So lost in their coupling were the ore and his surrogate wife, that the passage of time became a mystery to them. Sontar seeded his mother numerous times before they dressed and left their hiding place. When they returned to the main hall, the human servants were cleaning and there wasn't an elf to be found.

"It must be very late." Alavara looked up at her son with a frown and squeezed his massive hand. "We should not have missed the end of it. With any luck, the merriment was great enough that nobody noticed our absence." She turned and pulled him down the hall, surprisingly to Sontar she's walking completely normal with no signs of her vigorously milking his penis for hours.

"I'm surprised that you're able to walk straight, Mother." He commented. "I wouldn't have minded carrying you back to our room in my arms."

Alavara blushed slightly, she looked around, seeing and sensing that no elves were anywhere near. It seems all of the castle's elves had turned it. "It's because my magic did its job in recovering my body back into peak state quicker than I originally expected it to. Considering how intense we were going, I thought I would be fully recovered in an hour or two perhaps even three hours at the most. Yet, all it took was about 10 minutes or so before I recovered all the way. Not only that but I feel that my magic is now significantly stronger than earlier today. I think you may have something to do with it, my jewel, since this is not normal by any means."

Sontar grimaced. "Do…you think my release is having an effect on you, Mother?" He did not want to cause issues for her.

"I'm certain it is my love, I've noticed a slight change within my body since our first time in the forest but I ignored it since it was insignificant at best. A mistake on my part, now I'm starting to believe the changes are starting to build up and present themselves due to the amount of times you've climaxed inside of me. Either way there's nothing we can do about it since we don't really know what's going on. We'll just keep track of any new developments that may happen." Alavara explained in detail.

"Yes mother, regardless I'm happy that you're not sore. I don't like knowing you are in pain because of me. By the way, how come we didn't use a silencing spell to make sure what we were doing wasn't heard? I can understand myself forgetting, but you are not usually one to forget something that important." Sontar wondered, he knew his thoughts were too clouded by his lust to remember to use magic to hide their actions.

"I did that on purpose, the thrill of potentially being found out excited me a lot more than I assumed it would. It was a foolish choice that I don't regret. Now my sweet son, would you like to carry me back the rest of the way? I wouldn't mind being in your big strong arms again." Alavara offered.

Sontar scooped her up effortlessly, making her feel as light as a feather.

"My big strong emerald jewel." She kissed him passionately on the lips for a solid minute.

"Mother…umm…you made me erect…again." Sontar grimaced, he assumed his mother would not be in the mood to relive his urges.

To his surprise, Alavara giggled then whispered seductively in his ear. "Then I guess I'll just have to drain your potent essence down my throat again, my husband." Her arms wrapped around his neck, lightly nibbling on his ear.

"You don't mind?" The orc asked.

"Not at all, as I said before it's my duty as your wife and mother to take care of all of your needs and pepper you with all of my affection. Maybe I would feel differently if I was sore, but since I'm not, I have no reason to deny my sweet, sweet son of his release. After all, it's all for me." Alavara kissed him down his jaw and cheek repeatedly.

She accepted that she constantly desired to be sexually intimate with Sontar. This will be the start of a new chapter in their lives, as long as they are together nothing else matters in Alavara's mind. Though she still cares greatly for her daughters of course, luckily they are old enough and more than mature enough to take care of themselves without her being around for a possible extended period of time.

Soon they reached their room, within seconds both mother and son were back naked, in their shared bed. The door locked with a silencing spell set up to prevent any sound escaping the room. The only window in the room is sealed shut.

Alavara was in between her son's legs, slobbering and slurping on his glorious giant green cock using her mouth. Her perfect lips and tongue felt euphoric to the orc. He was in awe of her desire for his cock, her great desire for his hot seed to explode and shoot down her throat.

Her intense and passionate sucking of his penis resulted in her drawing out 3 powerful orgasms out of her son.

Sontar surprised his mother when he suddenly flipped her into her back and began to orally lick and suck on her vagina. While his skills in cunnilingus are overall lacking due to his inexperience and awkward tongue movements. For his mother, who had never experienced having her vagina attended to by oral sex, it was absolutely life changing.

Her sweet son's tongue felt divine to her body, his passionate enthusiasm and effort to pleasure her outshined his inexperience vastly. He greedily swallowed and slurped any of her leaking sweet essence. He don't know why he gained the sudden desire to please his wife this way,

The constant state of euphoric pleasure because of her son's ability to bring her to several extraordinary climaxes. It not only caused her to squirt multiple times all over her son's face, it brought forth her sacred song from her lips. A song that not even Ruyvin heard, her precious son is the first and will be the only man to ever hear it.

Her sweet, clear nectar quickly became Sontar's new favorite substance. He was an addict for her taste, very similar to how Alavara was to his own release.

Time went on through the night of their incestuous activities. Now, the elf mother is being plowed on all fours by her emerald jewel. His hand full of her gorgeous blond hair, pulling it roughly only because of Alavara instruction of him to do so. It relieved the orc to see that he wasn't harming her, only heightening her passion and lust.

