Saviour of the Poor

The next morning arrived, and as usual, Kaishi and Tianfu were woken up by the sun, shining through small cracks in the wall. They got up to get ready for another hard day, but suddenly saw that Michael was already awake and had even prepared breakfast for them.

It came as a shock for both of them, as they never experienced someone taking care of them.

As they came of the initial shock, Tianfu hurriedly ran up to Michael, "Michael, it should be the other way around. Let us make breakfast for you," she said.

"You are wrong," Michael answered. "You are a child but you need to work every day, so as long as I am here, I will prepare every meal except the meat. And before you say anything, I won't accept a no, and it also doesn't bother me at all."

Kaishi and Tianfu wanted to protest, but seeing Michael's stubborn face, they had to give up. As they stopped protesting, they felt an unexplainable, weird warm feeling in their chests. 

After they ate breakfast, it was finally time to start Michael's language lesson. Kaishi drew each character and explained how to say and write it. To Kaishi's surprise, Michael only needed one try for every character to memorize it perfectly.

After going through each character, Kaishi started to write down some words and told Michael the corresponding word. Surprisingly, Michael was once again able to pick up the exact spelling without any repetitions.

While Kaishi was shocked by Michael's learning skills, Michael was intrigued as well.

"So that's how it works. The characters won't get translated into my language, because there is no word that's directly associated with that exact character in my language. But of course every word he speaks in his language will still be translated to me as usual. And since the words in my language are different from the words of their language, I can't predict how to write a word based on the known characters. I will have to memorize the exact order of characters of any given word that I learn, to write it down correctly. Luckily, I got a superhuman memory while staying within the Immortal Spirit World. It would be impossible to learn this new language otherwise," Michael mused within his mind.

"Cool story, but can you stop speaking your mind to me while I try to figure out the time formations?" Iris said annoyed.

"Well, I thought you would want to write and read as well. But apparently you want to stay an uneducated peasant," Michael lashed back.

"Hey, I'm doing the important stuff. I don't care about the language of the random planet we landed on. Also, my education is surely better than yours. Instead of doing drugs, I studied formations and learned techniques. There is no comparison between us," Iris countered.

"And you still can't even figure out the formations within me. Truly a disappointment," Michael sighed, acting like a disapointed father.

"While you took the trial, I could only look at the formations. I wasn't allowed to temper with anything. Now that I am free to do what I want, these formations will be under my control in a short time. Now get back to your lesson. I need to concentrate," Iris reprimanded him.

Michael didn't argue any longer and got back to concentrating on learning words once again. After a few hours of learning how to write and read different words, Michael's first lesson was finished. In this short timeframe, Michael was able to learn every word Kaishi tried to teach him on his first try.

"By the way, Kaishi, can we use a dictionary for our next lesson? You will just need to read words out of it, while showing the word to me at the same time. This will be enough for me to remember them," Michael said with hope in his voice. With the help of a dictionary, it would take significantly less time for Michael to remember every word he needs to know.

"I still can't believe you can learn this fast. I wish I could've learned to read like you do. Anyway, what is a dictionary?" Kaishi asked. 

"It's just a book with a list of different words and their meaning. Do you have one?" Michael wasn't surprised too much that Kaishi didn't know what a dictionary was. After all, he was just a simple child from the streets without any formal education.

"Sadly, we don't have any books at all. I think within this part of the city, there is only one bookstore. Most people just don't have enough money to waste it on a book," Kaishi explained. "If you want, I can spend some of the money we will get from selling animal parts to get one," he offered.

"No need to spend your money. I will buy it myself. Well, I will have to earn money first, but keep the money from selling the animal parts to yourself. I will find a way to earn enough money for myself," Michael rejected.

"Now, what is the best way to make money?" Michael asked in his head.

"Hey, don't distra... Money? You found the right planet to ask." Iris rubbed her fingers.

"What do you think, Iris? I can hunt and sell animal parts. That is my current idea," Michael proposed.

"Hmm. Not bad, not bad. We can use this method to earn enough money to get to the inner city for now, but I think there are better ways to earn money without rotting out the entire forest. What do you think about concocting pills? This is a world where cultivation exists after all, and I think pills are something that would sell for a high price. The best way would of course be to just rob people and steal whatever you like, but I guess someone as mild as you doesn't want that."

"You are right. Pills. That should be the best solution," Michael answered, ignoring the last part. 

He turned to Kaishi and asked. "Do you know anything about alchemists or pills?"

"Yes, I've heard about the miracle workers that call themselves alchemists. I've heard whoever can create an alchemist pill will be rich beyond belief. It is said that there are only a few of them in the inner city," Kaishi said with wonder in his eyes. Something like alchemists who create elixirs or pills that defy common sense is something he can only dream about.

"Perfect," Michael answered.

"Why do you want to know about alchemists, Michael?" Kaishi asked with even more curiosity. Could it be that Michael wanted to become an alchemist?

