Washed the dishes, Aaron didn't leave the kitchen. He continued summoning the system: "System, system."

The system said, "Not selling rat poison."

Aaron: "..."

The system continued, "Also not selling sleeping pills and herbicides."

Aaron comforted him, "Don't worry, I'm just here to ask about the Hypnosis Card."

The system asked, "...How long does it last, and what are the effects?"

Aaron replied, "How long do they last, and what are the effects?"

The system said, "Like other cards, the Hypnosis Card comes in three levels: low, medium, and high. The difference lies in the duration of use. The low-level lasts for 60 minutes, the medium-level for 90 minutes, and the high-level allows customizable duration, but the upper limit cannot exceed 6 hours."

"Enough,"Aaron said. "Two cards, one high-level, and one low-level."

"14 points."

Without hesitation,Aaron said, "Exchange."

But the system didn't immediately exchange. It asked, "What do you need the Hypnosis Card for?"

Aaron straightforwardly replied, "I'm worried that the one surnamed Brain will go into heat."

The system expressed understanding.

Aaron was the eleventh host he had guided. In the first world, almost everyone had raised similar concerns with the 061 system.

After all, in various timelines, the original hosts were mostly related to the mission targets, and the tax had to be paid.

The first ten hosts guided by the system had all revolved around the mission targets, rarely deviating from the original plot. They would only slightly avoid unfavorable plotlines and try to please the mission targets. When the favorability reached 100, they would feign death and exit the world.

Usually, at this point, the mission targets' remorse value would reach its peak.

Among these many hosts, Aaron was the only one bold enough to go solo in the first world.

However, on the issue of taxes, his attitude was extremely resolute and astonishingly stubborn.

The system said, "We provide free extraction services." It meant that during intimate moments, the host's consciousness and perception would be drawn out of the body to minimize the host's discomfort.

Leaning against the refrigerator,Aaron lightly pinched his nose. "It's not about that."

The system thought of another possibility. "Do you have specific preferences in positions?"

Aaron chuckled. "I have preferences in people."

The system: "Brain..."

Aaron tilted his head. "Don't force me to insult him."

The system understood. "Okay. So, you want to use a low-level Hypnosis Card on Brain today?"

"Use them both,"Aaron said. "Start with the low-level to put him to sleep. It's already nighttime, and if nothing unexpected happens, he'll sleep through."

The system asked, "And the other card?"

Aaron replied, "I'll use it."

The system hesitated.

Aaron closed his eyes, and with Eric's face, he revealed a playful, casual, and somewhat self-mocking smile. "...Or do you sell sleeping pills here?"

Following Aaron's request, the system exchanged two Hypnosis Cards and successfully used them.

After putting Brain to sleep, Aaron set a time limit of 6 hours for himself and fell asleep.

After he fell asleep, the system sent a signal to the main system: "Code 61-101, requesting access to the main system."

After a few seconds, a mechanical voice sounded: "Code 61-101 has access permission, request approved."

Immediately, the previously stable data began to flow irregularly, like a waterfall or starlight.

Under the flowing light, a man in white clothes and black pants appeared, standing barefoot in a high-ceilinged hall filled with people dressed similarly, all shuttling back and forth.

Several people recognized him and greeted familiarly, "061, you're here again. Still guiding a new host?"

061 answered, "Yes."

"Didn't you just guide one? Only two days have passed between universes. Don't you take a break for ten days or half a month to reward yourself?"

"No time," 061 replied.

The inquisitive 666 was a newcomer and asked, "No time? What are you rushing for?"

061 remained silent.

He stared at the ground with some confusion, seemingly struggling to remember something.

Another young man beside him, with a sharp nose and deep eyes, seemed to have an insight. He frowned slightly, gave a meaningful look to 666, and then asked 061, "What are you here for?"

"I'm here to find 023," 061 said.

"He recently moved his office. Go southwest and look for Room 1008," the man replied.

061 smiled.

The 061 with a formed appearance was a gentle and elegant young man, with a straight posture and star-filled eyes. His smile was like the morning sun on snow, very affable. "Thanks."

He said goodbye to the acquaintances, walked far away, and even heard 666 complaining, "...Don't mention my host. What's good about that kind of man, besides having a big... you know. He clings on and won't let go, and the stock of safe... supplies is not enough for him!"

The man found Room 1008 in the southwest, knocked on the door, and after a while, heard a cold "Come in."

He pushed the door open.

In the instant he pushed the door, the room's data entered loading mode.

The surrounding light flowed and dispersed, then converged again into a gigantic brain-shaped light. Upon closer inspection, the flowing neurons and pulsating synapses inside were vast like a sea of running data.

This was the "light brain" of the main system, connecting databases of various timelines.

A pale-skinned youth sat in front of the massive light brain, with two long silver-white data lines on the table. He was holding an old-fashioned card-insert game, skillfully pressing the red and green buttons with his pale nails.

He suffered from albinism, with hair and skin all pale.

061 said, "023, I'm here."

023 didn't lift his head, just responded with an indifferent "Oh."

He successfully cleared a few lines, and the elimination sound from the game console could be heard.

061 stood barefoot on the matte ceramic floor, quietly waiting for him to finish this round.

While playing, 023 asked him, "What brings you here?"

061 said, "I want to watch a few movies."

023 held the game console, "Heh."

061: "..."

With one hand manipulating the game console, the other picked up the data lines on the table.

When the fine plug of the data line approached his temple, it underwent a morphological change, and fine silver threads like a spider's web extended from the top, entwining and drilling into his temple, directly connecting to his brain.

