A Love Unequal

"Aurelia?" Khan said out loud as he gazed at the dozing girl at the front of his door.

But his arrival seemed to have naturally awakened her from her slumber.


"Khan?" She called out before standing up from the ground in one fluid motion. 


"It's already late in the night. Why don't you go to your room and get some sleep?" Khan said as he moved closer to the door but Aurelia didn't move out of the way, blocking him from reaching for the door.


"I...I just want to say, Thank you for defending me back during dinner..." Aurelia said as Khan raised an eyebrow at that.


He had not thought he defended her in the dinner and simply stated the truth. He had truly met her in the Event too. That wasn't defending, that was simply stating fact.


"Hmmm..." Khan hmmed and simply looked at the door and that gave Aurelia the signal as she simply looked at her feet and shifted to the side.