Evolution Complete.

"All Hail The Overseer...All Hail The Originator." Those words rang out at the same time and from a total of five voices which sounded, feminine to Khan.

'The Overseer, the Originator?' Khan thought to himself with furrowed eyebrows. Those words sounded like too much to qualify a creatures.

"You all should rise..." The masculine voice rang out at the same time as Khan's eyebrows furrowed greatly and his chest violently pumped within his chest. Those words, they were all incredibly familiar and their mere utterance made his heart pump violently with in his ribcage.

"Let me see them..." He said out once again although Khan couldn't see what was happening.

But he quickly understood when he felt the sound of children crying echoing out at the same time.

"He is mine and One of Takamahagara. He shall be Called Susanoo!" The man's voice rang out followed by the the entire world brightening brilliantly to Khan and immediately one of the child cries stopped.