Su Family Long-Lost Ancestor Found!

[If you want to blame someone, blame your mother, didn't she die after giving birth to you? Maybe she should have brought you to accompany her to the underworld]


Yang Huo took a sharp breath as he continued reading. This person was truly heartless! Refusing to lend a hand was one thing, but dragging her deceased mother into it? Truly deserving of the villainous reputation!

Closing the tab, Yang Huo decided to take a breather from the story since there was no way he could finish it all today.

'Anyway, why aren't we there yet? We've been walking for almost 2 minutes! This Su manor is way too big for its own good,' he frustratedly thought.

Glancing at the servant guiding him, still walking patiently without making a single sound, Yang Huo sighed inwardly and decided to kill time by familiarizing himself with the items in his storage ring.

And true to the lifestyle of a core disciple, Yang Huo's items were nothing short of extravagant.

'There's a lot of stuff here. There's a Frostblade talisman.'

'Qi-Blossom Essence pill.'

'Dragonfire amulet.'

'Mini looking spider puppet.'

'Very Badass Looking sword.'

'Super Bright Looking pill.'

'A small necklac–'

"We've arrived Young Master Yang"

Yang Huo came to a halt, immediately redirecting his attention as he watched the servant slide the door open.

Upon entering the room, a young, well-groomed man appeared before him. Draped in an intricately embroidered robe, the man exuded elegance with a subtle yet tasteful charm.

"Master Yang, it has been a while! How are you doing?"

Yang Huo blinked and remained silent. Barely an hour had passed since he inherited this body, and he had yet to formulate a plan to address the 'sudden change in behavior' and 'missing memories'.

Now he already had to deal with it so soon?

Although Yang Huo didn't respond to the young man, the latter continued speaking.

"Hm? Master Yang, is that perhaps your pet?"


This question caught Yang Huo off guard. He quickly followed the young man's gaze to his shoulder... and lo-and-behold, the over-the-top, epic-looking owl, with black fur somehow radiating more light than the sun itself.

'Wha.... System!! They can see your body?!?! And stop with the stupid special effect! It's blinding my eyes!!'

[Well of course! How could I dare hide my unparalleled appearance and magnificent aura away from the world? It would be too unfair and cruel!]

[But I understand your feeling, Host. Who wouldn't want to keep such a dazzli–]

"Yes it is my pet," Yang Huo answered the young man.

[Oi don't ignore m–]

"I took pity on it after seeing it trying to eat its own pile of poop"

[Host! How could you smear my–]

"But alas, I can't stop its habit from relapsing every once in a while"


Not only was the System left speechless, even the young man was stunned. He didn't expect the sudden info bomb coming from Yang Huo's mouth. Putting aside that Yang Huo had gotten himself a pet, was it really necessary to talk about the owl's weird habit?

"E-erm... Master Yang, are you alright, why is your pet stabbin- pecking you so harshly?"

"Aah..... yes, this is a sign that its habit is about to relapse. Pay no heed to it"

The young man showed an awkward smile and thought, 'Are you sure it's just the owl's habit and not because you're its mortal enemy? Why does it seem like it wants to peck you to death?'

Suddenly, a sound interrupted everyone.

"Cough, Su Zhiyuan stop playing around."

When Su Zhiyuan heard his father's words, he immediately readjusted himself.

"Yes, father. Master Yang, please."

Following Su Zhiyuan, Yang Huo comfortably took a seat opposite to an old man far surpassed his fifties. On Yang Huo's table, a hot tea was already prepared for him.

Yang Huo slowly scanned the room before shaking his head to show his disappointment. He gently grabbed the tea, enjoyed its aroma, and said, "After getting called at such a time, I thought there might be something urgent but..."

Yang Huo's eyes bore a chilling gaze as his gaze fell upon the old man. "But considering that there's only two people here, let's all hope this is something worth my attention"

Yang Huo's display of fierceness left both the old man and Su Zhiyuan momentarily speechless. Was he the guest, or were they? And why did he seem more at ease in this room than them?

The old man slowly cleared his throat.

"Our sincere apologies, something urgent just came up and the patriarch and the other elders had to delay themselves"

"More urgent than me?"

