A data disc visible only to Aaron was displayed in front of his eyes. The data disk showed real-time indicators such as the host's body temperature, heartbeat, blood pressure, and the current external temperature. The most prominent data bars were divided into red and blue.

The blue bar represented the regret value, while the red one represented the favorability rating, both with a maximum value of 100.

The blue value remained constant at "9," while the red value was steadily decreasing due to Aaron's comment, "Spent your money on flowers."

Aaron sighed, "Why don't people like to hear the truth?"

The system wanted to complain a bit but refrained from doing so.

Brain expressed disappointment, "Eric, why do you speak like that?"

Aaron remained calm and said with a smile, "Brain, don't misunderstand. What I mean is, Kirs is also considering us. With a car, our lives will be much more convenient. I may not need it, but you can use it to commute to work, gaining face in front of your colleagues."

His attitude was good, as if the earlier sarcastic remark was just stating facts.

The system, observing the two-point increase in favorability, thought, ""Rule with leniency and strictness. The methods seem effective."

Brain sighed.

This child has been spoiled since childhood, not understanding the severity of his words. The hurtful remark he made earlier, he probably wasn't even aware of it.

Thinking this, Brain adopted some patience as a father and coaxed him, "Eric, a car is a consumable. How much do we have to spend on gasoline every month, and how much does it cost to buy a parking space? Have you thought about whether we can afford it now?"

"I earn money to support you!" Eric, hands behind his back, smiled sincerely, "My demo is almost finished, and then we'll have money."

Brain sighed, "I've told you many times, this is not a proper job."

"I like music."

"Likes can't be used as food... Anyway, let's not talk about this." Brain conceded, "To avoid arguments."

"Okay, let's not mention it."Eric took a step forward, narrowed the distance with Brain , and said softly, "Actually, I also thought, the car can be used to pick up your parents. Aren't your parents and third sister coming to the city next week? When they come, you can take them out to dinner by driving. Last time, didn't your sister ask when you were going to buy a car?"

These two matters happened to touch on Brain 's sensitive nerves. He fell silent.

And when Eric spoke, he looked at Brain .

Encountering his burning gaze, Brain 's heart skipped a beat.

It was winter at this moment. Amidst the early glow of the city lights,Eric exhaled a breath. In the hazy mist, a captivating and delicate halo enveloped his already radiant cheeks. The wind fluttered the downy feathers on the edge of his white winter jacket, brushing against his pure, porcelain-like neck. Underneath, he felt his heart tighten and heat up.

Meanwhile, the operating panel in front of Aaron displayed a semi-transparent card with the following data:

· Name: Beauty Aura (Trial Version)

· Duration: 10 minutes

· Quantity: 1

· Quality: Excellent

· Type: Disposable

· Required Exchange Points: 0 (Free Distribution)

· Introduction: The golden-bagged egg-fried rice, the bone broth with rich flavor, the crab legs with cracked shells, the duck egg yolk in red oil—all pale in comparison to your smile under the faint and clear light.

Aaron was curious, "Is the copywriter among you guys originally a chef?"

The system was silent for a moment, "09 is one of the original AIs, born with pre-existing data. It just happens to enjoy researching recipes."

Aaron found this statement a bit peculiar.

Pre-existing data?

There are data that are born later?

Before he could ask in detail, the system preempted, "Mr. Aaron, the task."

Aaron responded, "Oh, okay."

Seeing Aaron refocus, the system felt a bit relieved.

After taking over Aaron, the system found that this new host was not easy to handle.

After receiving and reading the information from the world line, Aaron contemplated for a long time before asking his first question, "Can I use the car to run into someone surnamed Brain when we meet later?"

The system: "..."

Aaron said, "Don't be nervous, we're just discussing."

After a pause, he added, "WithEric 's family being so wealthy, if there's a traffic accident, they can definitely handle it, right?"

The system said, "...You really want to do that, Mr. Aaron."

Aaron said, "No, just discussing."

The system said, "Mr. Aaron, you're dealing with a living person."

Aaron said with solemnity, "Oh. Accidents happen, and no one wants that."

The system attempted to reason with him, "Mr. Aaron, the laws in this world are similar to the ones in your original world. Intentional harm can lead to imprisonment. Moreover, if you run over the task object, how do you plan to leave this world?"

To leave the task world, the main reference data is the regret value.

