Chapter 62 part 4

When Jenn finally left the elder's tent, she felt exhausted. It felt like it would never end and even the sky had essentially gone to bed with how long she'd been in there.

As she looked up at the stars, she couldn't help but feel the same as when she'd looked at these stars when she was in the bear-kin village. She wondered what those that she'd met at that time be up to at that moment. She had a feeling that they were doing okay, as she had a feeling that rumors of them not doing well would have reached here if that was the case. Although, she also couldn't help but wonder, at the same time, that if she hadn't learned that this was the same world that she wouldn't have felt this way in the first place at this moment.

"Do you like to look at the stars, young one?" a voice asked, startling Jenn. She hadn't heard anyone come up on her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

When she calmed down a moment later, she saw that the elder had come out of his tent, which was right next to where she'd stopped. Which in turn made her feel rather embarrassed.

"No need to feel embarrassed about it," the elder said, making Jenn pretty certain that the wolf-kin could in fact smell a person's emotions and likely used that to determine their veracity when talking with others.

"I do like the stars, but where I'm from I never get to see such displays as this," Jenn replied, feeling like she wouldn't even need the light from the moon to help her walk at night, as long as the stars were out.

"The stars are indeed beautiful, though this doesn't pertain to anything about us or what we were discussing, but what happened between you and the beaver-kin?"

From the sound of it, Jenn suspected that regardless of what she said, it wouldn't affect the alliance she could feel forming between them. Although, the formalities would have to be conducted by the Blue Rose, or maybe someone that Jenn could trust to take care of it. She had a feeling Maelia might be good as her ambassador.

"I'd like to stay here for the night, but I really need to get back to my pack," she told the elder. "I'll need to let the Blue Rose know about what happened so we can see about forming an alliance."

"Really?" the elder asked, sounding rather amused. "And here I thought you were the Blue Rose you mentioned."

Jenn couldn't help but freeze. Not only did he hit the nail on the head, but he'd managed to figure out who the Blue Rose was to Jenn.

"Wh-why d-do you s-say that?" Jenn stammered, her voice rather unsteady.

"Because that's the only reason I can think of that your scent showed you lying but telling the truth earlier," the elder replied. "I'm not sure what your reasons were, but I suspect you're not being honest with your pack, either about this."

Jenn quickly pulled on her magic and scanned the area for others. Juniper was in the elder's tent, mulling over what Jenn had finished telling them, the guards were still stationed at the entrance to the elder's tent, but other than that, no one seemed to be around for a good distance.

While she had her reservations about the guards, she had to admit that they'd already heard what the elder said, and they'd likely believe their elder or her denying what she knew would only come out as a lie to them.

"Let's just say that I can't always trust those in my pack to put the needs of the pack first. So, I created the persona of the Blue Rose so when I'm either ready to take charge full time or when I can find someone who would be able to fill that position better than me, they can take it and I won't have any lingering connections to them."

"I see you're looking for a way out of being the pack leader," the elder mused. "Strange behavior in a pack leader."

Jenn sighed. "That's because I'm no pack leader. I have a hard time even accepting them looking to me for answers. I'm sure a real pack leader would have no trouble accepting that kind of thing. Where everyone looks to you when problems occur."

"It sounds like you haven't recognized your own skills in this matter yet. Which means it might be good for you to go about it this way. As pack leader who can't trust themselves isn't fit to be pack leader in the first place."

Jenn wasn't sure if that sentence was supposed to help or not, but it at least made her feel like he at least understood part of what she was dealing with, even though she doubted that he really understood her reasoning.

"Anyway, was there anything you'd like to ask me from one pack leader to another? I've noticed you've been holding yourself back since we first spoke. Tell me what it is and we'll see if we can come to an understanding, if nothing else."

Jenn took a deep breath as she nodded. She'd been wanting to ask about the jackalope-kin, but there always seemed to be one thing or another that seemed to be more important or pressing. Not to mention the whole issue of homosexuality that the wolf-kin hadn't even thought of, let alone understood. As such, Jenn couldn't bring herself to think of their reaction as 'homophobia' or anything.

"I heard from the jackalope-kin that my pack and I helped that the wolf-kin made him participate in the spring hunt, I think it's called?"

"Spring collection," the elder gently corrected. "I don't know why it's called that, just that it's what our ancestors called it in the distant past."