A flicker of irritation crossed the old man's face. Did you think you're our father? Could you not act so unreasonably?

"....Unfortunately, yes."

Yang Huo nodded calmly and took a sip of the tea, "I'll consider the apology later, but for now, state your business".

The old man's eyes started twitching uncontrollably in anger. You're indeed not our father.... you're our father's long-lost ancestor! You're so arrogant alright!

The old man sighed to himself and felt like crying. He himself didn't even know where the others had gone to. They only informed him about the purpose of this meeting and brought his son here for some experience. Who would have thought that everyone was nowhere to be seen? If he knew this would happen, he would rather continue his sleep with his wife.

As the old man let out an even deeper sigh this time, suddenly, the door was knocked several times.

"Forgive the intrusion, Elder Su Zhenhua. May I humbly request a moment of your time? There's a message from the patriarch."

"The patriarch?"

Su Zhenhua's eyes lit up with anticipation. Finally, someone with an explanation!

However, Elder Su Zhenhua's face froze and quickly shot a suspicious look at Yang Huo, fearing his terminally-ill narcissistic ego might flare up again.

But contrary to his belief, Yang Huo remained unfazed, calmly continuing to drink his tea.

"...Sorry for the inconvenience, Master Yang, I'll be back soon."

After saying that, Su Zhenhua glared at his son and signaled. 'Entertain him while I am gone!'

Su Zhiyuan gulped nervously. 'Father, this is an unreasonable request!'

But alas, as he witnessed his father sprinting faster than when his father's mother-in-law paid a visit to the house, Su Zhiyuan could only offer an awkward smile to Yang Huo, who was still leisurely sipping his tea.

While Su Zhiyuan and Yang Huo were never close before, with most just Su Zhiyuan greeting him and Yang Huo ignoring him. But why was this Yang Huo so different from what he remembered?

"H-how are you doing, Master Yang?"


Yang Huo remained silent.

Su Zhiyuan wore a wry smile. It appeared he was getting ignored once again. Su Zhiyuan had already grown accustomed to this lack of response, since the man despised anyone weaker than him, especially those older yet with lower cultivation than hi–

"...It's fine," Yang Huo suddenly answered.


"How about you? It seems the Su family is prospering as usual."

Su Zhiyuan was stunned and immediately questioned whether he had heard it correctly. Did the infamous Yang Huo just respond to him and even inquire about his well-being? This was impossible, he must be a fake!

However, since Su Zhiyuan was too shocked to give a response, this silence made Yang Huo frowned. "What's wrong?"

Su Zhiyuan hastily responded in a fluster.

"N-nononono! It's nothing! Cough cough.... yes the family has been doing great, thank you for asking."

Yang Huo nodded, silently grabbing the teapot and filled his own cup. "I see. How are your brothers and sisters?"

Once again, Su Zhiyuan was puzzled. The Su family boasted a considerable number of members, especially in his generation. So which brothers and sisters could Yang Huo possibly be referring to?

"Umm.... Master Yang, which one are you referring to?"

However, when Yang Huo met him with a prolonged silence, Su Zhiyuan immediately provided an answer.

Gradually, the conversation shifted into a one-sided exchange, with Su Zhiyuan taking on most of the talking, and Yang Huo merely nodding and offering input once in a while.

The System, unusually quiet until now, finally couldn't hold back.

[Oh my god, watching snails racing each other is more entertaining than listening to this guy! Host, can't you do something more thrilling–..... Eh? Host, what are you doing?]

The System, sensing something unusual, quickly questioned Yang Huo.

Yang Huo blinked his eyes and responded. 'Aren't you the System? Can't you figure this out yourself?'

The System felt a surge of annoyance.

[Don't belittle me! Do you really think I am so incapable? Fine! I'll show you my ski– ....Oh my god, what is this?!??!]

The System was utterly surprised. It turned out Yang Huo was using a talisman to share visions with his spider puppet! And the puppet was actually monitoring on Su Zhiyuan's father, Elder Su Zhenhua!

[You've been eavesdropping on them all this time?! When did you use your puppet?!]