Only when the regret value reaches 100 can the host leave the current world and be transported to the next task world.

The system brought up the regret value to discourage Aaron's anti-human thoughts. However, Aaron, with a logical analysis, said, "It is said that in the moment of death, a person's regret emotion peaks."

The system: "..."

Aaron continued, "Even if he didn't die but became disabled, he would have a long life to regret."

The system: "...Can you just be quiet?"

The system's silence made Aaron understand. He sighed, "Fine. You, my little comrade, lack a sense of humor."

...Yet, from Aaron's voice, the system heard a clear disappointment.

For this reason, the system, still unable to let go, specially rechecked Aaron's information.

...Aaron is indeed an actor, not some criminal with a criminal record.

Although there are plenty of rumors about him, such as being arrogant, smoking in public to corrupt minors, lacking education without shame, having a bad relationship with his parents, and engaging in dirty transactions with various older men, most are rumors, and their authenticity is uncertain.

After a simple filtering of this trash information, the system thought, fortunately, this host probably just has a unique personality and some psychological issues. Proper guidance should work fine.

So far, Aaron's performance has been quite good, and he has used the free skill card appropriately. The system reads that Brain 's favorability, which was trending downward just now, has shown signs of recovery.

Every new host can receive twelve free disposable skill cards. These items have various functions but can only be used once. If the effect is good after use, the host can enter the system's warehouse and use the favorability points of the task object for item exchange, flexibly applying them under various conditions.

Brain 's knot in his throat rolled gently as he looked at Eric . He was well aware of Eric 's good looks, but no matter how attractive someone is, familiarity can diminish the initial allure. However, at this moment, he felt a sensation reminiscent of the early days when he first fell in love with Eric , a feeling that made his heart itch with tenderness.

The small rabbit, nurtured to have a snow-white fur, turned its round black eyes, gazing at him with a mixture of fascination and concentration.

Such an outstanding person, relying solely on himself and considering everything for his own sake.

...This was the right way.

Brain liked the feeling of "getting back on track."

Smiling, he asked, "Do you remember my cousin,Eric?"

Eric , not without pride, replied, "Of course. Anything related to you, I remember."

For a moment, Brain felt the impulse to kiss him.

But with a glance, he happened to see Bob from the copying room next door leaving work, swinging his keys as he exited through the company's revolving door. Bob was discussing with two other colleagues where to have barbecue that evening.

Brain turned his body, subtly blocking Eric . The hand that had been halfway raised to touch Eric 's face went down naturally, slipping into his pocket. With a casual tone, Brain said, "Next time, when adding something to our home, don't forget to consult with me. This is our home, isn't it?"

Aaron sneered inwardly.

Our home? Consult?

This double bed is already accommodating your whole family. Did you consult with me?

However, "Eric " didn't think about these things. According to his personality, he only knew that Brain had acquiesced, and the car could stay.

Eric 's eyes lit up, looking at Brain with even more affection.

Brain smiled, "Should I drive?"

Eric volunteered, "You've had a tiring day; I'll drive." He opened the rear car door, playfully bending his knees, "Boss, get in the car first, I'll go throw away some trash."

Brain smiled and, complying, sat in. Surveying the interior of the car, his eyes revealed an undisguised envy.

When will he be able to casually give away a car like Kris?

And Eric , holding a mineral water bottle that was almost empty, leisurely walked toward the roadside trash can.

In Aaron's mind, he coldly laughed.

It seemed like Eric had forgotten about his family members sleeping on this "double bed."

Aaron didn't say anything, amused by the situation.

Eric , who didn't notice Brain 's abnormalities, continued, "After my parents come, let's pick them up together from the train station."

Brain visibly stiffened for a second.

Of course, Eric wouldn't notice Brain 's anomaly and continued, "I'm a steady driver. We can take my parents to pick up , then show them around, and maybe go to the suburbs for a hot spring..."

Brain uncomfortably said, "...Let's talk about it later."

Eric , with a small trumpet-shaped mouth, full of vitality, said enthusiastically, "Then I'll play you the demo I just wrote. You're my first audience, is that good?"

Brain was pleased that he changed the topic, and he replied, "Sure."

Eric took out his phone and tapped a few times.

Melodious instrumental music wafted through the speakers, unusually ear-catching. Brain , who had been busy all day, felt the musical notes massaging his tense nerves as he leaned back in the comfortable leather seat.