Soon, 023's eyes flashed with thick and dense digital screens.

Skillfully, 023 said, "Code."

061: "..." Goddamn code.

He replied, "Movies that Aaron has acted in."

The youth, completely engrossed in the game, heard these eight words and, as if seeing a ghost, raised his head.

He tilted his finger and pressed the downward acceleration key. By the time he frantically tried to salvage the situation, it was already too late, and the message had popped up on the screen.

023 cursed, flipped the game console upside down on the table, crossed his arms, and looked at 061. "Your new host? Why download his movies?"

061 said, "And all his information."

"Why do you need that?"

061 replied, "Deepening understanding for easier task execution."

023's pale eyebrows furrowed tightly, showing some dissatisfaction. "061, I remind you not to get too close to the hosts. Human hearts are dirty, as you've seen. If you don't want to be formatted again, follow the rules set by the main god."

It was well-intentioned.

When guiding the eighth host, 061 had once been reported by his own host and received the punishment of formatting.

After being forcibly formatted, 061 forgot many things, even the reason for the report was completely forgotten, and the database only retained basic data about past tasks.

This didn't affect 061 too much; he was still an outstanding employee of the year, with diligence and efficiency that other systems couldn't match.

He just didn't remember why he was so diligent.

It seemed like he was in a hurry to meet someone, find someone, but the details—like the person's name and where to find them—had turned into fragmented data garbage.

061 said, "This is the fifteenth time you've reminded me."

"If you don't want to be destroyed, do your job properly," 023 said. "...Sixteenth time, just for good luck. You're welcome."

061 good-naturedly rubbed his nose. "Is the movie downloaded?"

023 said, "...It's done. Check your mailbox."

"So fast?"

023 tapped his forehead and remained silent for a moment. "I downloaded it before; there's still an archive in the database."

"Really?" 061 was curious.

"It's someone from the same timeline as Aaron, a die-hard fan of his. Downloaded all the movies he played in. That person is going to live relying on him for a lifetime, utterly pathetic."

Without saying anything, 061 took out a cassette from his pocket and tossed it to 023.

"Pac-Man, released in 1983," 061 said. "Thanks for your help."

023, treating it like a treasure, wiped the cassette with his sleeve and suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth. "Consider you have a conscience."

061 said, "Do me another favor."

With a gift in hand, 023's mood improved a bit. "What?"

When 061 mentioned his request, 023's forehead veins bulged. "Do you know how troublesome this is?!"

061 bent slightly, signaling a request.

Seeing the cassette, 023 casually waved his hand. "Alright, alright. Receiving it won't be a problem, but locating this thing is too difficult. I can't get it for you today."

"In a couple of days is also fine."

023 removed the data line from his own brain, picked up the game console again, and said, "Okay, you're dismissed."

061 smiled gently. "As you wish."

At the door, 061 stopped, turned around, and asked, "Oh, 023, is there rat poison in the main inventory?"

023's eyebrows jumped. "Huh?"

061 coughed. "...Just a casual question."

While Aaron slept through the night, the system spent the night watching movies.

After the Hypnosis Cards wore off,Aaron woke up on time.

The system checked the time. "It's only five o'clock, the sun hasn't risen yet. Go back to sleep for a while."

Aaron got up from the bed, leaving Brain alone, and walked to the living room, sitting on the piano stool. With the piano in the room, which was already small, it felt even more cramped.

Aaron stroked the piano cover absentmindedly, lost in thought.

The system took the initiative to start a conversation. "There is no rat poison in the main inventory."

Aaron lifted the piano cover. "...You still remember, huh? I was just making a joke."

Silently, he caressed the black and white piano keys, feeling the lingering creative impulse and continuous inspiration in his body. It was a unique treasure belonging to Eric, confiscated by Brain and casually dismissed as too burdensome.

"A mouthful of rat poison, and it's all over, giving him a cheap way out."Aaron said, "What Eric experienced, if he doesn't personally go through it again, wouldn't that be too unfair to him?"

When Brain woke up, he intended to cuddle with Eric for a while. However, he got up a bit late, had no time for more intimate moments, and hurriedly hugged Eric, grabbed his laptop, and left.

Before leaving, he took the keys to the new car, saying, "I have a meeting with the client at noon. No need to bring me lunch. I'll bring home some dishes for you in the evening, and I'll buy you some braised chicken liver, your favorite. Oh, don't forget to have breakfast."

One of Brain's good qualities was his genuine gentleness; he never got angry with Eric.

During the years when Eric struggled with depression, he continued to pamper Eric, showing extreme patience. It was as if there was nothing that could truly make him angry.

In simple terms, as long as Eric's interests didn't conflict with his family's interests, he could continue being this gentle.

After Brain left, Aaron followed.

He had checked the route in advance and boarded the bus to Kris's company.

Eric did indeed get motion sickness on the bus. The bumpy ride made him very uncomfortable, and he couldn't even speak, holding onto the handrail for support.

As soon as the bus arrived at the station, he rushed off and leaned against the nearest trash can, retching continuously. He vomited until his little face turned pale.

The system initially wanted to help him adjust but suddenly thought of something. Instead, it only helped lower his heart rate to alleviate the internal discomfort.

Aaron finally straightened up, wiped away the tears in the corners of his eyes, took out his phone, faced the Eric Family Corporation occupying an entire office building, dialed a number, and smiled with red eyes, "Brother, it's me. Can you come down now?"