Massive Growth In Strength

A Few Moments Earlier...

A ragged-looking and blood-covered young man appeared at the top of the roof, his golden eyes scanning around the place.

"Activate Nanorunic Eyes..."

Khan looked at the second building, noticing they were all sound asleep judging by their quiet energy signatures as he slipped down from the roof, gently unlocking the door and shutting it close.

Once he heard the door was closed, both his two knees slammed down weakly on the ground as he hacked up blood.

"Tch, I broke three of my ribs, tore my hand muscles and my left shoulder is useless..." Khan muttered with displeasure written all over his face.

"System interface...."

Immediately the system Interface appeared in front of him, a series of notifications appearing in front of his face...

[Quest Completed: Defeat The Evolved Beast]


1.) +200EXP

2.)+1 Ability Upgrade Card

3.+1 Level up Card]

[Total EXP: 14,450/2000]