
There were no traces of his descendants anywhere. There were only traces of creatures and other breaths. Charles felt lost. Without his pet, Ra, he felt very depressed. He kept going through the dangerous jungle. Everything was muddy and smelled terrible. The vines are tangled, even some animals are stuck and some bones are left. While he was walking, he came across a trap. It was of the ancient Indians, the Nisipul-Gator trap. He howled and tried to escape from there, flying, but nothing.

The old Indians also appeared, howling with happiness with spears in hand. They were painted with brick pigment on the face, with monkey bones in the nose and ears, tousled hair. Their skin was soiled with brick-colored earth, painted with greenish and white pigment on their faces, thighs, hands and feet. They were tattooed through cuts. They were dancing around Charles, meanwhile, screaming.

- Let me go, cannibals! Charles screamed.


They danced around him. They screamed happily. The tribe moved aside when their leader appeared. The leader knew how to speak. He went to Charles stuck in quicksand, looked at him for a long time and said.

-Hmmm... I think you are the witch doctor! He was still looking at him until the leader ordered the tribe to release him. It was a pain for Charles to get out of the sand. It was full of sand in it; in shoes, jacket, pockets and pants, even in the mouth. When he came out, he spat all the sand out of his mouth.

-Bleah! Do you realize what it's like to have sand in your mouth? That you will also have sand in your kidneys, gall bladder and others if you swallow sand! Charles says tired and dizzy after struggling to get out of the sand.

The leader ordered the tribe to clean it of sand and take it to the leader's tent. After he got there, he served them with green worm tea. Charles was disgusted by this tea, but he had nothing to do, wait for a loud noise to distract the leader and then throw the tea on the ground. A loud noise was heard, it distracted the leader, and Charles immediately threw the tea on the ground and pretended to "drink". The leader looked at Charles, and smiled and brotherly patted the tea-scratched doctor on the shoulder. He smiled until Charles asked him:

-Have you seen the king of Dridall?

-A! Your majesty who has helped me a lot and is still helping me? I definitely saw him with others passing by!

Charles sighed. He looked at him maniacally and said.

- They left me without a trace! I was fighting infected people and they left me far behind....

The leader looked at Charles for a long time, sighing... but actually, he was pretending. He laughs out loud and says.

-Look, my man! I'm in one of those tents over there! They stayed here! They didn't go anywhere else.

Charles stared in wonder. He thanks him and runs to the tent where the others were.