A Job At The Palace

The Cyrions Palace, a place where the King of the Cyrions reside. It was the largest and most guarded structure in the entire Cyrions Settlement, with large golden colored gates and a large palace filled with thousands of rooms and a crazy number of servants.

Khan arrived before the gate of this gigantic structure, his eyes wide-opened, seeing the large palace through it.

'It really is a Palace…' He muttered to himself as they came to a stop around ten meters away from the guards, then Fuzuramama walked forward to the card, handing them a strange white colored crystal.

He watched as the guard at the side rolled it up and down in his hand before returning.

"What about him?" The guard asked, turning to give Khan a scrutinizing look.

"Oh him? He's one of my workers…" Fuzuramama said as the guard gave a satisfied nod beforehand the gates were pushed open.