Episode 10:The Return Of The Banished Prince

10 months past after Lloyd's battle with the elementals he spent the rest of his time training with Zuneh to achieve divine Wind in or to capture what was rightfully his

Lloyd:*Pants*How long do we have to do this?*Punches Zuneh*

Zuneh:*Blocks the punch*Untill tou have full of your divine power*Kicks Lloyd away*Come on is this all you got?

Lloyd:*Angrily*Alright!*Charges up and transforms*Divinity 1st Form!*Takes a stance*

Zuneh:Ok,*Transforms into divinity*Let's go!*Takes his stance*

Then they both dashed at each exchanging blows and kicks at fast rates

Lloyd:HAA!!!*Punches Zuneh*

Zuneh:*Dodges the punch and kicks Lloyd*Really is this all you got?

Lloyd:*Tsk*Chargers up and boosts towards Zuneh and delivered a punch to his gut*You were saying?

Zuneh:Guah!*Spits out saliva*Sent flying towards a cliff*

Lloyd:Hehe!*Begins to pant*(That attack took a lot out of you!)Huh,who said that?*Begins to look around to see if anyone's around*I must be going crazy.(Didn't you hear me boy)Who said that?(*Sighs*I'm taking control!)Huh what do you mean by tha-

The a dark arua surrounded Lloyd body

Zuneh:*Gets up*Not again!

Lloyd:Relax mortal,your death is going to be quick and possibly painless.*Chargers up dark matter and fuses it with wind*

Zuneh:What is that?

Lloyd:RIYU-GLAZING- WIN,Uh(No,I won't let you*Cancels the attack)

Zuneh:What's going on?

Lloyd:(Begon whatever you are.Purge)GUAH!!!!!

Then the dark aura surrounding Lloyd disappeared and he was back in his divine form

Lloyd:*Pants heavenly*Ouch!

Zuneh:Are you okay Lloyd!

Lloyd:Yeah,I'm alright *Takes his stance*Ready!

Zuneh:Okay!*Chargers up*HAAA!!!!*Dashes at Lloyd and Punches him*

Lloyd:*Tsk*Blocks the punch*Hehe.HAAA*Side kicks Zuneh*

Zuneh:*Gets hit and sent flying* Okay I see.

Lloyd:Hehe*Chargers up*Gale Bullets!*Shoots them at Zuneh*

Zuneh:*Sees the bullets and quickly dodges and blocked them*

Lloyd:*Laughs*For an elemental user,you're kinda wea-

The a huge surge of energy errupted from Zuneh

Zuneh:*Laughs*Maybe ur right,maybe you're not?

Lloyd:(He's holding back!)Huh,didn't I purge you?

Zuneh:*Sighs* Here we go again.

Lloyd:Hey Zuneh!


Lloyd:*Angrily*STOP HOLDING BACK!!!!* Charges up and Dashes at Zuneh

Zuneh:*Breathes out*2nd Form!

Before Lloyd could punch Zuneh,he got punched in the gut

Lloyd:Guah!*Coughs blood and is sent flying into a mountain*

Zuneh:You did say I should stop holding back right?

Then a huge surge of energy errupted from from the mountain Lloyd was

Lloyd:*Sighs*Didn't expect that at all

Zuneh:So do you still want me to go all out?


Zuneh:*Chargers up and transforms*Divinity 5th Form!


Zuneh:What the--

Lloyd:Divinity 5th Form!

Zuneh:What how did reach this Form so quickly?(Plot)

Lloyd:*Pants*Okay let's see what the form can do*Takes his stance*

Zuneh:Hm*Takes his stance*

Then both of them just standing there created a huge gust of wind

Zuneh:*Tsk*Alright bring it-Uh

Lloyd:*Appears beside Zuneh and chuckles*Looking for me-*Punches him*

Zuneh:*Blocks it but is still sent flying*That's it really -Let me show you true power*Boosts at Lloyd and delivers rapid blows and kicks ant him*

Lloyd:*Tsks*Damm-*Blocks but gets hit by some of the attacks*That's enough -*Grabs Zuneh leg*



Zuneh:What-*Gets hit rapidly*Alright,Gale Fist

Then Zuneh began to punch Lloyd right hook left hook repeatedly and with that the speed of the punches grew faster and faster

Zuneh:HAAA!!!*Punches Lloyd upwards*

Lloyd:*Tsks*(My Turn.)Huh fine like to see you do better-*Takes control*

Zuneh: Disaster Wave.*Shoots a huge wave of energy at Lloyd*

Lloyd:How pathetic*Catches the attack*Well didn't expect much since you're a mortal-*Destroys the attack*I don't know how you were struggling against attacks from this moron (Shut up and focus) What did u just say?

Zuneh:(They're distracted nows my chance)*Raises his hand for another attack*Uh

Lloyd:Now now*Appears and clutches Zuneh's throat*I wouldn't do that mortal

Zuneh:What the Soulstare really Lloyd

Lloyd:What's the problem, scared?

Zuneh:No*Takes his stance*Alright bring it pink

Lloyd:*Angrily*WHAT DID YOU SAY-*Rushes at him*

Zuneh:(There it is) You're too predictable*Catches Lloyd hand,twists it then kicks him away*

Lloyd:*Tsks*Riyu Blast.*Shoots it at Zuneh*

Zuneh:*Chuckles*Here we go again,Gale Storm!!!*Creates a huge wind storm*

Lloyd:*Surprised*What it absorbed my attack,how?

Zuneh:*Appears behind Lloyd,compresses wind in his palm*Big Ban Gale!!!*Wacks Lloyd with the attack*

The blast of the attack was soo big it was caused earthquakes even from mid air

Zuneh:Hehe,it's over-Uh what how?

Lloyd:I'm back in control baby,now as for you -*Compresses wind in his palm*

Zuneh:*Leaps back* There's no way.

Lloyd:Now what was the name of that attack-Oh yeah Gushing Gale*Raises his hand*

Then suddenly a huge orb made out of wind and energy .

Lloyd:Say good bye kiddo-*Throws it at Zuneh*

Zuneh:Stands and stares at the attack*Such power it's incredible-uh

The attack just went passed him and exploded at a valley several kilometres away from them but the energys surge was soo massive it reached Zuneh and damaged him.

Zuneh:*Panting heavily*What was that,yo-you missed?

Lloyd: Huh I did, just kidding didn't want to kill you*Chuckles and begins to laugh*

Zuneh:*Still panting*You're ready -*Transforms back*

Lloyd:Huh*Transforms back* You sure?

Zuneh:Yeah I'm positive you'll be able to beat anyone with this power.

Lloyd: Alright then I'm heading out right now.

Zuneh:Huh what right now?

Lloyd:Yep,so tell Sora and the others that I thank them for everything they've done-*Teleports away*


Meanwhile in the Temple of Holies

Guard 1:Wow this have gotten silent ever since Lord Lloyd was banished

Guard 91:Shh we aren't supposed to talk about that

Then suddenly an explosion occurred

Guard 19:Which idiot is planning his death huh?

Lloyd:*In anger*NORGANI!!!!!, I'M BACK.