"I will tell you later. For now, I will try to get a dictionary," Michael answered while smiling at the curious boy.

From now on, I will become rich, Michael thought, while already formulating a plan on how to put his alchemy skills to use.

Later that same day, Tianfu went to work and took Michael with her to introduce him to her boss. Hopefully Michael would be able to get a job and earn some money. Michael already had another way to earn money, but he still didn't refuse. He wanted to relieve Tianfu of her work while also learning more about the world he just landed in. Working at a restaurant would be a great opportunity to learn more about what the people of this planet thought.

"I can't wait for you to meet my boss, Lan Rudong. He is a great guy, just like you," Tianfu said excitedly as they walked through the slums.

And indeed, as they got closer to the restaurant, Michael saw a truly unbelieveable scene. On the square, they had just arrived; a huge crowd was formed. Surprisingly, each and every one of the people had a bowl of food in their hand. 

People who looked like they were close to dying out of hunger, all eating happily. "This is his work," Tianfu said proudly. "Every morning until noon, my boss, Lan Rudong, gives a free meal to whoever is in need of one. He takes all the costs on himself to help people survive. Without him, countless people would be dead already. He is truly the most popular person in town. Even the thugs who oppress other store owners and ask for a protection fee leave him alone." Tianfu was truly happy and proud to work for such an amazing person.

Michael was amazed. "There is really someone like that in this city? How can he survive while giving away so much for free?" Michael questioned.

"He still opens up his restaurant in the afternoons to earn money. His food is the best in town, and a lot of people with a little bit more money are thankful for what he is doing. They would rather spend their money at his place than support someone else. He also has some money saved up. He actually came from the inner city but said ever since his wife died he was missing his purpose for living. Coming here gave him a new purpose. Being in a more humble environment, he enjoyed giving back to people instead of competing with people in the inner city," Tianfu explained.

"Alright, let me introduce him to you. He might give you a job," Tianfu continued.

They walked past the eating crowd and entered the restaurant through the back door. As they arrived in the restaurant, there was a young girl who looked a few years older than Tianfu running towards them. "Sister Fu, good to see you." She hugged Tianfu and asked. "Did you run into any trouble on your way here? I told you, you can always stay here at night if you want."

"Sister Shi, it's fine. I didn't run into any trouble, and I don't want to live here. I want to stay with my brother. Boss Lan always said that only staff can stay here for the nights. I can't leave my brother alone," Tianfu answered.

"Sister Fu, he isn't even your real brother, and he doesn't even have any work. Why don't you just come here? He only drags you down anyway," sister Shi blurted out.

"How could you say that, Lan Shi? He is my brother, and we took care of each other our entire lives. Don't ever say that again, or I will not speak to you anymore," Tianfu yelled angrily. Although Kaishi didn't have a job, he tried his best to earn money every day. Tianfu wouldn't let anybody speak badly about him. Tianfu was unhappy with the way Lan Shi and even her boss always tried to drag down her brother.

"Ok, sister Fu, I am sorry. But you know the rules. Only the staff can live here. I just want you to be safe here instead of sleeping in the middle of criminals," Lan Shi said with a sad expression.

"Hmpf. Whatever, come on Michael, let's meet my boss." Tianfu ignored her.

Tianfu dragged Michael along with her. "Who was she?" Michael asked while walking with her.

"Oh, she is just another worker here. She started working here closely after boss Lan founded the restaurant five years ago," Tianfu said.

"Five years ago? And how old is she now?" Michael asked surprised.

"She is 14. Why do you ask?" 

"It's nothing," Michael said, but had some thoughts in his mind.

They walked further into the restaurant, and Michael could finally see the restaurant owner, Lan Rudong. He was an old man who looked like he was in his 80s. He had short gray hair and was around 1.65 meters high. With expensive-looking clothing considering the clothes Michael saw in the slums and an elegant walking stick out of wood, he looked like the upper class within this part of the city. All around, he gave off a friendly elderly feeling.

As he saw them, he smiled at Tianfu. "Little Fu, come here. You look energetic as always, my little angel."

Tianfu went towards him. "Hi boss Lan. I hope your health is good today. I brought someone with better cooking skills than me. Maybe he can work here from now on." She pointed at Michael.

Lan Rudong took a look at Michael, who was standing behind Tianfu. After taking a good look, he gave Michael a cold glance and turned to Tianfu with a worried face.

"Little Fu, I said it a lot of times by now. You can call me grandfather or at least uncle Long," he said with a smile, but then pointed at Michael. "Didn't I tell you as well? Stop trusting strangers. This youngster is only here to eat for free or steal from the kitchen. You are too young to know, but I've seen the same thing repeat itself since I was young. Poor people with bad intentions like him try to manipulate the minds of the children to profit," he shook his head.

