Meeting Minerva

The street of Dazn is a bustling scene this afternoon as everybody seems to be going about their business with ease, shoppers are going about getting the goods they need for their household, prince Kristoff goes about enjoying the sights as he heads towards the three inn crossing, as he moves steadily towards his destination while avoiding to collide with people, someone collided with him from the side and apologize before heading off, as Kristoff reached the Three Inn Crossing, he saw Minerva seated by the window and he can't but feel mesmerized by her beauty, she is seated there peacefully staring into the city and as if she felt an eye boring into her, she shifted her focus and saw Kristoff looking at her and she smiled, that smile caught Kristoff off guard and melted his heart, he knew in that moment that he cannot love another, he gathered his wits about him and walked the entrance of the inn.

On entering the inn, it is filled with different people looking to relax, some are already drunk, some came for the girls, and some are travelers, who boarded rooms in the inn, Kristoff already knows the precise location where Minerva is seated and moves towards her, when Minerva sees him walking towards her, she gestured for him to come and seat, on reaching her Kristoff smiled and sat down at her table on the seat opposite her, that way he can gaze at her beautiful eyes.

"Good afternoon, am sorry I kept you waiting, that's rude of me." Kristoff said looking into her eyes.

"It's ok, no need to apologize as it gave me the opportunity to look around at this beautiful city." Minerva said looking out through the window.

"You think my city is beautiful?" Kristoff asks.

"In fact, it is, I have always heard stories about its beauty, and I have always wanted to see it for myself and am happy I am not disappointed."

Prince Kristoff couldn't stop himself from staring at her as she looks out towards the city, he shakes himself as he believes she might find is disconcerting if she catches him staring at her too much, then he decides he wants to know this beautiful lady better.

"Can I know about you more if you don't mind my asking?" Kristoff asks, looking at her intently.

"Sure, you can, and what would you like to know about me?" Minerva asks, putting both hands on the table and placing them under her shin.

The prince shifted back sharply on his sit as if he just remembers something important, "Pardon my manners, I never offered to get you something to drink." He looked around and called one of the waiting girls who walked towards their table.

"Hello young lady, can we have some ale on our table?"

The young lady nodded and headed off to get their order, Kristoff looks back at Minerva. "I have something to confess."

"What is that?" she asks, looking into his eyes with a glint of laughter playing there.

"You are beautiful."

Minerva smiles, "Thank you, you are sweet, are all the men in Dazn this sweet or just you?" 

"Well, I do not speak for the multitude, but I believe our people to be civilized and cultured."

As they were talking about this, the serving girl came with their drink and asks if there is anything more they will like, prince Kristoff looks at Minerva to enquire if there were anything she would like to have but she declined by waving her hand, so the serving girl left them alone to continue their conversation.

"So can you tell me what brings you to the capital?" Kristoff asks before taking a sip from his cup.

"Well like I told you yesterday, my father is the merchant Martin Soares from Oss, you may have heard of him."

"Yes, I have, my father had once spoken about him in my presence." Kristoff says not to sound too knowing, because in fact he knows a lot about the man and where he is from, he is a rich man, and such a person is expected to be known.

"My mother passed away when I was three years old, and my father has been taking care of me since then."

"I am sorry about your mother."

"It's ok, so it has been just I and my father, he just decided to relocate his headquarters here in Dazn and he wants me to monitor things here while he sorts things out in Oss before coming down here."

"Are you saying you are moving down here to Dazn permanently?" Kristoff asks, not even trying to mask the excitement evident in his voice.

"Yes, we are," she replies smiling. "You seem happy about it, why?"

"Nothing, just…" he replies catching himself not knowing what else to say so he shuts up.

"So why don't you tell me about yourself too?" Minerva asks, "Or don't I deserve to know something about you?"

Kristoff is caught off guard, he is contemplating if he should tell her who he really is or just lie to her about himself, he likes her so much already to lie to her, but his father does not know he has been sneaking out of the palace ground unguarded, so he thinks it is better to just play the part of the simple farm boy.

"Well, there is really not much to know about me, I am sure my life isn't as interesting as yours is."

Minerva pouted and put her hands under her shin, "Hmm you are lucky, sometimes I wish my life can just be simple."

"If only wishes were horses, well my father is a farmer, and we live close to the outskirt of the town." He says trying to sound convincing.

"Wow that's nice."

"We also have some animals that graze on our land, some sheep and goats, these we sell to maintain ourselves; it is nothing much, but we are not hungry."

"That sounds interesting." She speaks.

"Maybe to you it is interesting but to me, it's just work, although I have a favorite spot where I go to for relaxation whenever am troubled, it is so beautiful out there that I always feel calm there no matter what the problem is that troubles me, I would like to take you there if you have the mind to see it." 

As Kristoff continued speaking, Minerva becomes lost in thought, thinking back to when her father had called her and told her of his intention to move away from Oss because of the deteriorating state of the economy and political unrest in the kingdom, her mother had died when she was just a little girl so all her childhood memories both good and bad are tied to their home in Oss, she had been sad to consider moving away from the only place she calls home but she understand the need to move, their castle is one of the most beautiful castle in the kingdom, it overlooks the Rhino lake, with beautiful landscape and servants who takes care of the estate to make sure it looks beautiful, when she left Oss, it was with a heavy heart, because she feels she may never have to come back to the house, but now looking at the situation of things, it feels like Dars will be her new beautiful home after all, so far the people have been nice to her and there is the matter of this young handsome stranger who makes her heart beat fast in front of her, their new home is a beautiful stone castle that unknown to her, her father has been constructing for a while, it is located on the Golden Strait, she believes her father must have called in some huge favors to get the permission to build his estate there, while she is lost in her reverie, she felt a harm tugging at her hand making her jerk back to reality, she looks back at Kristoff to find that beautiful blue eyes that she feels is staring into her soul.

"I have been calling your name, but you seem lost in thought and I'm guessing you didn't hear a single word I have been saying."

Minerva feeling a little embarrassed, fidgeted with the cup of wine in front of her that she hasn't taken a sip out of since it has been set in front of her. "I am sorry," she said apologetically. "I just have some things on my mind; I didn't mean to be rude."

"It is ok, am not implying that you're rude not in the least, I'm just worried," Kristoff says taking another sip. "Do you want to share what is on your mind with me?"

"No don't worry, am alright," she says smiling. "So, what were you saying?"

"I was just asking if you don't mind me showing you my most beautiful place in the kingdom."

Minerva laughs, "Really? You have a favorite spot?"

"Yes, indeed I do, and I am ready to take you there if you behave." Kristoff says pretending to look like a father admonishing and insolent child.

Minerva decides to play along. "Ok sir I will behave, when will you show me?"

"Now if you want?"

"Sure." She replies.

Kristoff called for the serving to come and collect the money for their drinks, after he paid for the drinks, he stretches his left hand forward for Minerva to hold. "Come on, let's go." And so, they both exited the inn.