Chapter 27: Flight Plan

The Nova cut across the black of space like a hot blue knife, leaving a carved trail of glittering dust in its wake. It slipped between the bouncing bridges of Flightline Omega and arced into its descent towards the docking bay at the bottom of the station. Small turrets twisted and locked on to the Nova, tracking its movements.

Inside the cockpit, Kirrik tapped away at one of the screens. "Conflux to station, requesting permission to dock," He said aloud.

There was a hiss of static inside the cockpit while Nox and Zaius waited behind him. "I don't think they heard you," Nox commented.

"Repeat. Conflux to station, requesting permission to dock," Kirrik said again. He looked at the other two and shrugged.

"Station to Conflux. State the nature of your business," a crackling voice finally echoed back.

Kirrik slowed the thrusters to a halt just outside of the shield guard. The turrets twitched in front of them, as if waiting for an excuse to fire. He leaned in closer toward the console, careful in his enunciation.

"Station, we have important information regarding a potential 'Class O' event that needs to be reported directly to the Department of Human Relations. I'm invoking 'Hunter Code Apogee'."

Kirrik could feel the sweat building along his palms. Hunters were regulated by the High Prime and the Collective in order to keep tabs on the vast amount of them that traversed Atania. There were rules to be followed, and levels to those rules as well. By using "Code Apogee", he was jumping straight to the top and knew he would need to have a good explanation for doing so.

'I hope preventing a war is enough,' He thought.

There was a long pause and another crackle of static. The turrets went limp. "Land," the voice on the other end commanded succinctly. A beep signaled the end of the call.

Kirrik tried not to let out too loud of a relieved sigh and pressed the yoke forward. The blackened tunnel entry to the Flightline docks swallowed the Nova whole and cast darkness across the interior.

"Why do I get the feeling 'Apogee' is not a good code to use?" Nox questioned from behind.

"It's definitely situational," Kirrik admitted with a sense of unease. "Let's just hope the situation works in our favor."


Sky could feel the ick of something wrong smothering her senses. It was more than unease or doubt. It was a cold, possibly violent, malice. As she wandered through the halls of Diah's home, she examined the sterility of the walls and furniture. The yellow helped to provide a pop of color, but it seemed just as fake as the doting parent act that Wyrna Nollak put on. The space contained a terrible aura no matter where she walked.

The click of doors sliding open beckoned her back to the main entryway, where Diah and Wyrna stood silently next to each other in waiting. Sky could see a few tears had been shed by both parties. 'Is it from anger or sadness, though?' She questioned.

Wyrna cleared her throat and removed her hands from her sleeves. Sky's eyes quickly darted over the older Chyl's sharpened nails, like claws ready to rend, as Wyrna gestured toward her and Balakus. "We must attend our meeting with the Alis, but you two are welcome to stay and make yourselves comfortable here. I will make better and more suitable arrangements for your stay when we return."

Sky felt the ick grow stronger. Wyrna seemed to have noticed the change in her expression and narrowed her gaze. "Is there something wrong, Ms. Pannah?"

"No, of course not," Sky uttered quickly. She looked around the entry and tried to come up with a response. "I was raised to never be a burden on another's parents. Staying in someone's home without them around equates to that in my mind. Forgive me if my unease seems directed."

Wyrna's gaze softened and her thin lips upturned into a smile. "You have very good parents. I'm sure they must be quite proud of you."

'I highly doubt it,' Sky snarked back in her mind. Something about Wyrna commenting on her parents sparked an angry fire within her. Regardless, she had managed to redirect the Chyl's attention.

"I suppose you two can accompany us, if you'd so choose," Wyrna continued. "That said, you must wait outside the chamber doors while we meet. We cannot chance a security risk, even amongst those my daughter would consider friends."

Wyrna looked toward Diah, who nodded in agreement. "I would feel better if you both came along, but mother is right. It would be the rules for anyone. No exceptions."