He dozed off.

The system couldn't help but remind, "Mr. Aaron, you don't need to use skill cards so frequently."

Aaron had just used another hypnotic card on Brain , with a duration of a whopping one and a half hours.

Aaron was unreserved in his usage, "Just testing. Besides, isn't the point of good favorability to have as much as possible?"

...This judgment was reasonable.

A person's favorability toward another fluctuates naturally. When couples argue, their favorability towards each other plummets, and when things are going well, it shoots back up.Aaron had aggressively manipulated Brain 's favorability, bringing it back to 72, exactly the same as the initial data.

Aaron analyzed, "For the sake of a car that won't cost him money, he lost a total of 14 favorability points."

The system retorted, "...Wasn't it your one sentence that took away the last 10 points?"

Aaron continued his analysis, "With a 10-minute lasting beauty aura card, coupled with a few soft words, the favorability returned. And to exchange for another beauty aura card with the same effect, it only cost 5 favorability points. So, overall, it's easy to increase favorability."

The system said, "..."

Aaron intentionally provoked Brain just now to test the fluctuation in favorability?

Moreover, the use of the word "increase" gave the system an ominous feeling.

Aaron said, "Currently, Brain only needs to have a passing favorability towards Eric . The extra 12 favorability points, can you see what we can exchange for in the warehouse?"

The system was astonished.

Previously, hosts were eager to interact with the task objects to quickly reach 100 favorability before considering other aspects. After all, no one knew if insufficient favorability would affect the progress of the task.

This was the first time the system encountered someone daring enough to focus on just passing the threshold from the beginning.

The system checked the warehouse, "There is a 'Beauty Aura' with a duration of 30 minutes, costing 10 favorability points, a 'Black Belt in Karate Buff' with a duration of 5 minutes, costing 3 favorability points, a 'Painless Buff' with a duration of 1 hour, costing 10 favorability points, and a 'Heartthrob Aura' with a duration of 5 minutes, costing 20 favorability points..."

Aaron listened carefully, "The first one."

After a successful transaction, he asked, "Is there a longer duration for the 'Heartthrob Aura'?"

The system replied, "Yes, up to 1 hour, requiring 40 favorability points."

Aaron pondered, "I'll save up for that."

...The system felt thatAaron's tone seemed to treat Brain as a pig in a slaughterhouse, cutting off a leg today, a belly tomorrow, and repeating the process endlessly.

With a sense of foreboding, the system said, "The remaining 2 points can only buy some small items and novelty items."

Aaron said, "Oh."

The system said, "...Mr. Aaron, we are a serious system."

The system was so amused by him that its data fluctuated slightly, "We don't provide that kind of service. Erotic-amusement products refer to some small props that can be materialised to enhance feelings, such as bouquets, river lamps, fireworks, and so on."

Aaron said, "Have a firework."

"A firework requires 3 points.

Aaron simply said, "Have a round."


Aaron: "What are you waiting for, failing counts against me."

The system helplessly thought, "Of course it counts as yours, otherwise would it still count as mine.

After the successful exchange, a clear bell sounded, showing that the exchange has been deposited.

Aaron waited for half a day, "Where are the fireworks."

System answer: "Raider object ..." This is not still lying down offline.

"Who said it was for him?" Aaron said, "Right now, put it on."

The system was a little confused, but did as it was told.

An eight-fold core firework opened in response, falling like a line of snow, falling like a shooting star, colouring the dark dome of the sky with a moving embroidery of light.

The fireworks were exploded in the distance, and the light and shadow should come before the sound, so when the light beads and jade threads scattered away, Aaron suddenly opened his mouth and said to the system, "... This is for you."

Before the words fell, there was a popping sound, and the bursting sound of fireworks came belatedly.

The system was slightly stunned as it looked at the flying stars that dispersed.

The limousine's rearview mirror reflected Eric's face. He was smiling.

Although Aaron was using Eric's face, his real smile was completely different from Eric's simple and harmless smile. His peach blossom eyes were slightly curved, and his three-part evil spirit was mixed with seven-part careless laziness, which brought with it a charm that grabbed people's hearts and made them unable to take their eyes off.

Aaron said to the system, "In the future, I'll have to trouble you, teach me more."


Although it was a bit touching, the system inexplicably felt that this was not the right thing to say, and its nature was similar to a guillotine meal, sending a person to a good meal before shooting him down.