Jenn shrugged. She really didn't care exactly what it was called. She just wanted to know how much of what Nibbles had told her was truth and how much was merely his perception.

"So, what exactly is your 'spring collection?' How does it work?"

The elder sighed, as if it was going to be a long response, which Jenn couldn't say that she'd be surprised about if that was true.

"The spring collection is about collecting what prey we can during a certain time frame. At the end, each of our prey is allowed to return to their homes. Those who manage to survive the collection will be allowed to bring some resources from our village to theirs."

Jenn had a feeling that some of these details were either excluded in the 'recruitment phase' for the spring collection or that it hardly felt like that was really something the wolf-kin would do, but Jenn couldn't see the point of arguing such a matter right then.

"How do you recruit the 'prey' for the collection?" Jenn asked, wondering if maybe this was the biggest part of the disconnect between the two tribes.

"We send our fastest hunters to charge at their village and those who can't outrun them are excluded from the collection," the elder replied as if it should be obvious.

Jenn sighed. Now she understood. They really weren't given a choice in the matter. She suspected that the jackalope-kin were also the only 'prey' around here. Or at least that the wolf-kin could get to participate in their 'spring collection.'

"Let's first talk about that, okay?" Jenn said, feeling like the sooner she started on this the better. "I think the jackalope-kin have a different perception about the spring collection than you do. That they see it as something their forced to do."

The elder shook his head sadly. "It's the only way we can get them to participate, sadly. They tend to refuse otherwise."

Jenn nodded. She could certainly understand that kind of reaction given what she'd learned about their treatment so far! "We can discuss that later," she said. "Let's move on to how they get the resources you mentioned. Do you let them know they can pick some or do you just deliver some to them without explaining what it's for?"

"They're free to take what they want when they leave, but if they don't, we just deliver them resources throughout the year," the elder replied. "And we don't let them know, it's been well established long before we were born."

Jenn couldn't help but put a hand to her head in reaction to the headache that was coming on. She could see where the problem here was: The jackalope-kin likely felt that they were being continuously watched and likely no one had explained to them about the resources aspect. Although if one had, they might have felt rather intimidated to not selecting any and hoped that would be it. However, with the wolf-kin then bringing the resources to them, then they might have felt that they had no choice and that the wolf-kin were making the jackalope-kin indebted to them.

It kind of felt like a circular disconnect between the two groups. Which Jenn hoped she might be able to solve. Although, she doubted that she'd be able to make much headway very quickly.

"I think the first thing we need to do is restructure your spring collection deal," Jenn replied. "I mean, if one of the jackalope-kin doesn't want any resources, bringing them later without any explanation might be seen differently to them than if you just verify that they didn't want any resources."

"But it's our honor that'd be on the line if we didn't give them what they won," the elder replied, sounding pretty worried.

Jenn could understand that he might not understand what she was getting at just then. As she didn't think he'd take her at her word for it alone. Which meant that she'd need to get Nibbles to talk to him, since Nibbles technically won at the spring collection or whatever it was.

"Well, how about we talk to Nibbles about that?" Jenn asked. "I have a feeling he'll be telling you that his people feel like you're loaning them the resources so that they'll have to stay and be part of your spring collection."

The elder sighed helplessly, clearly unsure how to react. "If what you say is true, then how will we do the spring collection? The jackalope-kin are the only prey around here we have left!"

Jenn nodded. "How about among my people, we hold a contest in the fall to see who will participate in your spring collection? The jackalope-kin can participate if they want as well, but no wolf-kin can affect the results. Otherwise they'll be forbidden from joining in the spring collection, okay?"

The elder considered her words, not looking very convinced. "How will we know that your competition will meet our requirements for someone about to enter?" he asked.

Jenn nodded, hoping that her idea wouldn't fall apart at this point. "Well, we could have a race with one of the wolf-kin who would have been chasing the jackalope-kin being a part of it and we'd have to beat him to enter, but we could also do an obstacle course. Where we'd have things thrown in everyone's way to try and slow them down. That way it can simulate some of what conditions might be in the spring collection."

"Obstacle course?" the elder echoed.