Balakus grumbled something in understanding while Sky dipped into the cybernetic overlay that wrapped around her mind. A wall of symbols washed over her vision, followed by sparks of color and frequency waves. She formulated a simple message - "Are you safe?" - and sent it off to Diah's MenXhip with a blink of her eyes. Wyrna turned to leave as Diah's chip beeped and projected its holoscreen across her palm. Diah flicked it away and gave Sky a warm smile to assuage her fears. Sky wasn't sure what had happened while Diah and Wyrna were alone, but it was clear that their relationship had somehow turned on its head. Despite Diah's smile, Sky still felt an intense urge to keep an eye on her friend.

"Are we all ready?" Wyrna asked, seemingly unaware of their exchange.

"Yes, mother," Diah confirmed confidently. "Let's save the Chyl."


Stretches of gray tunnel greeted the trio standing in the Nova's cockpit as Kirrik guided the ship deeper into Flightline Omega's core. Zaius had heard plenty of stories about Flightline's winding ship paths, asymmetrical layout and high-level weapons systems, but witnessing it firsthand was a different experience. For a station that held some of Atania's most powerful people, it clearly had every layer of added security.

"How long do we need to keep spinning around in circles?" Nox questioned irately. "I thought that there was a docking bay in one of the outer spheres when we approached."

Kirrik shook his head, never breaking his focus. "The outer sphere is for the High Prime only. Their ships are uniquely coded to the shield guard, and the only people that know those codes are the Prime members themselves."

"And what's to keep someone with a Kanushin like mine from breaking in and taking that data?" Nox inquired further.

"Nothing regarding the Prime is stored on any sort of data system," Kirrik answered. "Not even a physical copy."

"Areshia used to do something similar back on Tovarro. There was never a repetition of orders. You were expected to hear things once and commit it to memory," Zaius reflected, then caught himself. "Sorry, Kirrik."

"She chose her side a long time ago, Z," Kirrik said mournfully.

The clicking of the Nova's landing gear opening broke up the ensuing silence. The thrusters whirred to a sputtering halt as the ship slowed and dropped onto an open landing pad. The Nova shook slightly from the impact.

Kirrik looked around the dock. "You two go ahead to the emergency hatch. I'm going to check on Imi."

Kirrik stood and toggled multiple switches on the Nova's dash until the ship shut off entirely. He glanced over everything a second time, then slipped past the other two. The air of silence around him spoke volumes to Zaius. It wasn't the normal carefree Kirrik he had come to know in their short time together. There was definitely something on his mind. Nox moved out of the cockpit and toward the dining quarters, and Zaius followed shortly after. The halls of the Nova were almost hauntingly empty with just the two of them. They passed through the halved dining quarters and into the tight hallway that ran across the right side to the emergency exit.

Zaius glanced over the rainbow collection of buttons by the exit, then paused. "Should we wait for Kirrik?" He asked Nox.

The latter shrugged. "It's up to you I guess. I don't really care if the jackwagon accompanies us or not."

Zaius couldn't help but be the slightest bit amused at how Nox went out of her way to rag on Kirrik, even when he wasn't around. The two were alike in more ways than either would probably care to admit, but Zaius chalked it up to the Terric that raised them. The sound of boots on metal echoed around the corner.

"What's the hold up?" Kirrik asked as he turned into the hall. "I thought you two would've hopped out already."

"Are you that anxious to get rid of us?" Nox quipped, arms crossed.

Kirrik let out a low, short chuckle. "As much as I'd love to go my own way, my hands are tied right now."

'What does that mean?' Zaius wondered. Before he could press the matter, Kirrik reached past him and smashed the bottom of his fist against a small orange button.

"Let's go."

The emergency exit opened with a loud hiss, followed by the clack of ladder rungs as they slid out of the side of the Nova's hull. Kirrik descended first, followed by Nox. Zaius stepped on the rungs and looked down, careful in his foot placement to avoid any embarrassing slips. He examined the dock as his feet touched the ground. It was completely devoid of people and concerningly silent. Kirrik's hand drifted towards the holster at his side.

"You sense it too, right?" He asked Zaius quietly. "Stay alert."