Their combined fluids from their orgasms leaked out of the she-elf's pussy. Skin-slapping and loud moans were all that echoed inside their bedroom. Alavara couldn't stop herself from using her vagina to milk her son of his thick semen, nor did she want to by any means. All she wanted to do is receive her son's love and essence.

The next morning, Sontar woke up in bed holding Alavara. Not wanting to wake her up, Sontar carefully got out of the bed without alarming her. A grimace showed on his face when he looked down to see his morning wood. Obviously waking up his mother would be the best option but he doesn't want to bother her after all the time she spent taming his urges. Taking care of his rigid cock himself is not even an option in his mind. The mess he would make is not worth the trouble or effort.

Cursing his rapacious carnal hunger, he quietly stood and dressed himself in his own clothes. He tucked his cock under his belt and swept on his cloak. He needed some fresh air and thought it's wise not to advertise his erection as he had done accidentally the night before. "See you soon, Mother." He kissed her sleeping cheek and left the room.

Of course he remembered what his sleeping wife mentioned to him after their hours of continuous mating. As they were cuddling, Alavara warned him to be very careful if he wanders around the castle by himself today. He could not afford to be caught up in any situation that can lead to him getting into trouble. She especially warned him to be on guard of any she-elf who tries to approach him. While unlikely, it's possible they may cause him to gain unwarranted attention if he allows them to lead him on mindlessly.

Sontar, being the obedient son he is at least most of the time, took her warning seriously and promised her he would do his best to follow her advice.

The bustle of the castle shocked him. Elves and men swarmed all about the place on what seemed like urgent errands. Most stole glances at Sontar, but none said a word. He did not even hear a good morning. Lost, Sontar thought about asking directions to find a courtyard or arboretum, but he dared not stop anyone.

'Times like this reminds me how troublesome it is being an orc.' He thought to himself, a slight grimace etched onto his face.

"Ah, if it isn't Sunbear with the no orchards." Rhildor waved and laughed. "Good morning to you."

"It is Sontar, master." Sontar grinned like an idiot. It was so nice to see a friendly face. "A good morning to Rhildor of the three orchards from across the river."

"You remember me? Ah, good." Rhildor walked up to the orc, stood on his toes, and gave Sontar a genial slap on the back. "Where are you going, looking like a lost kitten?"

"I was off to take my morning constitutional, but I seem to have gotten myself turned around." The orc answered.

"You look hungry, lad. Come back to my home. We have modest lodgings, but we have enough breakfast for three. And the walk is nice. You will get to cross the sterling bridge." Rhildor nodded his head like it was decided and continued on his earlier route. "My wife will be thrilled to see you." He looked over his shoulder. "Come along then."

At the mention of Rhildor's wife, Sontar suddenly felt a moment like this is exactly what his mother had said to be very careful about. Honestly, now he really thinks it's not a good idea for him to follow Rhildor. Sadly, Sontar did not think it polite to refuse, so he followed the elf. Instead of fresh air, he had found breakfast.


"The pie is made from our apples, of course." Gelderel made a little squeaking sound of contentment as she watched their guest help himself to another helping.

"Are you sure you don't mind if I have more?" Sontar looked up at the little sound. He found that she was smiling at him indulgently.

"We would be honored." Rhildor shoved a forkful into his own mouth. "My wife and I understand that you must be very hungry." He took a long quaff of his blackberry wine and noisily smacked his lips.

"Yes." Gelderel nodded earnestly and took a long sip of her wine. "It must take lots of food to sustain one as big as you."

"Well, thank you." Sontar ate their food and listened to their small talk about the county. The glass of wine before him remained untouched. It was a little early for such nourishment for him, but he didn't begrudge his hosts their imbibing pleasures. And they seemed to be champions of the habit. Husband and wife polished off two bottles, which was impressive for their size.

After a time, Rhildor's head drooped to his forearm on the table. Apparently, he had commenced his morning


Gelderel smiled lazily at Sontar and watched him through half-lidded eyes. "You certainly do like my pie."

"It was delicious." Sontar stood and politely dabbed his lips with the little napkin they had provided. He deftly avoided the rafters near his head. Navigating homes that were too small for him was second nature after eighteen years spent in an elf village. "Thank you very much for your hospitality. I must really be getting back to the castle now. Mother will wonder where I've run off to."

"Not yet." She stood and gave him the most ridiculous, pouting face. "When will we ever have such an interesting guest again? Rhildor and I are simply delighted to have you here." She glanced at her sleeping husband like he was in full agreement. "Come, I want to show you something."

"Very well." Sontar still had not managed to vanquish his morning steel. If only he had been able to relieve it himself, he would not have been staring at this shapely elf's round bottom as she led the way. Though at the same time, he found it odd the way she has been staring at him the entire time he's been here. Her gaze is a tad bit similar to the gaze his mother gives him during their passionate acts. The hunger inside him was maddening, and devouring the woman's pie had done nothing to sate his craving. He needed to return to his mother and they could find a hidden spot and ... He stopped when he entered what was clearly Rhildor and Gelderel's modest bedroom. "What .. did you want to show me?"

Now it's starting to click, if his hunch is right then this is not good for him.

