will be back to perfection. Correct?" Joe asked.

"Yep." The old Joe replied.

"Phew, another one. Since I'm doing that, Before reaching here, I saw like the future of my own world. How do I get a view like that in here? That would totally help."

"You probably saw the possible future of your timeline. It changes depending on every choice you make. So what you saw was the future of your world based on the collective choices of every living species living there at that particular time. But, it could change every now and then. That's how freewill makes timelines so volatile and imperfect because it's made by imperfect species." The Old Joe said.

"The sad truth huh. So, how do you uhm... You know, like what you said that you could see the past to present events of every branch of timeline? Cause all I can see now is just this vast space of black nothingness." Joe asked.

"Oh, about that. This place is abundant of invisible forces that syncs with one's mind. In your world, it's the connection of your subconscious mind to the universe. The force that powers that connection originates here. That's why I am able to do what I need to do in real time. If you really are worthy and ready to wield its power. You shall be granted it." He said as he waved his hands as if he was holding something he only could see.

"I see. Okay, lemme try." Joe closed his eyes and breathed. He kept on thinking of things he wanted the most...

Peace for everyone. He wanted no wars. No hate.

Happiness and contentment to the troubled ones. To every creature that feels empty. To everyone that feels unworthy and alone. To everyone that continues to strive just to fill that void. To everyone that isn't able to forgive themselves yet for their mistakes.

And for the hearts his cruel world had crushed.

He sat and thought of the sufferings, injustice, and cruelty he witnessed.

Things he thought worldly powers could suppress.

He wanted all of it to perish.

He wanted all life to prosper, to be able to live according to their purpose, and to be equally sufficient to all.

He subconsciously dedicated all his life to that one dream he is now just realizing.

After years of meditation...

He opened his eyes.

A shinning red light steadily spun infront of him as if it was calling his name. He reached for it.

And the vast space transformed into layers of realities. Lives treaded in it in forms of infinite branches.

His jaw dropped in awe as he never thought such thing is possible. His heart raced in both fear and excitement and he couldn't stop his tears from racing down his cheeks.

Shaking, he forcefully stood up.

He breathed deep and said..

"𝘐'𝘮 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺."

[𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍...]