The Party...

The entire area was filled with the brim with Cyrions, peals of laughter and greetings could be heard throughout the entire area.

The notion from Fuzuramama that, the servants cannot enter the palace through the main gate and only through the side gate had piqued Khan's curiosity a little making him wonder just what the palace looked like from the main gate.

And right now as he walked through the crowd with a large Pekun Caso dish, in his hands, he wasn't disappointed.

The front area within the palace was a gigantic hall, the largest hall Khan had ever seen.

The floors were plated completely white, which seemed to be made out of some strange marble more than tiles.

Above the hall, the ceiling was incredibly high and from it, a large chandelier was hung, flaring with golden and white specks of light that illuminated the entire hall in a beautiful glow.