"I must have misspoken." She twirled around and stumbled, catching herself on one of the bed's four posts. "I believe you have something to show me. All the wives at the dance last night were achatter about that pavilion in your trousers." She caught his eye and laughed at his shock. "Yes, we all saw it. We had heard rumors about the size of orcs, but never ... of course ... have we seen one who behaved as an elf." She strode unsteadily toward him, pulled open his cloak, and gasped. "I thought that was why you hid yourself this morning. It's huge, just like last night."

"While I am an orc…I…I will…always be more elf than orc in my heart." Sontar was deeply offended and aroused.

"This monstrous appendage ... would disagree with you." Gelderel reached out and touched the tent with the tip of her finger. "I must see it. I simply must." She unbuckled his trousers, her eyes popping when removing the restraining belt allowed the bulge to stretch the fabric even more.

"Your husband is in the next room." He stared in awe as she pulled down his trousers and his penis sprung free. "You are inebriated. We will regret this."

"Good gods, it's as big as my head!" She held the shaft gingerly, placed her face next to it, and laughed up at him. "As to your points, Rhildor sleeps heavily when he's been drinking. You are right, I am quite drunk. And my only regret would be passing on such an opportunity. A situation that I am actively seeking to avoid."

"Oh." He contrasted her pretty face with his monstrous cock. It was indeed bigger than her head. Her little hands felt so good delicately squeezing his tumescence.

"Have you ever been with one of the fairer sex? Or am I your first?" She giggled when he stared at her blankly.

"Of course, I'm your first. Do you like me? Do I please you?" She abandoned her grip on him and quickly undressed.

"You are quite beautiful, mistress." He watched her alabaster form emerge from her dress. He ogled her as she spun for him, tripped, and steadied herself with a hand on the leaking head of his penis. Her breasts were large and ponderous, her hips flared wide, and her behind was round and inviting. Comparing her to his mother, their bodies are actually quite similar. While Gelderel's breasts are slightly bigger, Alavara has the bigger butt of the two. "You share a similar body type to…someone else I know." The green orc internally berated himself harshly for almost mentioning his mother like an idiot.

"Oh, so you have been with a female. One similar to myself huh?" It took her a moment to process that her hand was wet. "You're leaking. Did you already finish? How disappointing." She looked at the clear fluid on her fingers.

"That is only the beginning. There is much more at the end." He slightly smirked.

"Oh, intriguing. I have only ever been with Rhildor, and he doesn't begin this way." She waved her hands at the penis. "He is quite different in many ways, actually. So ... what would you like? I am your host and seek to please you well. What does this other female do for you that you enjoy? Shall I use my hands, or maybe you would like to try something new? I use my breasts for Rhildor, and he adores it."

Hearing her question forced memories of Alavara to flood Sontar's mind. There's so much that his mother does for him to please him that it's hard for him to pick. Just reliving the way she orally pleases him makes part of him want to leave this place and go back to Alavara. "Umm…I'd prefer you to surprise me."

"Surprise you? Let me see." She tried to wrap her breasts around the shaft. She could not envelop him the way she did her husband. "Goodness...you are a monster. Let me see...let me see." She pumped him with her cleavage. The head was so close to her face now. She gathered up her courage and stuck her tongue out. "O.…my stars. You are as delicious as blackberry wine." She placed her mouth over his hole and drank right from the source.

"You look… so captivating...doing that." That was when

Sontar knew he would hump her.

Whatever she had thought would happen toying with an orc, his hunger made its own plans.

Luckily his mother's warning loudly echoed throughout his mind suddenly. He was eternally grateful for it since it broke him out of the haze he was succumbing to.

'This is an extremely bad idea but I know I'm not going to stop it from happening. I desire this elf greatly now and it doesn't help that I've been raging with my urges since I've woken up. However, I cannot afford to be completely reckless here. Under no circumstances can I allow this situation to result in backlash toward my mother nor myself. My mother especially, I couldn't bear with myself if I caused her any trouble here or back in the village. This means I must use my magic to prevent us from being discovered by Rhildor.' Sontar thought quickly.

"Before we continue…we should lock the door." Sontar grunted out his suggestion.

Gelderel blinked, she looked at the door and realized her mistake. She forgot to close and lock the door, she foolishly left it slightly cracked open.

"You are right, we certainly should." She agreed.

"Allow me, my lady." Sontar stepped away from her to close the door.

Next his hand glowed with a green aura around it as he placed a silencing spell, locking spell, confusion spell and lastly a delayed sleep spell. It may seem a bit excessive but he's not taking any chances. The moment Rhildor approaches the door, the confusion spell will make the elf confused as well as forget the reason he came to his shared bedroom in the first place. That's when the delayed sleeping spell will kick in within 30-60 seconds to force him into a deep sleep that will last for hours. The caster can also cancel the spell, which will allow whoever is under said spell to regain their consciousness within a minute or two.

"You can use magic?" Gelderel uttered, displaying a shocked expression on her face.

"Yes, I was lucky enough to be born a welder of magic." He answered, turning his full attention onto her.

His hunger decided it's time to engage its plans.