At the end of the flight of stairs, there stood two guards, who raised their hands to signal them to stop, immediately upon sighting them.

"What is your purpose for wanting to meet with the prince?" One of the guards asked, his thick voice booming through the stairways.

"I have come to show the prince an anomaly that I found in the human settlement," Elric replied as he stepped aside, revealing Hael who was behind him.

"And what is abnormal about an ordinary human boy?" The guard couldn't help but ask, as Elric grinned before signaling to Hael.

"Show them, boy..."

Once more, Hael took off his hoodie as the guards stared at his astral blue eyes, which suddenly morphed in the next second, rimming with a thick black darkness radiating a sinister intent, just like that of an eldritch.

"He is an eldritch!?" The guards displayed as much shock as they looked at Hael dazedly.

"Where did you find him?"