Crazy night

They looked at each other in silence. Charles went to the living room. He calls Handel into the room.

-Come on. That I have something important to discuss with you.

-Oh! Okay, dear friend! He hurried to the couch next to Charles.

He looked at the king, smiling, but also a little confident, he said:

- Go a little further because it's too intimate for me for this moment.

- But what happens if I get even closer to you? Handel says enthusiastically and gets even closer to him.

Charles tries to get away from this envious man. Handel takes him in his arms. And Charles gets up and pushes him, but in vain! Handel was tight around Charles. He pulls him to the ground. They both fall.

-AAAARGH! That would be damn huge! For this you are two meters and forty three?! To kill me?

- That's how it happened! Charles said nervously to Handel.

- Do you know that I am the king of Dridall? Handel changed the subject. I'm going to challenge you.

They both get up and sit on the couch again. There remains a moment of silence, be moved. Charles looked into Handel's eyes and asked:

-What challenge are you giving me? he asks, curious.

- I dare you to moan...

Being a mind reader, Charles interrupts Handel, saying the right word in his place.

- Do you kiss? I don't want a kiss, man!

Handel slapped his face.

- Alas, you are always stupid! Are you really stupid or are you faking it?

-I am not stupid! Charles countered shyly.

-Finally! Now, will you give me a kiss?

Charles changed the subject again.

- Well... I wanted to discuss today's meeting. Has something happened or is something changing?

- Well... It was hard to control Serena to calm down from laughing...

- I don't care what she said or what she did. I wonder if they believed me about this dragon!

-Oh! Only priests and monks believed you. but Doctor Nicholas is a stubborn fool! Because I know him, he didn't go to school. I don't know how he became a doctor... Only you are the only one with school.

-I understand... And they planned something to eliminate the dragon? Charles asked thoughtfully.

- Yes, Pontifex Veronica planned for you to destroy his precious star.

-And this old woman? He has had the same plans for many years and I keep doing the same thing and nothing!

- Yes... And priest Laurent contradicted the pontiff who said that I must go with you and the others.

-Which others? And Hasumi, Abram and Serena.

- Yes, and Howard, your brother and Jonah.

-Seriously?? A half-brother who will ruin this important and perilous journey for me? With Jonah?? What the hell am I supposed to do with a math teacher? to say how much is a cosine with I don't know what? says Charles nervously when he heard these names.

- Well... maybe you don't know. Jonah has a magical power that you don't know about. He can control the emotions and movements of others, when he has these rings on his tail and in his eyes and changes his colors according to his emotions.

- Do you think I can believe you anything? He only knows how to teach math!

- But do you remember when you were at my birthday party when you couldn't stand him anymore and he changed the color of his tail to black, then you became a whiny child and danced. Handel started to laugh.

- Well... maybe he lost his magic power since he started teaching math.

Handel looked out the window, looked at the cuckoo clock, because it was past eleven in the evening, he said.

-I should go, Charles. Tomorrow you will come in the dignity of the palace! That I caught someone a supporter of the Star Dragon.

- Good, Handel. Have a nice evening. They goes out together. Charles remains on the threshold of the entrance door, and Handel mounts his black horse. Leaves.

Charles enters the house. He saw Ra on the table, next to Doodle-C. They were sleeping. He remembered the yellowed paper. He opened it and began to read: "On the nineteenth of next autumn".

-What the hell is this? I will keep...