Quite.... a Violent Threat!

The servant gracefully bent her knees and offered a deep bow as the couple strolled past her. "Greetings, honorable guest," she uttered, her voice resonating with respect.

However, as her gaze fell upon the woman, her words faltered for a moment. "And greetings... young lady."

The couple paid no heed to the servant as they fixed their attention ahead. Leaving the servant to observe their passing silently.

By now, Yang Huo had encountered several servants and guards. Which further reinforced his suspicion that the Su family had indeed abandoned the part of the residence he had been in just a minute ago.

Yet, as he pondered about this, his gaze returned to the one guiding the way for him, a beautiful lady who seemed entirely absorbed in the surrounding scenery.

'She hadn't said a single word since then.'

Yang Huo couldn't even muster a dry laugh at this. He genuinely thought this woman would be eager to start a conversation with him. But jokes on him. She didn't even spare him a glance.

It felt like he'd been forgotten...

A wry smile emerged at the corner of Yang Huo's mouth. He couldn't believe he was feeling sour over this. Should he laugh now?

Yang Huo slowly shook his head. This was not acceptable. He had to converse with her one way or another.

As they walked alone in the dimly lit corridor, surrounded by beautiful flora, their footsteps were the only companions accompanying them. And at this moment, finally, Yang Huo broke the silence between the two of them.

"I almost forgot to ask, but where had you been just now?"

Yang Huo looked at the woman in front of him, but..... 2 seconds passed... 4 seconds passed... He really waited for a long time, but she never showed any sign of listening to him, not to mention turning and responding to him.

Yang Huo became speechless. Was he being ignored, or was the girl's mind on another plane of existence?

At one moment, she was excited when she met him, but the next moment, she acted as if they were complete strangers. Just what–... wait... was she employing the damn hot and cold tactic?

...Was she toying with him?

And the more he thought about it, the more it explained her actions.

Yang Huo sneered in his mind. 'Fine. Two can play at this game.' after thinking so, with a subtle gesture, he reached out and lightly tapped her shoulder.

While she turned to meet his gaze, he softened his expression and his lips formed a gentle curve as he leaned in slightly. Positioning himself just within her intimate zone, the distance between their noses was not too close, but still allowing them to feel each other's soft breath. It was just subtle enough to create a slight fluster in one's mind.

And in an enchanting, tender voice, he spoke with his crescent lips. "Lovable, don't you think? ....The garden?"

But the woman truly lives up to her unpredictability.

The woman met his gaze, and after locking eyes with Yang Huo for a short brief moment, took her eyes away, and responded in a tone devoid of emotion. "Yeah... it is."

'Oho~~?' this sparked Yang Huo's curiosity.

But before he could delve further into their interaction, her face suddenly lit up with excitement and darted forward.

Yang Huo's eyes trailed her as she goes into the room–

'Wait, isn't that my room?' he realized as his steps swiftly quickened to catch up with her. 'Did that darn owl seriously forget to close the door before leaving?'

Finding her standing with her arms behind her back, surveying the room with evident curiosity. Yang Huo felt compelled to stop her as he watched her walking left and right and spinning around as if she was in some kind of museum.

"Do you need something?" he asked, halting her exploration.

The woman turned to him, with curiosity still lingering in her gaze. "Why don't I see any of your things here?"

Her question caught Yang Huo off guard. Was she dead serious right now?

But she.... didn't seem to be lying?

"Of.... course. I've only just arrived here this evening."

Realization quickly dawned on her face. "Aah, so you've only been here for a day? That makes sense!" she exclaimed.

But following her words, the two became quiet while standing inside this dark room.

After a moment of awkward silence, during which neither of them seemed to know what to say, she offered a slightly embarrassed smile before swiftly stepping out of the room and clearing her throat.

"Anyway, I'm going back now... b-bye bye!" she stuttered, her legs already in motion as she disappeared into the distance.

Yang Huo was left feeling perplexed by what had just happened.

Shaking his head, Yang Huo didn't know how to react. 'It... seemed it will take a long while to figure her out.' reflecting on the bizarre situation, he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as he proceeded to close the door.

But just as he was about to shut it, an arm unexpectedly blocked his path. Yang Huo quickly slid the door back open again, only to be surprised to find a familiar face standing before him.

Staring at the lovely lady again, his confusion only deepened. "What's wrong?"

The young woman's expression remained solemn as she extended her hand toward him, her palm open as if she were asking for something.

A sense of familiarity washed over Yang Hu–

"My necklace, can you give it back now?" she blurted in a heavy tone.

Obviously, Yang Huo didn't understand what she–... wait... necklace?

"....The keepsake?"

"Yes, my mother's keepsake. Don't tell me you forgot about it." the woman furrowed her brows and confirmed Yang Huo's suspicion.

"I know you're the one who holds it all this time."

In that instant, the gear in Yang Huo's brain turned into overdrive. Although this newfound information baffled him, he prioritized handling the current situation properly.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Huo seamlessly slipped into the persona of the original Yang Huo he had been envisioning in his mind.

A sly grin graced his lips as he nonchalantly leaned against the door, exuding an air of casual confidence.

"You already know the answer, don't you?"

The young lady, Su Meiying, narrowed her gaze in response. "So you won't give it back?"

But Yang Huo didn't change his smiling expression and maintained his silence.

A heavy atmosphere descended, punctuated only by the intense stare-down between Su Meiying and Yang Huo.

As the tension escalated, approaching a suffocating atmosphere. Su Meiying finally broke the gaze while exhaling a resigned sigh.

Despite the disappointment etched on her face, she appeared to have accepted the matter. "Then at least, keep my necklace safe.... please. You know it's important to me."

But once again, Yang Huo remained silent, simply observing—

In a sudden motion, Su Meiying retrieved a strikingly familiar white pill and hastily shoved it into her mouth, biting down on it with an almost alarming force. It was a very, very rough motion. Her expression, particularly her eyes, was completely menacing throughout the process.

After giving such a violent treatment to the pill, she swiftly turn and departed from the scene without a word.


Y-Yang Huo's eyes twitched uncontrollably at what he had just witnessed.

'Was that.... a threat???'

  1. Context: Hot & Cold tactic (Dating)
    'hot and cold' refers to a behavior where one alternates between showing interest and indifference. And this sudden gap was meant to entice the receiving party's desire and longing.... Quite a manipulative tactic.
  2. Context: Intimate Zone
    Just type Intimate zone on google or Proxemics. And look at the images. It should give you enough ideas.