The Abyssal Lurkers...

The figure was none other than Serene.

"Thank you," she said silently, as Khan turned to look at her before responding.

"I owed you one too... when you blocked that attack for me. So, it cancels out, I guess," he replied to her.

Serene finally remembered the attack she had blocked for him on mere instinct.

"I... I never thought it was due to that..." she said, in slight shock, as Khan shrugged.

"Don't want to owe you, I guess. So, we're equal now. I won't look at your side if it happens next time..." he said to her with his usual smile.

Disbelief clouded Serene's face, and she punched him on the shoulder.

"That's not how you talk to ladies!" she said, as Khan raised an eyebrow.

"And how do you suppose you talk to ladies?" he asked.