"We can work out the detail late," Jenn replied. She didn't have an obstacle course in mind right then, but she was confident she'd be able to come up with something simple before she'd have to make good on her promise. "What I think might help us out the most is if we each send someone to live among the other's people. That way we can have someone who understands the other's language so we'll always have someone who can translate that others won't complain about."

"What about you?" the elder asked. "How are you able to speak our language? It's even different from the jackalope-kin's yet it sounded like you were able to speak to him. Clearly you know our languages."

Jenn sighed. She understood his misperception, but the fact that the jackalope-kin spoke another language altogether was another headache-inducing revelation.

"Let's just put it this way," Jenn said. "I can speak your language because of my magic that translates it. However, I don't think that everyone will accept what I translate because, like Howl, they don't fully either trust or like me."

The elder nodded. "I see. You're right about that, so when would you like to have someone sent over? I would also need to have a guarantee that they'll be taken care of."

"Don't worry about that," Jenn assured him. "I'll make sure of that, but we'll also send someone over to you. That way my people will have someone they trust as well to translate for us as well."

"Again, when would you want to do this? I'm pretty sure that I can have someone selected in a day or two."

"I'll have someone chosen soon, but it might take a while for them to arrive. Though, I'll need to talk with the jackalope-kin as well. If I have Nibbles to help me explain things, then I think I can convince them to agree as well. Though, I'm not sure if they'll agree to participate in the competitions in the fall."

"I understand," the elder replied. "I just hope there's enough time for all of this to be conducted before the next spring collection."

Jenn sighed, not sure herself. "I hope so too."


After spending the night in the wolf-kin's village, Jenn got up and returned to the world that was the home of her people. A world that she wondered if it would eventually become her own home at some point.

When she arrived, she was appalled at how dark it was. Though, she had to remind herself about the time difference between the two worlds. As that let her know just how long she'd need to wait before she could return to her squad. Though, she hoped that she wouldn't have any other problems with it.

She had spent the night before in a dream conference with Tchisa, Polelin, Maelia, Laer, and Zirisia. She filled them in on all about what had happened as well as what she had proposed. Which meant that she needed two people, preferably volunteers, to be selected to live among the wolf-kin and the jackalope-kin in order to learn their languages and that they'd do the same. Though, she also let them know that she wanted Maelia as her ambassador to the wolf-kin and jackalope-kin for the time being.

She also asked them to wait to make the announcement so that her unit could return and 'give them the information in person' so no one would wonder how they got the knowledge so far in advance. Plus, it would allow her to receive instructions about what to do from the Blue Rose, since it would need to be the Blue Rose who made those decisions if Jenn was to keep the chain of command structure she'd set up in place.

Which Jenn was quickly finding was getting old. She wished she could come up with a better method, but given how things were, she doubted that she'd be able to make it so it wasn't so tiring to her while maintaining her ability to come and go as she wished. As if she did officially announce who she was, she'd then be stuck in the center of all this, as she'd have made it clear that she was the one who was able to make the official decisions.

As Jenn waited, she found that when she didn't have anything to do, time went by rather slowly. She didn't dare create a fire for herself to see by, as she wasn't confident how much magic she'd used to do the dream conference and she wanted some in reserve in the even of an emergency. She wasn't sure what might happen that would qualify as an emergency, but that's likely when she need her magic the most.

Eventually the sky started to lighten and Jenn got up to make her way where her unit had been left. She hoped nothing had happened that she would have to clean up, but with the wolf-kin likely having cleared out soon after she'd left, she couldn't say that she'd have much to worry about.

As she approached, she was met with the usual indifference and hostile looks, but she couldn't find it in herself to worry so much about that. Not when she had other things that she wanted to get done. Such as sending someone to 'let the Blue Rose know' about what happened as well as to create a marker to identify where the gate was for future reference.

Which Jenn hoped to eventually be able to build a structure around it, so they'd be able to send people through it without worrying about someone just happening to be close enough to see it happen themselves.

Which only added the need to talk with the Duchess Versith. As she'd be the one who Tchisa had told her needed to approve any construction projects on the lands she was in charge of. Regardless of the reason.

While she couldn't see a reason for the duchess to refuse, Jenn wasn't sure it'd be as simple as that. That she'd have to do more than ask or maybe even pay a fee of some sort. She was pretty sure that this wasn't going to be as pleasant as it was when she'd set out and ended up recruiting Tchisa to her cause.