"Boss Lan, he is the best cook I know. I have eaten his food, and trust me, he is the best," Tianfu said, not taking the words of Lan Rudong seriously. If it were up to Lan Rudong, she would probably have no contact with anyone at all. That was the one thing she didn't like about her boss. It seemed like he wanted to keep her away from other people and control her.

"You've eaten his food. How did that happen?" Lan Rudong asked surprised and threw another cold look at Michael.

"Kaishi brought him in. He hunted for us, cooked for us, and now lives with us," Tianfu explained with a smile.

After hearing what Tianfu said, Lan Rudong nearly fell. He had to put all of his weight on his walking stick to keep his balance. His expression became even colder, and he talked to Tianfu with a serious tone.

"He lives with you? Tianfu! Don't trust other people easily. Look at him. He is poor and desperate. And how do desperate people act? They do everything to survive. Steal, kill, or even sell little kids like you. You can't just trust him. He will turn around and betray your trust. I told you about it again and again. You just can't trust other people," he scolded her. "Now, you young beggar," he turned to Michael. "Do not dare to live with Tianfu any longer. I know people like you. You pretend like you are helping while stealing behind their back. I will protect Tianfu from people like you," Lan Rudong warned.

As Lan Rudong was telling Michael to leave her, Tianfu stepped in front of him. "No! You are wrong, boss Lan. Michael isn't the type to do something like that. I trust him. I know he wouldn't do something bad to me or my brother." Tianfu nearly screamed while getting tears in her eyes and clenching her small fists.

But instead of listening to Tianfu, Lan Rudong just walked up to her and patted her head. "You are too young to understand little Fu. I can see right through him. He makes himself useful to earn your trust, and when the moment is right, he will harm you. It is a tale as old as time itself. You won't understand it now, but as you grow older, you will understand that I am only protecting you. So listen to me and don't have any contact with him from now on," Lan Rudong said with a gentle yet demanding smile.

"No! I don't believe you. Michael is a good guy, and I will keep living with him!" She protested while screaming. First, Lan Shi insulted her brother, and now Lan Rudong wanted to separate her from the only person that she felt indebted to.

"You are too young to understand. You live in one of my houses. I won't allow a scumbag like him into my house," Lan Rudong said a little bit angrily. He couldn't believe Tianfu was standing up for a stranger.

"You gave me this house. It is mine now. I can live with whoever I want. You were wrong about brother Kaishi as well. I will let Michael live with me!" Tianfu screamed and ran off. She couldn't stand it anymore. Tears were flowing down her face, and there was even a little bit of blood within her clenched fists as her nails dug into her hand.

"I don't feel good today. I won't work this afternoon," she said and ran off.

"Look what you did. Now Little Fu has to cry because of you, young scum," Lan Rudong turned to Michael and said angrily. He looked at Michael like he wanted to kill him for tricking Tianfu.

Michael watched the whole scene in disbelief. Do I really look this bad? Like a kidnapper? Well, I can kind of understand where this guy is coming from, but is it really that bad?

Michael watched the whole scene in disbelief. Do I really look this bad? Like a kidnapper? Well, I can kind of understand where this guy is coming from, but is it really that bad?

But more importantly, how dare this guy make Tianfu cry? Michael was quite angry as well. He didn't know Tianfu for a long time, but he knew her long enough to be angry at someone talking down to her like that.

"I made her cry? I just stood here while you acted like her overprotective, unreasonable grandfather. Only you are responsible for making her cry. You should go after her and apologize right now." Michael answered with some coldness in his eyes.

"Me? You showed your rotten face in front of her and made her believe your lies. Maybe you can fool her, but you are 100 years too early to fool me. I know what kind of person you are, and I will show it to little Fu soon enough." Lan Rudong limped back to his chair and sat down. "Now leave my restaurant; you are not welcome here. And if you ever come to my morning treat, close to starving, feeling so hungry that you are about to go crazy, you won't get anything from me. From now on, I won't serve food for you, even if you die," he said, looking like Michael as if he were his lifelong enemy.

Seeing the determined look on the old man's face, Michael couldn't help but laugh. "Good luck then. Someone who lets only young girls work at their restaurant is probably not as clean as he looks. Anyway, I'm interested in how you will show my bad site to Tianfu. I'm waiting for you, and don't worry. I won't need any food from you, and even if I were about to die, I would never turn to you to beg for food."

Michael turned around and left the restaurant without saying another word. He needed to hunt something for the children and get Tianfu out of this job.

"You scum. I won't let you off. You deserve to die!" Lan Rudong shouted behind him, clearly agitated, but Michael just kept walking, ignoring the shouts of the old man.

As Michael left the restaurant, he saw the happy people eating within the square. He wondered, is this old man really only worried about Tianfu? Otherwise, he seems like a hero, but something is definitely not right because "Iris?".

"Yes, I know," Iris answered.

"That old man is a cultivator," both of them said.