Is it that strange?

"Of course not. I am aware that the opening of the secret realm is confidential. Do you think I would offend the Su family for no reason?"

The servant responded promptly, "We dare not, Master Yang Huo. However, should the Wang Family or the Golden Lotus Pavilion were to become aware of this mat..."

The servant halted his mouth mid-sentence as he noticed Yang Huo's gaze towards him becoming more and more piercing.

"I understand your concern. But to question something so obvious, you don't expect me to be a fool, do you?" Yang Huo asserted.

Upon witnessing the unfolding situation, Elder Su Zhenhua promptly stepped in, attempting to defuse the escalating tension.

"Please calm your anger, Master Yang Huo. It is our fault for not adequately taught our servant well enough. He will be disciplined thoroughly." Casting a stern gaze upon the servant, the servant sank to his knees in an instant.

With his hand trembling, the uncle repeatedly struck his head against the floor and pleaded. "I-I beg your forgiveness, Master! Please have mercy on this foolish servant!"

Elder Su Zhenhua swiftly issued an order. "Get out! You must be whipped 100 times before the sun rises! Any less and I'll personally cripple you myself!"

"Y-yes, sir!" The servant stammered and hastened his feet towards the exit.

Everything had transpired rapidly, leaving Su Zhiyuan himself flustered and unsure of how to react. But just as the servant approached the door, Yang Huo's clear voice resonated throughout the room.


Without moving his body or a hint of spiritual force behind his voice, Yang Huo's words were nothing more than just that, a word. And yet, Yang Huo's command acted like a spell, freezing everyone in their tracks. All eyes turned towards him as he gently set down his cup.

With his head shaking, Yang Huo released a resonant sigh for all to hear. "I tried to play along with your little game, but it seemed my goodwill goes unappreciated." Yang Huo then shifted his gaze towards Elder Su Zhenhua.

But it wasn't a gaze that felt chillingly cold, nor was it one that exudes scorn, or even a disdainful one.

It was just a look of plain indifference, a lack of amusement from the game that the Elder and the servant had orchestrated.

"Elder Su Zhenhua, do I need to repeat it again? I am not a fool. I can see your charade as clear as day."

Elder Su Zhenhua attempted to respond, but Yang Huo swiftly raised his hand, cutting him off. "I said, enough."

Yang Huo sighed, weariness evident on his face. "Do you not see the time? It's midnight, I'm tired. Forcing your guest to partake in such a pointless game is hardly good manners."

At this point, the System who had been watching was completely perplexed. It had no idea where Yang Huo was going with this. Its Host was clearly not following the cliche script right now.

As everyone in the room absorbed Yang Huo's words in silence, not knowing how to react, one person, however, stayed quiet for a different reason, and Yang Huo glanced at that person.

"What's wrong? Are you not following?" He inquired.

Su Zhiyuan felt immense pressure when Yang Huo fixed his gaze on him. He wanted to get his father to help him but....

"You should have had an idea from listening just now, but the secret realm is about to open soon. Unfortunately, your father here appears to harbor concerns that I may have disclosed this information to other factions in the city."

Yang Huo then shot a look towards the servant.

"So using this uncle over here, they tried to extract clues through my reaction by indirectly accusing me of it..... but after realizing they won't get anything, they acted as if nothing happened and redirected all the blame of offending me to this uncle instead."

It was not a bad move, requiring a certain level of coordination between the two... it allowed the Su Family to poke around the limit without needing to face real consequences for any mishaps. Yet, in the end, such actions amounted to nothing but an insult to him.

Su Zhiyuan sought to defuse the tension. "Master Yang Huo, there must be a misunderstanding..."

But Yang Huo offered a mocking smile in return. "Misunderstanding? I agreed."

"Think about it. What reason would drive them to risk accusing and offending me? To ensure I'm not stupid enough? That I'm not an idiot who thought that leaking the secret and offending the whole Su Family is a good move? That doesn't add up."

Yang Huo continued. "But what if the secret was already leaked? What if they are searching for someone who spilled the beans? Then everything makes sense."

"Even if they were mistaken about me, that's still one less person to worry about. However, if I am indeed the culprit, well, that's probably the best-case scenario for them. Isn't that right, Elder?"

Yang Huo shot a look at Elder Su Zhenhua.

Elder Su Zhenhua felt his whole body restless. Yang Huo's perceptiveness had caught him off guard. It was indeed risky to use such a method against an observant person. However, all the rumors surrounding Yang Huo had always been negative. He never considered Yang Huo to be one such person. Were these rumors a deliberate design?

Observing the Elder's disconcerted reaction, Yang Huo sighed. "I suppose I am correct."

Before the Elder could respond, Yang Huo took the initiative once again, this time taking everyone by surprised.

"I don't mind giving you a hand with the problem. What do you think?"

This unexpected statement left everyone in a state of bewilderment. Didn't Yang Huo felt offended just now and decided to expose everything out as petty tricks in order to mock Elder Su Zhenhua? Why did he suddenly had a change of heart and even offered assistance instead?

Noting everyone's face filled with confusion, Yang Huo rolled his eyes.

"What's the matter? We only got off on the wrong foot. Is it strange for me to extend a helping hand to a partner?"

Indeed, not only that, helping the Su Family will also clear the suspicion on Yang Huo himself. So from this point of view, this action did make sense.

But regardless, a hush fell over the room. If everyone just now could follow what happened, this time for sure, none of them saw it coming.

But unlike others, although it took him a while, Elder Su Zhenhua suddenly grasped Yang Huo's hidden meaning.

After clearing his throat, Elder Su Zhenhua opened his mouth, "We did indeed begin on the wrong foot. I assure you, there will be compensation later.... as for your assistance, how do you plan to help us?"

Yang Huo nodded at this and showed a positive expression. Fortunately, this Elder was a little capable.

"It depends. I need context."

  1. Not following the script:
    Not following the so-called cliche. Or what the 'usually' expected response. (Not necessarily a bad or a good thing)
    A kid got approach by gangsters but instead of confronting them, the MC took a picture and called the police before leaving.