Nox shuffled towards them. "What's going on?" She whispered. "I'm new to all of this, but I doubt it's supposed to be thi-"

Nox let out a loud yelp and her body spasmed as a spark of bright blue hit her back. Her eyes closed and she fell forward. Zaius dropped down quickly to break her fall. Kirrik slipped his pistol from the holster and twirled it around into a firing position. Another bolt shot past his shoulder.

"Careful!" He warned and dodged another bolt. "Don't let any of them hit you!"

Kirrik shifted to the right, but his body was pelted by a barrage of bolts that sent him to the floor. His pistol clattered across the floor. Zaius placed Nox down lightly and threw his hood over his head as additional bolts fired by unknown assailants rained down from every direction. He pressed the button on his palm and his jacket rippled into a reflective field before sputtering and sparking. 'Dammit, I never fixed the shroud,' Zaius berated himself. The field dropped and he took a bolt immediately to his side. A surge of electricity ran through every part of him, causing his body to shake uncontrollably. Another bolt hit him, and darkness yanked him into the realm of unconsciousness.


Diah stepped off the lift after Wyrna and looked past the assembled crowd of Chyl representatives toward the chamber doors ahead of her. A pulse of excitement surged through every vein. Now that she had gotten to Vensha and reconciled with her mother, standing in front of the Alis seemed almost easy. Sky and Balakus remained close, noticeably uncomfortable. "Don't worry you two. We can do this," She looked back and assured them.

"Diah Nollak! By Atania's glory!" A rich voice belted across the crowd.

Diah stopped in her tracks and felt the emotion well up within her. She gazed toward the parting crowd at the jolly green giant of a Chyl running toward her. Tears of joy formed at the corners of her eyes. "Gallard!"

Gallard waved away his encroaching security detail as he reached out, picked Diah up and spun her into a big bear hug. The warmth of his hug radiated across her. If she could ever be held by her father again in the afterlife, she imagined it would feel the same.

"I hoped every day that I would be able to see your smile again. That you would return to us unharmed," He told her. "Thank the stars you're here now."

"I missed you, Gallard," Diah replied, muffled by the embrace. "I thought about your safety as well."

Gallard placed her back down and ruffled her hair like he always used to when she was younger. "Don't worry about me, my dear. Luck has always been on my side."

Wyrna coughed violently. "I'm so happy that you two have been able to reunite, but Gallard, I must ask why you're here. I thought you were bound for Flightline Omega to discuss the separation of the Collective?"

"I was already on board my ship when one of the Alis reached out to me about potential security concerns. That accumulated into concerns about a potential attack, and then many of our peers did not want to meet without my counsel," Gallard explained.

"Luck then, as you said," Wyrna suggested through a strained smile. "Yes, lucky us indeed."

The change in Wyrna's tone was noticeable, at least to Diah. She watched her mother as Wyrna placed her hands on their shoulders and led them toward the chamber doors. "Why don't we get this meeting started? We don't have the luxury of waiting around any longer. It's time to - what did you say earlier, daughter? Save the Chyl?"

"Yes, mother," Diah affirmed and looked back again at her friends, stuck on the other side of the sea of Alis flowing toward the chambers. She felt bad for leaving them behind, but hoped they would understand her position. They had done all they could to help her get back home, and now it was up to her to make a stand for the betterment of her people. She needed to stand on her own.

"I quite like that, Diah," Wyrna voiced. "Save the Chyl, indeed."


Zaius stepped in rhythm with Nox and Kirrik, careful not to bump into either. The tan orbs that cuffed his hands buzzed. A group of five heavily-armored Flightline security enforcers encircled them as they walked down the metallic gray hallways. Nox's spiked bun bounced hypnotically in front of his eyes.

"I can feel you staring holes into the back of my head," Nox murmured through gritted teeth.

"Sorry," Zaius responded. "I'm just not sure where else to look. Everything around us is so bland."

"Silence!" One of the enforcers yelled from behind the trio, eyes hidden behind a reflective orange visor. "You clowns think you can invoke a 'Code Apogee' as a joke and not face the consequences? That was your one warning. Don't make us step in and shut you up."

