Upgarding Abilities...

"So, system, how does this work," Khan asked looking at the morph programming abilities.

[The Morph Programming ability is an ability that would only work when the bionic eyes lock into a creature that the Hosts want to take the form off...] The system replied as Khan nodded his head. He knew well he couldn't use that right now but would definitely be helpful in the future.

[Skills And Abilities]

[Basic Skills]

Dash>>>>Level 1

[Increases Host current speed by double.]

Regeneration>>Level 3

{Increases Host's normal regeneration by 4 times}

Poison Immunity>>Level 1

{The Host's body is immune to low-level poisoning}

[Bio-Nanotech Skills]

[Nanite Body>>Level 2

{Strengthens Your entire constitution to 2.5 its normal durability using Nanobots}

Bionic Eyes>> Level 1