Getting Started

It's four in the morning. Someone knocked on the door. Serena was with the others, ready for the long journey. Handel got up. After that, Charles took his head out of the quilt, not having another separate bed in the palace. They stare at Serena.

- In what... my children? cursed Handel, irritated.

Serena looks at the wizard, then laughs and tells Howard.

- Come on, what's your brother doing! He's talking nonsense! let's go on the road! Believing about Charles otherwise.

-Oh God! Howard gestures to Charles.

-What is it? he asked curiously.

- But you don't have a wife, man?

-Yes! But she is stubborn. He doesn't deserve me.

Serena grimaced. Sticks out his tongue at him and says.

-I!? Oh, you bastard! You're talking about me

They waited for Handel to prepare. They all went out through the palace door. There was Alastor, Howard's dark red dragon, and Tarah, Serena's tiger, and Standof, Jonah's horse. The people around wished them a good journey. The hikers waved at people, happy. They set off. Charles pulled out a map, which looked along the dotted line. They reached the Dragon's Skull forest. Everything was risky. Many dragon skulls confuse them on their way. An exclamation was heard from above.

-Like so! Get tangled up in these skulls! I'm the lucky one!

It was Howard on the dragon. Holding onto the creature's horns, he stuck out his tongue at the others.

-Guess who's behind you, Howard! Your stupid brother!

-Why numb?

Charles laughs and pushes Howard.

- Go fly! You have wings too, you sloth!

Poof! Howard landed on a dragon skull. The skull moved. It was a dragon! Howard started screaming and got off the creature. Charles jumps off the dragon and, at speed, flies towards his fellows, ordering:

- Praesidium!

A transparent semicircle suddenly appeared above them, except for Howard.

-Charles! You forgot Howard! cried Hasumi, frightened.

- Eight! Charles girl. Guardianship pro Howard!

The dragon wanted to bite Howard, but it was impossible for him, being that he is protected. Charles comes out of the semicircle and fights the monster. Gesture to create a flaming sword. Hasumi also came out to help him. He ordered Hasumi to grow from the ground a huge bundle of poison ivy, clinging to the dragon's legs. The dragon got stuck, but managed to break the plant by force. In vain. He let out a groan due to the rose thorns growing around him. Charles took a sword of fire and stuck it in the mouth of the dihania. The creature roared and died. The flesh, the scales, some tamed parts of the creature and the skin had become dust and blown away with the wind.

Only the skull of the creature remained, like a fossil.

- Phew! I solved that too. Charles sighed, burning his sword hand.

-Doesn't it hurt? Hasumi asked him.

-I'm not ok.