Kirrik swiveled on the balls of his feet to face the enforcer and walked backwards in perfect rhythm. "You can't blame us for wanting to chitchat. Flightline isn't the most exciting place in Atania."

The enforcer moved toward Kirrik and slammed the butt of his rifle into Kirrik's stomach. Kirrik let out a hard wheeze but kept walking. "I warned you," the enforcer growled.

"You really put some force behind that one," Kirrik exhaled. "Do you spend your free time working out? Not much else to do out here other than watch the hoity-toities, hmm?"

The enforcer slammed his rifle into Kirrik's stomach again, while another moved in and cracked Kirrik's own pistol across his back. Kirrik let out a hard grunt of pain. Zaius tilted his head back towards the chaos. "What the hell are you doing?" He bristled, afraid he would be forced to watch his friend get beaten down.

"That's all you can do? I was impressed the first time, but now I'm disappointed," Kirrik goaded. "Maybe you'd hit harder if you took that stick out your a-"

The first enforcer shouted in frustration and grabbed the front of his rifle with both hands, then swung it overhead with full force toward Kirrik. The latter leaned against Zaius' back and stuck his hands out, taking the brunt of the hit and shattering the cuff orbs. The enforcer stepped back in surprise and was met with Kirrik's Kanutic chain whipping up into his jaw. The remaining enforcers jumped back as Kirrik swung his chain around the trio. "Zaius, gauntlet!" Kirrik yelled.

Zaius channeled his energy into his arms and overcharged his gauntlets. "This better not blow off my hands!" He shouted back. Zaius let the burst emit from his fists and explode the cuffs outward into a cloud of tan shrapnel. Nox leapt against the wall to avoid it.

Zaius spun and punched one of the enforcers with a concussive green blast while Kirrik yanked another into the left wall then across the hall into the right. Zaius jumped over a charging enforcer, punching him in the back to send him face first into the ground. The last enforcer aimed Kirrik's pistol at them, only for it to be yanked from his hands by Kirrik's Kanushin. Zaius rushed in and landed two charged punches into the enforcer's chest, then finished him off with a headbutt.

"Great job, Z," Kirrik complimented. A pop emitted from Nox's gauntlets as they opened in a cloud of yellow dust. She took her hands out and flexed her fingers.

"Wait, you could have gotten us out that easily the whole time?" Kirrik exclaimed.

"You didn't ask," Nox remarked. "Maybe next time you can include me on your plan before you go all guns blazing."

"Technically not a single weapon was fired," Kirrik replied with a dopey grin. Nox let out an annoyed sigh and rubbed her eyes.

"Such a dolt…" Zaius heard her murmur as he watched her walk further down the hall.

"Hey, Z," Kirrik called quietly to him. He beckoned for Zaius to come closer. "I need to take care of something while we're here. It's something that I may never get a chance to handle again, or I wouldn't be leaving you like this. Please."

Zaius was confused. 'What does he have to do that's so important?' He asked himself. The gauntlets around his arms settled back into their resting state. "Is there something we can do to help?"

"No," Kirrik responded. "This is on me and me alone. I can explain later if I need to. I know it's weird, and I could honestly do what I want, but I don't want to feel like I'm abandoning you two."

"And you have to do it right now? At this specific moment? Knowing that we're on a ticking clock?"

"Hey, I trusted you when it counted the most. I need you to do the same."

Zaius took a deep breath. He could tell whatever it was that needed to be done meant a lot to Kirrik. The Hunter never had to stay with them as long as he had, or even help out at all. Letting him go was the least Zaius could do. "Yeah, alright. Go ahead and we'll catch back up with you."

Kirrik smiled in relief. "You have no idea how much I owe you. Be careful, Z." He picked his pistol up from the floor, turned and took off down the opposite end of the hall before disappearing around a corner. Zaius looked over the unconscious enforcers around his feet and thought about the rest of the group on Vensha.

'I hope Diah's having a better time than we are.'