I Can Love You Too, Gaia...

"And I got wanted from the King, he had told me of the answers I need." Khan completed as he looked at Princess Gaia who shook her head in disbelief.

"There's no way... There's no way Father would agree to tell you that." Princess Gaia shook her head in disbelief.

"He is a good man. He would if he was threatened with his people..." Khan replied as Princess Gaia's eyes flashed with even more surprise.

He even threatened the King, just how desperate was he for those answers.

"But I trusted you. And you betrayed me, Khan. You betrayed me for those answers. All this while I have thought you loved me. All your smiles, all your laughs, all those looks in your eyes. Was it all a ploy, a ploy to make me fall or you, so that you can then betray me..."

"I'm sorry, Gaia..."